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Mottie edited this page Apr 7, 2011 · 36 revisions

Wiki Pages: Home | FAQ | Setup | Options ( Layout, Language, Useability, Actions ) | Methods | Theme | Log

Options overview

  • Layout

    • layout - [String] Specify which keyboard layout to use.
    • customLayout - [Array] Specify a custom layout.
    • position [Object] Set keyboard positioning.
  • Language & Look

    • display - [Object] Button language / symbol options.
    • wheelMessage - [String] Message to tell users about the hidden feature.
    • actionClass - [String] Class name used to make keys a different color.
  • Useability

    • autoAccept - [Boolean] Auto-accept content when clicking outside the keyboard (popup will close)
    • lockInput - [Boolean] Allow access to the preview window from outside the virtual keyboard.
    • restrictInput - [Boolean] Prevents keys not in the displayed keyboard from being typed in the input area.
    • preventPaste - [Boolean] Prevents pasting content into the input/textarea by either (ctrl-v) or the right-click menu.
    • maxLength - [Boolean/Number] Set a maximum length to the content.
    • keyBinding - [String] Mouse event used to interact with the key.
    • useCombos [Boolean] Allows users to type in key combos to add characters with diacritics.
    • Combos [Object] Contains the list of diacritics. Not listed in the options, but you can add more if you wish.
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