Doctor Reservation frontend is react forntend application for doctor book appoinemnts. This applications is responsive and users can load, create, and delete doctors and reservations. Users need to sign up or sign in to access application. They can sign up or sign in using the sign up and login forms.
[Kanban Board screenshot one] [Kanban Board screenshot one] [Kanban Board screenshot one] [Kanban Board screenshot one]
We are a group of four
- Team 1 - Mohammad Rafi Amin
- Team 2 - Ayomipo Majek
- Team 3 - Muhammad Davlatov
- Team 4 - Iqbal Elham
This app is build with React and Redux.
React Redux
- The main page where the client can see all list of doctors and click on any selcted doctor to display the details of that each doctor.
- The client can make reservation through the reserve page.
- The client can see a list of their reservations.
- The client can add a new doctor through the add new navigation link.
- The client can click on the delete doctor button from the naviagtion panel and see a list of all doctors which belongs to the current user with a "delete" button and then delete a particular doctor.
- The deleted doctors are removed from the home page.
- The login page.
- The doctors details page is where the user can click on the "Reserve" button to reserve the doctor.
- Render
In order to run this project you need:
- Mac or PC
- Install node.js
- Use npm or yarn as package manager.
- Have depth Understanding of React, Redux and API.
- Clone this repository to your desired folder:
git clone
- Navigate into the cloned folder
cd doctor-reservation-frontend
- Install this project with:
npm install
- Start the server
npm start
👤 Mohammad Rafi Amin
- GitHub: @githubhandle
- Twitter: @twitterhandle
- LinkedIn: LinkedIn
👤 Ayomipo Majek
- GitHub: @AyomipoMajek
- Linkedin: @AyomipoMajek
👤 Muhammad Davlatov
- GitHub: @Muhammad0602
- LinkedIn: LinkedIn
👤 Iqbal Elham
- GitHub: @Iqbal-Elham
- GMail: @Iqbal-Elham
- Apply multi language model
- Implement proper user authentication from the front-end to the server.
- Make sure that the "Add item" and "Delete item" links are accessible only by users who are admins.
- Add payment option
- Improve The UI Design
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page.
If you like this project please give it a ⭐️. Your support is greatly appreciated!
We would like to thank Microverse for giving us this chance to learn how to build a Rails API and connect it to a React frontend.
- We would like to give Credit to 🙏 Murat Korkmaz the author of the original Vespa- Responsive Redesign, as required by the Creative Commons License.
This project is MIT licensed.