- Fix detect ios, (new iPad)
- Fix stick on max resolution
- Fix bug startCameraMaxResolution() without choosing camera.
- #73 Remove list of cameras to the startCamera() and startCameraMaxResolution() and return only resolve(stream).
- Remove getInputVideoDeviceInfos(), use enumerateCameras() instead.
- #73 Add list of cameras to the startCamera() and startCameraMaxResolution() and return promise with parameters resolve(stream, cameras).
- enumerateCameras() return promises of resolve (cameras).
- getInputVideoDeviceInfos() is now depreciated, use enumerateCameras() instead.
- #25 Fix max resolution not working ios.
- Add plugin downloadPhoto and fix README.md
- #35 Add support for selecting a camera by deviceId
- #47 Add polyfilled version of navigator.mediaDevices
- #29 Add getInputVideoDeviceInfos() method
- #9 fix startCameraMaxResolution console error when permission denied
- Fix this.stream.getTracks(...)[0].getSettings is not a function for old browser
- Add umd suport bowser, can be used with <script> tag (npm run buildBrowser)
- Fix Invalid constraint on safari when default value is used.