This is a simple employee management application built using JavaFX and utilizing CSV (Comma-Separated Values) as the data source.
- Users who entered an incorrect username and/or password will not be able to access the application.
- View a list of employees stored in a CSV file.
- Add new employees to the CSV file.
- Edit employee information (name, hourly rate, position, etc.).
- Delete employees from the CSV file.
- View a list of attendances stored in a CSV file
- Add new attendance to the CSV file
- Edit attendance(date and time in or timeout)
- Delete attendance from CSV file.
- User can specify a employee number, select month by a combo box and input year
- User exceptions handler for invalid inputs.
- View breakdown of computations for weekly gross salary with weekly hours worked.
- View deductions(SSS, Philhealth, Pagibig) and Witholding Tax.
- View monthly gross salary and net salary.
- View all employee with leaves by a tableview.
- Evaluate how many credits have been spent for the employee number given.
- If the employee credits have already been depleted, no further leave can be scheduled.
- Java Development Kit (JDK) 8 or above.
- JavaFX.
- a compatible Integrated Development Environment (IDE) like IntelliJ IDEA.
- Clone or download the repository to your local machine.
- Open the project in your preferred IDE.
- Make sure the JavaFX library is properly configured in your project settings.
- Build and run the application.
- The application will display login view.
- Upon success login, user can view different scenes(Employee, Attendance, Leave and Salary Calculator).
- To add new employee select button named Add New Employee. Put values for entire fields and hit save.
- To delete employee, select an item on tableview and hit Delete Employee button.
- To update employee, select an item on tableiview and modify it via text fields, once finished modifying the fields, hit Update Button.
- To search employee, enter any words on search field and hit Enter to execute your searched info.
- Micah Andrew F. Bule
- Mapúa Malayan Digital College, a new college of Malayan Colleges Laguna, a Mapúa school