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Karl edited this page Sep 3, 2017 · 5 revisions

type Function

Export the table data to various formats.


 * @param  {Object} options User options
 * @return {Boolean}

The options argument must be an object of which the only required property is the type property which accepts either csv, txt, json or sql as it's value. The rest are optional:

    download: true, // trigger download of file or return the string
    skipColumn: [], // array of column indexes to skip

    // csv
    lineDelimiter:  "\n", // line delimiter for csv type
    columnDelimiter:  ",", // column delimiter for csv type

    // sql
    tableName: "myTable", // SQL table name for sql type

    // json
    replacer: null, // JSON.stringify's replacer parameter for json type
    space: 4 // JSON.stringify's space parameter for json type


// Export the current page as a .csv file
    type: "csv",
    filename: "my-csv-file"
    selection: dataTable.currentPage
// Export pages 1-5 as an .sql file
    type: "sql",
    tableName: "sql_users",
    selection: [1,2,3,4,5]
// Export to .json file
    type: "json",
// Export to json string, omitting the 1st, 3rd and 5th columns
    type: "json",
    skipColumn: [0,2,4],
    download: false // return formatted string instead of file
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