This is practice development to get you going with django (python framework). Much more info is available via django official documentation.
You need python 3.6.3 (comes with pip and virtualenv) and django 1.11.1
Other relevant dependencies include but are not limited to node v10.5.0 or higher (comes with npm)
- Configure Git and Github
- Fork and clone the repo
- Activate your virtual environment
- PostgreSQL server 9.6
- Use pip to install requirements (python dependencies)
- Create a database and the user
- Run to makemigrations/migrate
- If you are successful, thus far, do runserver
- Gitflow remote collaboration model
- Code review (pull requests)
- Writing tests (Unit and Functional tests)
- Other guidelines shall be issued with time.
- Contact: @MwamiTovi on GitHub
- Email directly: