RD Station + Viral Loops integration using NodeJS + Express
This project is a starting point if you want to integrate RD Station and Viral Loops campaigns.
Remember to replace "VIRAL_LOOPS_CAMPAIGN_API_TOKEN" into 'src\controllers\participant_controller.js' with VIRAL CAMPAIGN TOKEN.
You also need to create a field named "referral" into the RD Station Form and include the code below at the Javascript Body, replacing the 'rd-text_field-id':
var _referralField = document.getElementById("rd-text_field-id"); _referralField.value = get('referral'); _referralField.style.visibility="hidden"; $('#rd-text_field-id').parents('.bricks-form__field').children('label').html(' ');
Now, create a webhook into the RD Station, pointing to your https://your-url:port/set (port is 3000 by default).