(make sure you have the dependencies installed, like Ruby, bundle etc.)
- fork the repository
- git clone<GITHUB_USERNAME>/Mentro-Community-Blog.git
- cd mentro-community-blog
- bundle exec jekyll serve
- go to the link in your browser
- git add .
- git commit -m "Comment"
- update authors section of
- Put the following required info under an author_id(anything of your choice):
- name - name of author.
- site - some site if the author has some.
- avatar - relative an image from the assets/images directory.
- bio - A short bio.
- email - A contact email specific to the author
- linkedin - linkedin account url
- twitter - twitter account url Sample
name: "Team Mentro" # Author ID
site: ""
avatar: "/assets/images/mentro_logo.png"
bio: "Official account for Mentro"
email: ""
- add a
page in _authors folder with the following:- author: mentro # Author ID
- permalink: /author/debayan/ #
- Remember Restarting the Server After Updating the Config
- Create a md file in the format
in the _posts folder - write your blog in markdown, might contain any of the markdown features like lists, urls, embedded images, etc
- Add the following metadata:
title: "Title of Your Post"
description: "Description of your post"
category: leetcode # category can be one of **backend**, **frontend**, **dsa**, **leetcode**
image: /assets/images/image.jpg # image url of your post
keywords: # Keywords your want to ad for SEO
- Mentor
- Mentro
- Mentorship
author: authorId
permalink: /leetcode/:title/ # /<category>/:title/
tags: # Tags if you want some like `dp`, `tree`, `js`, `django`
- tree
- python
- Visit here to see sample markdown
- add images to the /assets/images folder if you want to add some
This mostly contains files which are related to UI.
- author.html - This is the layout for author pages. This affects pages in _authors.
- category.html - This is the layout for category pages. This affects pages in _categories
- default.html - This is the layout loaded by all pages It contains the Navbar and the basic structure of the web pages
- page.html - This is the layout for the contents of _pages folder. Each page mentioned here holds the details of each author and their post history
- page-sidebar.html - This is the layout for the sidebar used in many pages.
- post.html - This is the layout the _posts in the blog.
- - It is the contacts page
- - These are the Privacy Policies
- tags.html - These are tags to each blogs
This folder is constantly updated and consists of the compiled version of HTML CSS and other Resources. Warning: Don't edit contents of the folder.
This folder consists of assets such as css, images and js
This is a config file. Any changes in this file needs a restart to the server to get reflected in the website. This consists of some site variables like links to (logos, baseurl, sitename etc) and author info
This is the home page of the repository