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Chat FAQ

xDashh edited this page Jul 22, 2018 · 19 revisions

Chat rules

  • Be civil. Do not cause a nuisance in the community, e.g. by spoiling other's experience1, or having overly long / heated discussions.
  • Do not post content including: racism/discrimination, "revenge-porn", lolicon (any mainstream anime is probably fine).
  • Do tag content as NSFW, NSFL, spoiler, or LOUD if applicable. Gore or otherwise "disgusting" content is NSFL.

Extended "common sense" rules

  • No spamming, in particular NSFW/NSFL content and Bot commands.
  • No malicious impersonation, e.g. by registering someone else's username and acting like them.
  • No baiting others into breaking rules.
  • No advertisement without approval.
  • If you want to run a bot in chat, ask staff first.

1: E.g. by posting spoilers of a current movie. Same goes for "pretending" to spoil or "making a right guess". If multiple streams with the same content are being streamed, the one with most viewers takes precedence.

Breaking rules will cause you to be notified by mods and/or muted/banned. Repeated or deliberate violations will result in longer mutes/bans.


Q: Where are the logs? Why doesn't /mentions work?

A: There are no public logs of this chat. For moderation purposes there are some time-limited private logs. Be aware that in principle anyone could log this chat privately. If you find publicly accessible logs of this chat online, let some mod/staff know.

Q: Where are my sub-icons / colored names / $paid_bonus_meme?

A: We might add some of that in the future. For now we focus on building a stable website with all of the basic functionality.

Q: My profile doesn't work as I expect it! Also how can I change my username?

A: You may message any mod/staff listed below for help.


As issues are discovered, they will be included below.

  • Save settings to profile setting currently functions in unexpected ways, we recommend you don't enable it for now.
  • In order to read PMs you receive, you have to enable the In-line messages option. Additionally, PMs are not stored anymore, so once you reload chat, they are gone forever.
  • If you are trying to log in to destinygg chat through the chat window will be blank; we cannot fix this. Please log in through and then reload. Related issue:


Chat moderation and appeals

  • Bot
  • RightToBearArmsLOL
  • Dashh
  • Slugalisk
  • Tensei
  • dbc

Staff (report technical issues to us)

  • blushies (website/chat frontend)
  • Dashh (chat)
  • dbc (hosting)
  • SgtMaximum (website frontend)
  • Slugalisk (any website/profile)
  • Tensei (hosting)
Everyone is reachable on the Discord server listed on the bottom of the website. Staff discretion will be used and abused as necessary.
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