Detailed explanation of ClickHouse HTTP interface is given in documentation. It's recommended to create a dedicated read-only user for graphite-clickhouse.
Example: url = "http://graphite:qwerty@localhost:8123/?readonly=2&log_queries=1"
Some useful parameters:
- log_queries=1: all queries will be logged in the
table. Useful for debug. - readonly=2: do not change data on the server
- max_rows_to_read=200000000: useful if you want to prevent too broad requests
- cancel_http_readonly_queries_on_client_close=1: cancel DB query when request is canceled.
All these and more settings can be set in clickhouse-server configuration as user's profile settings.
Useless settings:
: at the moment external data is used, the query length is relatively small and always less than the default 262144max_ast_elements
: the samemax_execution_time
: withcancel_http_readonly_queries_on_client_close=1
anddata-timeout = "1m"
it's already covered.
See index table documentation for details.
By default the daemon decides to make a direct or reversed request to the index table based on a first and last glob node in the metric. It choose the most long path to reduce readings. Additional examples can be found in tests.
You can overwrite automatic behavior with index-reverse
. Valid values are "auto", direct, "reversed"
If you need fine tuning for different paths, you can use [[clickhouse.index-reverses]]
to set behavior per metrics' prefix
, suffix
or regexp
For detailed description of max-data-points
and internal-aggregation
see aggregation documentation.
The rollup configuration is used for a proper metrics pre-aggregation. It contains two rules types:
- retention for point per time range
- aggregation function for a values
Historically, the way to define the config was rollup-conf = "/path/to/the/conf/with/graphite_rollup.xml"
. The format is the same as graphite_rollup scheme for ClickHouse server.
For a quite long time it's recommended to use rollup-conf = "auto"
to get the configuration from remote ClickHouse server. It will update itself each minute.
If you don't use a GraphiteMergeTree
family engine, you can still use rollup-conf = "auto"
by setting rollup-auto-table="graphiteMergeTreeTable"
and get the proper config. In this case graphiteMergeTreeTable
is a dummy table associated with proper graphite_rollup. The cases when you may need it:
- ReplacingMergeTree engine
- Distributed engine
- Materialized view
It's possible as well to set rollup-conf = "none"
. Then values from rollup-default-precision
and rollup-default-function
will be used.
When reverse = true
is set for data-table, there are two possibles cases for graphite_rollup:
- Original regexps are used, like
- Reversed regexps are used, like
Depends on it for having a proper retention and aggregation you must additionally set rollup-use-reverted = true
for the first case and rollup-use-reverted = false
for the second.
Only one tag used as filter for index field Tag1, see graphite_tagged table structure
So, if the first tag in filter is costly (poor selectivity), like environment (with several possible values), query perfomance will be degraded.
Tune this with tagged-costs
tagged-costs = { "environment" = { cost: 100 }, "project" = { values-cost = { "HugeProject" = 90 } } # overwrite tag value cost for some value only }
Default cost is 0 and positive or negative numbers can be used. So if environment is first tag filter in query, it will used as primary only if no other filters with equal operation. Costs from values-cost also applied to regex match or wilrdcarded equal.
The configuration to get metrics from carbon-cache. See details in graphite-web documentation.
TODO: add the real use-case configuration.
It's possible to set multiple loggers. See Config
description in config.go for details.
# general listener
listen = ":9090"
# listener to serve /debug/pprof requests. '-pprof' argument overrides it
pprof-listen = ""
max-cpu = 1
# limit number of results from find query, 0=unlimited
max-metrics-in-find-answer = 0
# limit numbers of queried metrics per target in /render requests, 0 or negative = unlimited
max-metrics-per-target = 15000
# daemon returns empty response if query matches any of regular expressions
# target-blacklist = []
# daemon will return the freed memory to the OS when it>0
memory-return-interval = "0s"
# additional request headers to log
headers-to-log = []
# see
url = "http://localhost:8123?cancel_http_readonly_queries_on_client_close=1"
# total timeout to fetch data
data-timeout = "1m0s"
# see doc/
index-table = "graphite_index"
index-use-daily = true
# see doc/
index-reverse = "auto"
# [[clickhouse.index-reverses]]
# rule is used when the target suffix is matched
# suffix = "suffix"
# same as index-reverse
# reverse = "auto"
# [[clickhouse.index-reverses]]
# rule is used when the target prefix is matched
# prefix = "prefix"
# same as index-reverse
# reverse = "direct"
# [[clickhouse.index-reverses]]
# rule is used when the target regex is matched
# regex = "regex"
# same as index-reverse
# reverse = "reversed"
# total timeout to fetch series list from index
index-timeout = "1m0s"
# 'tagged' table from carbon-clickhouse, required for seriesByTag
tagged-table = "graphite_tagged"
# or how long the daemon will query tags during autocomplete
tagged-autocomplete-days = 7
# costs for tags (for tune which tag will be used as primary), by default is 0, increase for costly (with poor selectivity) tags
# [clickhouse.tagged-costs]
# old index table, DEPRECATED, see description in doc/
# tree-table = ""
# reverse-tree-table = ""
# date-tree-table = ""
# date-tree-table-version = 0
# tree-timeout = "0s"
# is not recommended to use,
# tag-table = ""
# add extra prefix (directory in graphite) for all metrics, w/o trailing dot
extra-prefix = ""
# TCP connection timeout
connect-timeout = "1s"
# will be removed in 0.14
# data-table = ""
# rollup-conf = "auto"
# max points per metric when internal-aggregation=true
max-data-points = 1048576
# ClickHouse-side aggregation, see doc/
internal-aggregation = true
# data table from carbon-clickhouse
table = "graphite_data"
# if it stores direct or reversed metrics
reverse = false
# maximum age stored in the table
max-age = "0s"
# minimum age stored in the table
min-age = "0s"
# maximum until-from interval allowed for the table
max-interval = "0s"
# minimum until-from interval allowed for the table
min-interval = "0s"
# table allowed only if any metrics in target matches regexp
target-match-any = ""
# table allowed only if all metrics in target matches regexp
target-match-all = ""
# custom rollup.xml file for table, 'auto' and 'none' are allowed as well
rollup-conf = "auto"
# custom table for 'rollup-conf=auto', useful for Distributed or MatView
rollup-auto-table = ""
# is used when none of rules match
rollup-default-precision = 0
# is used when none of rules match
rollup-default-function = ""
# should be set to true if you don't have reverted regexps in rollup-conf for reversed tables
rollup-use-reverted = false
# valid values are 'graphite' of 'prometheus'
context = []
# is not recommended to use,
# [tags]
# rules = ""
# date = ""
# extra-where = ""
# input-file = ""
# output-file = ""
server = ""
threads-per-request = 10
connect-timeout = "50ms"
query-timeout = "50ms"
# timeout for querying and parsing response
total-timeout = "500ms"
# allows to set URL for redirect manually
external-url = ""
page-title = "Prometheus Time Series Collection and Processing Server"
# see doc/
# the directory for additional debug output
directory = ""
# permissions for directory, octal value is set as 0o755
directory-perm = 493
# permissions for directory, octal value is set as 0o640
external-data-perm = 0
# handler name, default empty
logger = ""
# '/path/to/filename', 'stderr', 'stdout', 'empty' (=='stderr'), 'none'
file = "/var/log/graphite-clickhouse/graphite-clickhouse.log"
# 'debug', 'info', 'warn', 'error', 'dpanic', 'panic', and 'fatal'
level = "info"
# 'json' or 'console'
encoding = "mixed"
# 'millis', 'nanos', 'epoch', 'iso8601'
encoding-time = "iso8601"
# 'seconds', 'nanos', 'string'
encoding-duration = "seconds"
# passed to time.ParseDuration
sample-tick = ""
# first n messages logged per tick
sample-initial = 0
# every m-th message logged thereafter per tick
sample-thereafter = 0