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File metadata and controls

67 lines (64 loc) · 3.32 KB

Designed to be used as a Vue component: Vue.component(element, Calus) where element is the name of the template i.e. 'calendar-calus'. You can then use:

<calendar-calus inline-template></calendar-calus>


You can pass the following props from the template:

  • time-zone: defaults to local otherwise can be explicitly set (i.e. Europe/London)
  • available-dates: list of dates which are available to select (luxon DateTime format)
  • display-in-column: whether to show all the months in a column, or a single month with controls to change which month is shown
  • linear-dates: linear view for when showing a free flowing calendar
  • week-starts-on-sunday: force the day to start on sunday instead of default monday. Accepts true/false
  • on-select: callback for when an available date is clicked
  • allow-scrolling-outside-of-date-range: defaults to false, set to true if you want to be able to scroll to months outside of available date range
  • month-controls-classes: array of classes that control the previous/next month buttons i.e. ['.month__control--prev', '.month__control--next']. This is used in conjunction with display-in-column: false and allow-scrolling-outside-of-date-range: false and sets a disabled class on the appropriate previous/next button


  • select(): method to call when clicking on a date. Uses function passed into prop on-select for logic
  • scrollMonth(): pass any number (positive or negative) to scrolle forward/previous n months

Example Template

	:month-controls-classes="['.month__control--prev', '.month__control--next']"
    <div class="month-container" v-bind:class="{ 'month-container--column': displayInColumn }">
        <div class="month" v-for="month in months" v-bind:data-month="month.time.toFormat('MM/y')">
            <div class="month__header">
            <button type="button" class="month__control month__control--prev" :disabled="month.disablePrevScroll" v-if="!displayInColumn" v-on:click="scrollMonth(-1)"></button>
            <div class="month__text">
                {{ month.time.toFormat(month.isInCurrentYear ? 'MMMM' : 'MMMM y') }}
            <button type="button" class="month__control month__control--next" v-if="!displayInColumn" v-on:click="scrollMonth(1)"></button>
            <div class="month__days">
            <div class="day"
                v-for="day in month.days"
                'is-today': day.isToday,
                'is-not-today': !day.isToday,
                'is-available': day.isAvailable,
                'is-not-available': !day.isAvailable,
                'is-past': day.isPast,
                'is-future': day.isFuture,
                'is-selected': day.isSelected,
                'is-this-month': day.isThisMonth,
                'is-different-month': !day.isThisMonth,
                <div class="day__inner">
                    {{ }}