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mertendieckmann edited this page Jul 31, 2023 · 8 revisions

Welcome to Node-Crawler's Wiki!

Welcome to the official wiki page of the Node-Crawler repository. This is your go-to resource for understanding and using this tool. Node-Crawler is a powerful, flexible, and easy-to-use web crawler, with a node-based editing system built on top of Next.js and React Flow.

Here you'll find detailed documentation about each of the functionalities of this application and guides on how to extend the application to help you make the most out of Node-Crawler.

About Node-Crawler

Node-Crawler is a highly customizable, Node-based web application for creating web crawlers and further processing and transforming the retrieved data. Users can build tailor-made web crawlers and manipulate and transform the collected data as needed. The output data format can be set to a wide range of formats including JSON, CSV, and various database formats.

Overview Overview

Project Goals and Use Cases

  • Node-based Editing: Users can create and edit their own crawler workflows by drag-and-dropping nodes.
  • Data Transformation: The application supports a variety of data manipulation and transformation operations for cleaning and restructuring the gathered data.
  • Data Export: The transformed data can be output in a variety of formats including JSON, CSV, and various database formats.

Installation Guide

Make sure you have Node.js and npm installed on your system before you start.

  1. Clone the repository:
git clone
  1. Navigate into the directory and install the dependencies:
cd node-crawler
npm install
  1. Start the development server:
npm run dev

Now you should be able to see the web application on http://localhost:3000 in your browser.