Contributions are welcome via pull requests. Please make sure to install git hooks which enforces certain rules and linting.
Install dependencies & activate virtual env
poetry install --sync && poetry shell
Install git hooks
pre-commit install --install-hooks --overwrite
Run pre-commit hooks against all files
pre-commit run --all-files
Run tests
pytest tests
Install current project from branch
poetry add git+
Commit messages MUST follow Conventional Commits specification.
<type>(<scope>): <description>
│ │ │
│ │ └─ Description: Short summary in present tense. Not capitalized. No period at the end.
│ │
│ └─ Scope: Optional contextual information
└─ Type: build|chore|ci|docs|feat|fix|perf|refactor|revert|style|test
[optional body]
[optional footer(s)]
Commit type must be one of following:
- build: Changes that affect the build system or external dependencies
- chore: Other changes that don't modify src or test files
- ci: Changes to our CI configuration files and scripts
- docs: Documentation only changes
- feat: A new feature
- fix: A bug fix
- perf: A code change that improves performance
- refactor: A code change that neither fixes a bug nor adds a feature
- revert: Reverts a previous commit
- style: Changes that do not affect the meaning of the code (white-space, formatting, missing semi-colons, etc)
- test: Adding missing tests or correcting existing tests
A fully automated release process is implemented using Release Please. The commit type determines the next semantic version, see following examples:
represents a bug fix which correlates with a PATCH bumpfeat:
represents a new feature which correlates with a MINOR bumpfeat!:
, orfix!:
, etc., represents a breaking change (indicated by the!
) which correlates with a MAJOR bump
One can manually set the version number by adding Release-As: x.y.z
to the
commit body, but this should not be needed.
Amend the most recent commit
git commit --amend -m "fix: new message"
Force push the changes if already pushed to remote
git push --force-with-lease origin EXAMPLE-BRANCH
Amend older or multiple commits with interactive rebase
- use the
git rebase -i HEAD~N
command to display a list of the lastN
commits in your default text editor - replace
for each commit message that needs to be changed - save the changes and close the editor
- for each chosen commit, a new editor will open, change the commit message, save the file, and close the editor
- force push the changes, if already pushed to remote, with
git push --force-with-lease origin EXAMPLE-BRANCH