- Snakify.org – interactive manual of Python 3 programming language (en, ru).
- codewars.com – interactive set of exercises (en).
- cyber-dojo.org – set of in-browser exercises in different languages (en).
- sololearn.com – set of theory and questions (en).
- codingame.com (en).
- codecombat.com (en).
- checkio.org (en).
- Lern to program: basics @ Coursera – intro Python course (en).
- Основы программирования на Python @ Coursera – intro Python course (en).
- Программирование на Python @ Stepic – intro to programming and Python (ru).
- Programming for Everybody @ Coursera – basics of programming using Python (en).
- CS50 (Introduction to Computer Science I) – introduction to the computer science and the art of programming (en, ru).
- Python for you and me – book to learn Python programming language (en).
- Learn Python Programming – materials and exercises for the Python 3 programming language (en).
- Learn Python The Hard Way – intro book to Python (en).
- A Byte of Python – free book on programming using the Python language (en).
- Dive Into Python 3 – book on installing and using Python for beginners (en).