File all-std.cxx
is an include-all-standard-headers file
intended to be built with
g++-10 all-std.cxx -std=c++2a -E > gcc-10-libstdc++-e.cpp2
clang++-12 all-std.cxx -std=c++2a -E > clang-12-libstdc++-e.cpp2
cl all-std.cxx -std:c++latest /E > msvc-msstl-e.cpp2
each of which generates a single .cpp2 test file representing the contents of a stdlib implementation.
Note: Not all implementations actually support all standard headers. So for each compiler invocation above just manually edit
to comment out the headers that implementation doesn't understand.
Each such .cpp2
file is then compiled with cppfront
and the output .cpp
file tested to be diff-identical ith the .cpp2
input, to ensure
that cppfront correctly passes Cpp1 code through unchanged.
Here's a test script:
cppfront gcc-10-libstdc++-e.cpp2
diff -s -Z gcc-10-libstdc++-e.cpp2 gcc-10-libstdc++-e.cpp
cppfront clang-12-libstdc++-e.cpp2
diff -s -Z clang-12-libstdc++-e.cpp2 clang-12-libstdc++-e.cpp
cppfront msvc-msstl-e.cpp2
diff -s -Z msvc-msstl-e.cpp2 msvc-msstl-e.cpp
Each diff should report "files ... are identical".