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File metadata and controls

124 lines (92 loc) · 3.91 KB


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This is a web application for managing the members and the borrowing of books by the members for a library.


List the main technologies used in your project:

  • Express
  • Node.js (v18.17.1)
  • PostgreSQL

Note: Be sure that right version of node is installed. If you have Node Version Manager (nvm), you can easily install by typing nvm install 18.17.1. If you don't have nvm, you can check here.

You can check your node version by typing node -v in your terminal.


Environment setup

Local setup steps are explained below:

  • Clone project to your local environment:
git clone
  • Install required node modules from package.json. Be sure that right version of node is installed:
npm install

  • Be sure you got .env file from me :) We will use some private db data from dotenv file.

  • Before database migration, you have to be sure that postgresql already installed in your local machine. For that purpose, you can view postgresql installation here. After installing, be sure that you have a psql user with the createDB permission. If not, follow here:
psql postgres
#create a new user inside the psql terminal
#password must be enclosed with quotes
# make the newuser capable of creating, editing, and deleting databases
# Quit psql terminal to be able to login using newuser
# Go back to psql terminal, with `newuser` as user
psql postgres -U postgres

After that you can create our db just by that:

CREATE DATABASE "library-db"
  • After db is created succesfully, you can easily migrate your tables into the db:
npm run migrate

This should produce this output:

npm run migrate

> library-case-web-app@0.0.0 migrate /Users/melihsafacelik/Developer/Projects/test/library-case-web-app
> sequelize db:migrate

Sequelize CLI [Node: 14.20.0, CLI: 6.6.2, ORM: 6.35.1]

Loaded configuration file "config/config.js".
== 20231124211918-create-user: migrating =======
== 20231124211918-create-user: migrated (0.023s)

== 20231124221130-create-book: migrating =======
== 20231124221130-create-book: migrated (0.009s)

== 20231125152043-create-book-borrowings: migrating =======
== 20231125152043-create-book-borrowings: migrated (0.011s)

== 20231125152217-create-book-ratings: migrating =======
== 20231125152217-create-book-ratings: migrated (0.009s)

== 20231125165251-addForeignKeyRelations: migrating =======
== 20231125165251-addForeignKeyRelations: migrated (0.016s)

After migration is completed, our local env setup is completed too. Now, we can move to running step.

Running localy

npm run local

After seeing this response in your terminal, you can test APIs:

npm run local

> library-case-web-app@0.0.0 local /Users/melihsafacelik/Developer/Projects/test/library-case-web-app
> nodemon -r dotenv/config ./bin/www

[nodemon] 3.0.1
[nodemon] to restart at any time, enter `rs`
[nodemon] watching path(s): *.*
[nodemon] watching extensions: js,mjs,cjs,json
[nodemon] starting `node -r dotenv/config ./bin/www`


To test manually, you can view Postman documentation in your browser: http://localhost:3000/documentation/

I also tried to add mini sample integration test so you can also test it with: npm run test. But, for your information this part is not finished so it's likely to get errors :/


Thanks to you guys for giving me this opportunity to work on this project. I have practiced a lot during the development of this project.