A C# client library for RabbitMQ 3.7+
Lapine is in the early stages of development and is definitely not suitable for use in your project(s) yet.
- Basic framing
- Method framing - Connection class
- Method framing - Channel class
- Method framing - Exchange class
- Method framing - Queue class
- Method framing - Basic class
- Method framing - Transaction class
- Content Header framing
- Content Body framing
- Heartbeat framing
- Error handling
- Protocol negotiation
- PLAIN authentication
- AMQPLAIN authentication
- EXTERNAL authentication
- Connection tuning
- Heartbeating
- Cluster node selection
- Automatic reconnection
- Open
- Close
- Declare
- Delete
- Declare
- Bind
- Unbind
- Purge
- Delete
- Publish
- Mandatory
- Immediate (Unsupported in RabbitMQ)
- Large messages (> MaxFrameSize)
- Qos
- Get
- Empty messages (content header only)
- Large messages (> MaxFrameSize)
- Consume
- Deliver
- Empty messages (content header only)
- Large messages (> MaxFrameSize)
- Concurrent message processing
- Ack
- Reject
- Cancel
- Return
- Empty messages (context header only)
- Large messages (> MaxFrameSize)
- Recover
- Select
- Commit
- Rollback
- Publisher Confirms
- Consumer Cancel
- Consumer Prefetch
- Consumer Priorities
- Direct Reply-to
- Blocked Connections
- Basic Nack
- Exchange To Exchange Binding
- Alternate Exchanges
- Sender Routing
- Dead Lettering
- Queue Length Limits
- Priority Queues
- Auth Failure
- Quorum Queues
- Streams (via AMQP)