!!! working in progress !!!
An experiment of a project structure with many repository from different sources/providers in dotnet core 5.
Open visual studio and create a ASP.NET Core Web API
Give a Solution name (for example: it.example.dotnetcore5) and add a project name to solution name (for example: it.example.dotnetcore5.webapi)
Select Target Framework as .NET 5.0 (Current), Authentication Type None.
This project will be your WebApi controllers.
Add a new project Class library (for .NET Standard or .NET Core), call it (for example: it.example.dotnetcore5.domain) and select Target Framework as .NET 5.0 (Current)
This project will be your domain model class. This project contains Interfaces (models, repositories and services) and Classes for the Models of the solution.
Add a new project Class library (for .NET Standard or .NET Core), call it (for example: it.example.dotnetcore5.dal.<your_provider>) and select Target Framework as .NET 5.0 (Current)
This project will be your dal classes and contexts, you have to create a project for each providers you need (for example: json, restapi, csv, mysql ef, sqlserver ef, sqllite ef, etc).
This project have reference to Domain project for import Interfaces.
Add this nuget packages:
- Dapper
- Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Abstractions
- MySql.Data
- System.Data.SqlClient
Install the follow nuget package:
- Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore
- Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Design
- Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Tools (for scaffolding)
- Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer
Set this project as Startup project (in our case this is a library and not the primary project - webapi project)
Open Package Manager Console and set this project as "Default project", run this command:
Scaffold-DbContext <your_connection_string> Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer -OutputDir <your_folder_ef> -Table <your_table> -f
- <your_connection_string> : is the connection string of your sql server db
- <your_folder_ef> : is the folder where you want put model created with scaffolding
- (optional) <your_table> : use param -Table if you want made scaffolding of specific table (without it will be created all the table in database)
- (optional) -f : use for override existing ef models and Context.
You can run the same command any time you want create or update the ef models.
Install the follow nuget package:
- Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore
- Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Design
- Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Tools (for scaffolding)
Set this project as Startup project (in our case this is a library and not the primary project - webapi project)
Open Package Manager Console and set this project as "Default project", run this command:
Scaffold-DbContext <your_connection_string> MySql.EntityFrameworkCore -OutputDir <your_folder_ef> -Table <your_table> -f
- <your_connection_string> : is the connection string of your sql server db
- <your_folder_ef> : is the folder where you want put model created with scaffolding
- (optional) <your_table> : use param -Table if you want made scaffolding of specific table (without it will be created all the table in database)
- (optional) -f : use for override existing ef models and Context.
You can run the same command any time you want create or update the ef models.
Install the follow nuget package:
- Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore
- Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Design
- Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Tools (for scaffolding)
Download sqlite dll and tools from this website https://sqlite.org/download.html
Extract file in a folder (for example c:\sqlite)
Add path in system variables
Install a client for query to db (for example https://dbeaver.io/)
Create database open console, launch command
sqlite3 <db_name>.db
and then, when sqlite promp is ready
now you have a ready database to open with client
Install the follow nuget package:
- Newtonsoft.Json
Add a new project Class library (for .NET Standard or .NET Core), call it (for example: it.example.dotnetcore5.bl) and select Target Framework as .NET 5.0 (Current)
Install the follow nuget package:
- NUnit
- NUnit3TestAdapter
- NSubstitute
- Microsoft.NET.Test.SDK (for using vs Test Explorer)
Install the follow nuget package:
- NUnit
- NUnit3TestAdapter
- NSubstitute
- Microsoft.NET.Test.SDK (for using vs Test Explorer)
- Microsoft.AspNetCore.MVC.Testing (for create a Test Server)
When use test, re-configure Startup file in WebApi project, for example using a FakeRepository