Welcome developers! We are a small team working on this code base and are excited to see your interest with the OpenAg project. If you are interested in learning more about the initiative check out the Forum or Wiki.
Our latest hardware deployment is the
PFC 3.0 which we are working on
making easier to purchase a dev kit for. In the mean time, if you want to get started
now we recommend purchasing a beaglebone black or just running the code in
simulation mode
on a laptop with Ubuntu or OSX. The software is designed to easily
communicate with any I2C device. To see the currently supported sensors / actuators,
check out the peripheral modules.
This code is written with Python
where we try to follow standard best practices. For
a short overview of these practices, check out:
Zen of Python,
Clean Code Summary,
Code Style Guide (Black),
and Type Checking Intro.
To get up and running the fastest, watch all of the introductory videos to get familiar
with the code then install it and start the software in simulation mode with the
For all feature requests, bugs, or ideas for ways to contribute, check out this repo's issue page.