This file is used to list changes made in each version of the RTC web proxy.
- [] - RTC client that fulfills all requirements listed in Task 144144 (initial release).
- [] - Removed test log attaching feature to save RTC resource and reduce takt time.
- [] - Added code section in the RTCClient.getWorkItemStatus method to show all available work item status in the log.
- [] - Modified the schema and APIs to accommodate Junit results from Cucumber and added build information. (2016-Jul-21)
- [] - Modified API /getBuildPassRates to take buildName as an optional parameter. (2016-Aug-27)
- [] - Added API /getBuildLatestTestResults to retrieve latest test results of a given build. (2016-Sep-01)
- [] - Added functionalities (DB schema & APIs) to support processing Brakeman scan results on Jenkins. (2016-Nov-22)
- [] - Added API to exit established RTC instance. (2017-Mar-14)
- [] - Added functionalities (DB & APIs) to support cookbook dependency check by Berkshelf on Jenkins. (2017-Mar-18)
- [] - Differentiated 'filed against' value in RTC for different project components. (2017-Apr-29)
- [] - Added test report HTML link as a comment to defect. (2017-May-17)
- [] - Fixed work item status management issue by disconnecting workitem from working copy manager after operation. (2017-Jun-01)
- [] - Updated syncRTCDefectStatus API to sync latest defects only, instead of all. (2017-Jun-07)
- [] - Fixed build pass rate retrieval error in terms of defect counts. (2017-Jun-23)
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