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235 lines (160 loc) · 14.2 KB

File metadata and controls

235 lines (160 loc) · 14.2 KB


  • v1.27

    • Changed

      • Set the default for -lcc to 3 instead of 0 to only search the 3 latest indexes for Common Crawl instead of all of them.
  • v1.26

    • Changed

      • Allow an input value of just a TLD, e.g. .mil. If a TLD is passed then resources for all domains with that TLD will be retrieved. NOTE: If a TLD is passed then the Alien Vault OTX source is excluded because it needs a full domain.
  • v1.25

    • Changed

      • Fix a bug that always strips the port number from URLs found. It should only remove the port if it is :80 or :443
  • v1.24

    • Changed

      • Handle errors with the config file better. Display specific message to say if the file isn't found or if there is a formatting error. If there is any other kind of error, the error message will be displayed. THe default values will be used in the case of any of these errors.
  • v1.23

    • Changed

      • The -ko/--keywords-only argument can now be passed without a value, which will use the FILTER_KEYWORDS in config.yml as before, or passed with a Regex value that will be used instead. For example, -ko "admin" to only get links containing the word admin, or -ko "\.js(\?\|$)" to only get JS files. The Regex check is NOT case sensitive.
  • v1.22

    • Changed

      • Fix issue xnl-h4ck3r#23. If a file is passed as input, an error would occur if any of the domains in the file contained a capital letter or ended with a full stop. The regex in validateArgInput has been amended to fix this, adn any . on the end of a domain is stripped and domain converted to lowercase before processing.
  • v1.21

    • Changed

      • Fix issue xnl-h4ck3r#24. If the FILTER_CODE in config.yml is set to one status code then it is needs to be explicitly set to a string in getConfig()
  • v1.20

    • New

      • Add argument -fc for filtering HTTP status codes. Using this will override the FILTER_CODE value from config.yml. This is for specifying HTTP status codes you want to exclude from the results, and are provided in a comma separated list.
      • Add argument -mc for matching HTTP status codes. Using this will override the FILTER_CODE value from config.yml AND the -fc argument. This is for specifying HTTP status codes you want to match from the results, and are provided in a comma separated list.
    • Changed

      • Changed how filters are specified in the request to the Common Crawl API. Removes the regex negative lookahead which is not needed if you use filter=!
  • v1.19

    • Changed

      • Bug fix - ignore any blank lines in the input file when validating if input is in the correct format
  • v1.18

    • Changed

      • Cache the Common Crawl collinfo.json file locally. The file is only updated a few times per year so there is no point in requesting it every time waymore is run. Common Crawl can struggle with volume against it's API which can cause timeouts, and currently, about 10% of all requests they get are for the collinfo.json!
      • Add a HTTPAdapter specifically for Common Crawl to have retries and backoff_factor increased which seems to reduce the errors and maximize the results found.
  • v1.17

    • Changed
      • If an input file has a sub domain starting with _ or - then an error was raised, but these are valid. This bug has been fixed.
      • In addition to the fix above, the error message will show what line was flagged in error so the user can raise an issue on Github about it if they believe it is an error.
  • v1.16

    • Changed
      • Fix a bug that raises ERROR processURLOutput 6: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '' if the value passed to -oU has no directory specified as part of the file name.
  • v1.15

    • Changed
      • Fix bug that shows an error when -v is passed and -oU does not specify a directory, just a filename
  • v1.14

    • Changed
      • Fix a bug with the -c/--config option
  • v1.13

    • New

      • Added argument -oU/--output-urls to allow the user to specify a filename (including path) for the URL links file when -mode U (or Both) is used. If not passed, then the file waymore.txt will be created in the results/{target.domain} directory as normal. If a path is passed with the file, then any directories will be created. For example: -oU ~/Recon/Redbull/waymoreUrls.txt
      • Added argument -oR/--output-responses to allow the user to specify a directory (or path) where the archived responses and index.txt file is written when -mode R (or Both) is used. If any directories in the path do not exist they will be created. For example: -oR ~/Recon/Redbull/waymoreResponses
    • Changed

      • When removing all web archive references in the downloaded archived response, there were a few occasions this wasn't working so the regex has been changed to be more specific to ensure this works.
  • v1.12

    • New
      • Added argument -c / --config to specify the full path of a YML config file. If not passed, it looks for file config.yml in the same directory as runtime file
  • v1.11

    • New
      • Added argument -nlf/--new-links-file. If passed, and you run -mode U or -mode B to get URLs more than once for the same target, the waymore.txt will still be appended with new links (unless -ow is passed), but a new output file called will also be written. If there are no new links, the empty file will still be created. This can be used for continuous monitoring of a target.
      • Added a waymore folder containing a new file that contains the __version__ value.
      • Added argument --verison to display the current version.
      • Show better error messages if the site returns a Blocked Site Error.
    • Changed
      • If a file of domains is passed as input, make sure spaces are stripped from the lines.
      • Change .gitignore to include __pycache__.
      • Move images to waymore/images folder.
  • v1.10

    • New
      • If -mode U is run for the same target again, by default new links found will be added to the waymore.txt file and duplicates removed.
      • Added argument -ow/--output-overwrite that can be passed to force the waymore.txt file to be overwritten with newly found links instead of being appended.
    • Changed
      • Change the to reflect new changes
  • v1.9

    • New
      • Add functionality to continue downloading archived responses if it does not complete for any reason. When downloading archived responses, a file called responses.tmp will be created with the links of all responses that will be downloaded. There will also be a continueresp.tmp that will store the index of the current response being saved. If these files exist when run again, the user will be prompted whether to continue a previous run (so new filters will be ignored) or start a new one.
      • Add CONTINUE_RESPONSES_IF_PIPED to config.yml. If stdin or stdout is piped from another process, the user is not prompted whether they want a previous run of downloading responses. This value will determine whether to continue a previous run, or start a new one, in that situation.
    • Changed
      • Corrected the total pages shown when getting wayback URLs
      • Included missing packages in the requirements.txt document.
      • Fix Issue #16 (xnl-h4ck3r#16)
  • v1.8

    • Changed
      • When archived responses are saved as files, the extension .xnl will no longer be used if -url-filename is passed. If -url-filename is not passed then the filename is represented by a hash value. The extension of these files will be set to .xnl only of the original file type cannot be derived from the original URL.
  • v1.7

    • New
      • Added -xwm parameter to exclude getting URL's from Wayback Machine (
      • Added -lr/--limit-requests that can be used to limit the number of requests made per source (excluding Common Crawl) when getting URL's. For example, if you run waymore for -i it says there are 28,903,799 requests to that need to be made (that could take almost 1000 days for some people!!!). The default value for the argument is 0 (Zero) which will apply no limit as before. There is also an problem with the Wayback Machine CDX API where the number of pages returned is not correct when filters are applied and can cause issues. Setting this parameter to a sensible value can relieve that issue (it may take a while for to address the problem).
    • Changed
      • Make sure that filters in API URL's are escaped correctly
      • Add error handling to getMemory() to avoid any errors if psutil is not installed
  • v1.6

    • New
      • Add a docker option to run waymore. Include instructions in and a new DockerFile
    • Changed
      • If multiple domain/URLs are passed by file or STDIN, remove *. from the start of any input values.
      • Change the default FILTER_KEYWORDS to include more useful words.
      • If a link found from an API has port 80 or 443 specified, e.g. then remove the :80. Many links have this in so this could reduce the number of similar links reported.
      • Amend to include urlparse3 that is now used to get the domain and port of links found
  • v1.5

    • New
      • Add argument -ko/--keywords-only which if passed, will only get Links (unless -f is passed) that have a specified keyword in the URL, and will only download responses (regardless of -f) where the keyword is in the URL. These multiple keywords can be specified in config.yml in a comma separated list.
      • Add a FILTER_KEYWORDS key/pair to config.yml (and default value in code) initially set to admin,login,logon,signin,register,dashboard,portal,ftp,cpanel
    • Changed
      • Only add to the MIME type list if the -v option is used because they are not displayed otherwise.
      • Warn the user if there is a value missing from the config.yml file
      • Fixed small bug in getURLScanUrls that raised an error for getSPACER
  • v1.4

    • New
      • Added -m /--memory-threshold argument to set memory threshold percentage. If the machines memory goes above the threshold, the program will be stopped and ended gracefully before running out of memory (default: 95)
      • If -v verbose output was used, memory stats will be output at the end, and also shown on teh progress bar downloading responses.
      • Included psutil in
    • Changed
      • Fix some display issues not completely done in v1.3, regarding trailing spaces when errors are displayed.
      • Remove line os.kill(os.getpid(),SIGINT) from processArchiveUrl which isn't needed and just causes more error if a user does press Ctrl-C.
  • v1.3

    • New
      • Added functionality to allow output Links output to be piped to another program (the output file will still be written). Errors and progress bar are written to STDERR. No information about archived responses will be piped.
      • Added functionality to allow input to be piped to waymore. This will be the same as passing to -i argument.
    • Changed
      • Use a better way to add trailing spaces to strings to cover up other strings (like progress bar), regardless of terminal width.
      • Change the README to mention -xus argument and how to get a URLScan API key to add to the config file.
  • v1.2

    • Changed
      • Removed User-Agent Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:15.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/15.0.1 because it caused problems on some domains in xnLinkFinder tool, so removing from here too.
      • Base the length of the progress bar (show when downloading archived responses) on the width of the terminal so it displays better and you don't get multiple lines on smaller windows.
      • Amend .gitignore to include other unwanted files
  • v1.1

    • New
      • Allow a file of domains/URL's to be passed as input with -i instead of just one.
    • Changed
      • Remove version numbers from requirements.txt as these aren't really needed and may cause some issues.
  • v1.0

    • New
      • Added URLScan as a source of URL's. Waymore now has all the same sources for URLs as gau
      • Added -xus parameter to exclude URLScan when getting URL's.
      • Added -r parameter to specify the number of times requests are retried if they return 429, 500, 502, 503 or 504 (default: 1).
      • Made requests use a retry strategy using -r value, and also a backoff_factor of 1 for Too Many Redirect (429) responses.
      • General bug fixes.
    • Changed
      • Fixed a bug with was preventing HTTP Status Code filtering from working on Alien Vaults requests.
      • Fixed a bug that was preventing MIME type filtering from working on Common Crawl requests.
      • Correctly escape all characters is strings compared in regex with re.escape instead of just changing . to \.
      • Changed default MIME type filter to include: video/webm,video/3gpp,application/font-ttf,audio/mp3,audio/x-wav,image/pjpeg,audio/basic
      • Changed default URL filter to include:/jquery,/bootstrap
      • If Ctrl-C is used to end the program, try to ensure that results at that point are still saved before ending.
  • v0.3

    • New
      • Added Alien Vault OTX as a source of URL's. Results cannot be checked against MIME filters though because that info is not available in the API response.
      • Added -xav parameter to exclude Alien Vault when getting URL's.
    • Changed
      • Improved regex for the -i input value to ensure it's a valid domain, with or without sub domains and path, but no query string or fragments.
      • General tidying up and improvements
  • v0.2

    • New
      • Added to the TODO list on of changes coming soon
    • Changed
      • When getting URl's from it now uses pagination. Instead of one API call (how waybackurls does it), it makes one call per page of URL's (how gau does it). This actually results in a lot more URL's being returned even though the API docs seem to imply it should be the same. So in comparison to gau it now returns the same number of URL's from
      • Ensure input domain/path is URL encoded when added to the API call URL's
  • v0.1 - Initial release