In this project, I have used:
- Nodejs (Expressjs)
- Mongodb as a database
- face-api.js for face recognition
- jsonwebtoken(jwt) for user authentication
- Deployed the APIs at
- Frontend part can be found here
Follow the following steps to setup this project.
Or More detailed setup is here
Note - This project requires mongodb database and npm package manager to run on the local system.
- Clone this repo.
- Go the project folder in terminal.
Install the dependencies using
npm install
Note - Make sure in the package.json file that @tensorflow/tfjs-node1.7.0 is installed. If not installed than insatll it using
npm i @tensorflow/tfjs-node@1.7.0
Note - Make the .env file in the root directory and
Add value for SECRET_KEY_JWT and add your mongodb database URL
make sure that the values are without opening and closing inverted commas
Then you can finally run the server using this command.
nodemon index.js
On successful execution and connecting to the database It will console log "Server connnected..." .
Note - If error comes like the below.
return process.dlopen(module, path.toNamespacedPath(filename));
Error: Cannot find the specified module.
Copy or Move node_modules@tensorflow\tfjs-node\deps\lib\tensorflow.dll to node_modules@tensorflow\tfjs-node\lib\napi-v6
ps napi-v6 could be v5 or else depending on version
Note - If you want to connect to local system database, make sure that you have installed mongodb.
Run this command in different terminal for connecting to local system database
For this API, I have used Token-based Authorization. All the requests made to the API (except the sign-in and sign-up endpoints) shall need an Authorization header with a valid token and the prefix Token.
I have used jason web tokens(jwt) for tokens.
POST /api/auth/sign-in/
Takes the username as input, validates it and returns the FaceDescriptors of user, if the credentials are valid.
Request Body:
{ "username": "string", }
Response Body:
{ "token": "string" "labeledFaceDescriptors":"json" }
POST /api/auth/sign-up/
Registers a user by taking the name and images(Base64Images) as input.
Request Body:
{ "username": "string", "images_to_validate": "array of Base64 Images" }
Response Body (Sample):
{ "user": "string" "token": "string" }
GET /api/auth/profile/
Retrieves the id and username of the logged in user. Requires token in the Authorization header.
Response Body:
{ "id": 1, "username": "string" }
GET /api/gallery/
Gets all the Folders of Images of the logged in user. Requires token in the Authorization header.
Response Body:
[ { "id": 1, "image_label": "string" }, { "id": 2, "image_label": "string" } ]
GET /api/gallery/:id/
Gets all the Images of the folder with given id. Requires token in the Authorization header.
Response Body:
{ "id": 1, "images": ["Base64Images"], "image_label": "string" }
POST /api/gallery/upload/
Adds a picture in the folder classified by face-recognition model and returns the folder name in which image is added. Requires token in the Authorization header.
Request Body:
{ "images": "Base64Image", "image_label": "string", -> if required }
Response Body:
{ "image_label": "string" }
PUT /api/gallery/:id/:index
Removes the Picture with given id and index. Requires token in the Authorization header.
GET /api/todo/
Gets all the Todos of the logged in user. Requires token in the Authorization header.
Response Body:
[ { "id": 1, "title": "string" }, { "id": 2, "title": "string" } ]
POST /api/todo/create/
Creates a Todo entry for the logged in user. Requires token in the Authorization header.
Request Body:
{ "title": "string" }
Response Body:
{ "id": 1, "title": "string" }
GET /todo/:id/
Gets the Todo of the logged in user with given id. Requires token in the Authorization header.
Response Body:
{ "id": 1, "title": "string" }
PUT /api/todo/:id/
Changes the title of the Todo with given id, and gets the new title as response. Requires token in the Authorization header.
Request Body:
{ "title": "string" }
Response Body:
{ "id": 1, "title": "string" }
PATCH /api/todo/:id/
Changes the title of the Todo with given id, and gets the new title as response. Requires token in the Authorization header.
Request Body:
{ "title": "string" }
Response Body:
{ "id": 1, "title": "string" }
DELETE /api/todo/:id/
Deletes the Todo with given id. Requires token in the Authorization header.