Development environment: Macbook
Please remember that as our remote environment runs on Linux while the local environment operates on MacOS, all the preparations for the remote environment should be on the Linux version.
After turn on your SSH remote server ssh mlops(MY REMOTE NAME, replace it with yours)
, it shows: Welcome to Ubuntu xxxxxx
. Then start the following preparations.
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt install
To run docker without sudo
sudo groupadd docker
sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
Since we want to manage Docker as a non-root user, sudo
needs identity, requiring password everytime you run Docker.
Install docker-compose in a separate directory
mkdir soft
cd soft
To get the latest release of Docker Compose, go to and download the release for your OS.
wget -O docker-compose
Make it executable
chmod +x docker-compose
changes the file mode.
Add to the soft
directory to PATH
. Open the .bashrc
file with nano
nano ~/.bashrc
In .bashrc
, add the following line:
export PATH="${HOME}/soft:${PATH}"
Save it and run the following to make sure the changes are applied:
source ~/.bashrc
docker run hello-world
If you get docker: Got permission denied while trying to connect to the Docker daemon socket at unix:///var/run/docker.sock: Post "http://%2Fvar%2Frun%2Fdocker.sock/v1.24/containers/create": dial unix /var/run/docker.sock: connect: permission denied.
error, restart your VM instance.
Note: If you get It is required that your private key files are NOT accessible by others. This private key will be ignored.
error, you should change permits on the downloaded file to protect your private key:
chmod 400 name-of-your-private-key-file.pem
Fork Alexey's repository to yours, then jump to your repository and clone it to the remote environment.
git clone
Open Pycharm, File->Remote Development->Python Interpreter->SSH Connection->New Connection->setting
Enter the info we got for the HOST:
HOST: (Public IPv4 address of Your Instances on AWS)
USERNAME: (ubuntu)
Note: USERNAME should all be lower case.
Key pair
for AUTHENTICATION TYPE should be the one you got for the instance on AWS: /Users/YOURUSERNAME/.ssh/YOURSKEYPAIR.pem
If you did not save the key pair in ~/.ssh
, please move it under this folder.
The Public IPv4 address will be reassigned everytime you restart the instance, which means, you are required to update HOST infor everytime you start the instance.
Click on test connection
, if successful, click on ok
Then Check connection and Continue
Choose IDE and Project of your remote environment, Project Directory
is under home->ubuntu->Your cloned project
Now you successfully connect to the remote environment. And you can directly connect to the Pycharm of the server remotely for development. Since all directories are on the remote server, there is no need to upload files synchronously back and forth, and you will not worry about not having a corresponding local path.
Open two Terminals, one is for remote control, another is for local environment.
ssh mlops(change it with YOURREMOTE)
mkdir notebooks
cd notebooks
Jump to ./notebook
, then
jupyter notebook --no-browser --port=8889`
You can see the information for the port and token
To access the notebook, open this file in a browser:
Or copy and paste one of these URLs:
on your screen.
NOTE Type exit
on screen or Control(^) + D
can exit SSH remote.
ssh -N -f -L localhost:8888:localhost:8889 mlops(change it with YOURREMOTE)
Enter http://localhost:8888
on your browser.
TOKEN can be found http://localhost:8889/?token=6e2aab6cf19b61f3a51e509576a0837223b2128f6eeb71ce
from the information printed on one for remote control.
Now you can get access the jupyter notebook through your localhost, try to creat a new one and have fun!
You can also jump to mlops-zoomcamp
folder from remote to edit the existed duration-prediction.ipynb
on your localhost.
Note: The NYC taxi data is now in parquet format, not CSV. Here's a video that explains how to read parquet data.
Prepare data:
cd mlops-zoomcamp/01-intro
mdir data/
cd data
The link to dataset(green_tripdata_2021-01):
The link to dataset(green_tripdata_2021-02):
Resources from:
- No MLOps Highlights:
- Difficult to manage full machine learning model lifecycle
- The teams are disparate and releases are painful
- Most systems exist as "black boxes," little feedback during/post deployment
- Manual builds and deployments
- Manual testing of model and application
- No centralized tracking of model performance
- Training of model is manual
- DevOps but no MLOps Highlights:
- Releases are less painful than No MLOps, but rely on Data Team for every new model
- Still limited feedback on how well a model performs in production
- Difficult to trace/reproduce results Technology:
- Automated builds
- Automated tests for application code
- Automated training(2-3 ML cases) Highlights:
- Training environment is fully managed and traceable
- Easy to reproduce model
- Releases are manual, but low friction Technology:
- Automated model training
- Centralized tracking of model training performance
- Model management
- Automated Model Deployment(*) Highlights:
- Releases are low friction and automatic
- Full traceability from deployment back to original data
- Entire environment managed: train > test > production Technology:
- Integrated A/B testing of model performance for deployment
- Automated tests for all code
- Centralized tracking of model training performance
- Full MLOps Automated Operations Highlights:
- Full system automated and easily monitored
- Production systems are providing information on how to improve and, in some cases, automatically improve with new models
- Approaching a zero-downtime system Technology:
- Automated model training and testing
- Verbose, centralized metrics from deployed model