Make sure jax and jaxtyping are installed. Then, either install from PyPI
pip install jax-f16
or install from github
pip install --upgrade git+
from jax_f16.f16 import F16
f16 = F16()
x, u = f16.trim_state(), f16.trim_control()
assert x.shape == (F16.NX,) and u.shape == (F16.NU,)
xdot = f16.xdot(x, u)
If you would like to use jax-f16
in a publication, please cite our paper for this implementation
AUTHOR = {Oswin So AND Chuchu Fan},
TITLE = {{Solving Stabilize-Avoid Optimal Control via Epigraph Form and Deep Reinforcement Learning}},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of Robotics: Science and Systems},
YEAR = {2023},
as well as the paper for the original implementation
title={Verification Challenges in F-16 Ground Collision Avoidance and Other Automated Maneuvers.},
author={Heidlauf, Peter and Collins, Alexander and Bolender, Michael and Bak, Stanley},
booktitle={ARCH@ ADHS},