A repository for the available models for AllenNLP. While we highlight a particular model for each task on https://allennlp.org/models we often have other trained models that might work better for a particular application.
Based on BiDAF (Seo et al, 2017)
$ docker run allennlp/allennlp:v0.7.0 \
evaluate \
https://allennlp.s3.amazonaws.com/models/bidaf-model-2017.09.15-charpad.tar.gz \
start_acc: 0.642
end_acc: 0.671
span_acc: 0.552
em: 0.683
f1: 0.778
Based on Parikh et al, 2017
$ docker run allennlp/allennlp:v0.7.0 \
evaluate \
https://allennlp.s3.amazonaws.com/models/decomposable-attention-elmo-2018.02.19.tar.gz \
accuracy: 0.864
srl-model-2018.05.25.tar.gz (697 MB)
Based on He et al, 2017
f1: 0.849
coref-model-2018.02.05.tar.gz (56 MB)
Based on End-to-End Coreference Resolution (Lee et al, 2017)
f1: 0.630
ner-model-2018.12.18.tar.gz (711.3 MB)
Based on Deep contextualized word representations
f1: 0.925
Based on Minimal Span Based Constituency Parser (Stern et al, 2017) but with ELMo embeddings
Based on Dozat and Manning, 2017
biaffine-dependency-parser-ptb-2018.08.23.tar.gz (69 MB) uses Penn Treebank style dependencies.
biaffine-dependency-parser-ud-2018.08.23.tar.gz (61 MB) uses Universal Dependency style depedencies.
f1: 0.941
Caveat: that this is trained on only part of the data and not officially evaluated.
Based on Event2Mind: Commonsense Inference on Events, Intents, and Reactions More information at: https://homes.cs.washington.edu/~msap/debug/event2mind/docs/
- event2mind-2018.09.17.tar.gz (52 MB)
$ allennlp evaluate \
https://allennlp.s3.amazonaws.com/models/event2mind-2018.09.17.tar.gz \
Metrics (unigram recall):
xintent: 0.36
xreact: 0.41
oreact: 0.65
Based on Bilateral Multi-Perspective Matching for Natural Language Sentences
- bimpm-quora-2018.08.17.tar.gz (147 MB)
Based on Enhanced LSTM for Natural Language Inference and uses ELMo
- esim-elmo-2018.05.17.tar.gz (684 MB)