Code, collaborate, and chat together with discouse. The discourse platform offers real-time, cooperative code rooms. Choose from over 100 languages. Go beyond generic code sharing platforms, utilize powerful functionalities along with simple and intuitive interfaces. Try it out at Make sure to give it couple seconds for the backend on heroku to wake up.
git clone
cd discourse
cd server && npm i
cd ..
cd client && npm i
Both client, server, and socket url will need to be started up separately
cd client && npm run dev
cd client && npx y-websocket-server
cd server && npm run watch # actively compiles to javascript, hangs
cd server && npm run dev # runs the compiled javascript
Corresponding .env files are required in both the client and server directory.
NEXT_PUBLIC_API_URL=<url of API hosted by server>
NEXT_PUBLIC_SOCKET_URL=<url of websocket for p2p CRDT handling>
DATABASE_URI=<MongoDB connection url>
PORT=<port for server to listen on>
ACCESS_JWT_SECRET=<JWT secret, generated securely>
REFRESH_JWT_SECRET=<JWT secret, generated securely>
RECOVER_JWT_SECRET=<JWT secret, generated securely>
CORS_ORIGIN=<url of client, allow API calls from client>
- MongoDB Atlas - Persist rooms and users in the platform
- Yjs - Integrates CRDT (Conflict-free replicated data type) to prevent conflict issues in code rooms
- Express.js - Used to setup backend logic via REST API
- - Used sockets to implement real-time interactions between users
- Next.js - Used to do deliver better server/client-side rendering, faster pages!
- Node.js - Used as a Javascript runtime to build the platform
- Typescript - Superset of Javascipt, using static typing to enrich development
- React - Used to build frontend/user interface of the platofrm
- Chakra UI - Used to create accessible UI components