diff --git a/lectures/conda/conda.Rmd b/lectures/conda/conda.Rmd
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-title: "Managing your software environment"
-subtitle: "Tools for Reproducible Research NBIS course"
- xaringan::moon_reader:
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-class: center, middle
-*Managing software environments with*
-class: center, middle
-Full reproducibility requires the possibility to recreate the system that was originally used to generate the results.
-# Conda is a package, dependency, and environment manager
-.green[Package]: any type of program (_e.g._ bowtie2, snakemake etc.)
-.green[Dependency]: other software required by a package
-.green[Environment]: a distinct collection of packages
-.center[Conda keeps track of the dependencies between packages in each environment]
-# Conda channels
-.green[Channels] are remote directories containing packages.
-Two common examples are
-- .green[bioconda]: a channel specializing in bioinformatics software
-- .green[conda-forge]: a community-led channel made up of thousands of contributors
-# Conda, Anaconda, Miniconda, Mamba...
-- .green[Conda]: the package manager itself, written in python
-- .green[Mamba]: a faster reimplementation of Conda (written in C++)
-- .green[Anaconda]:
- - an installer for conda containing over 7,500 open-source packages
- - a cloud service where conda packages are hosted ([anaconda.org](https://anaconda.org))
- - a distribution of packages for data science ([anaconda.com](https://anaconda.com))
-- .green[Miniconda]: an installer for conda containing only the most necessary packages to get started
-- .green[Mambaforge]: installer with Mamba in the base environment, pre-configured for conda-forge channel
-# Mamba vs. Conda
-In short: Mamba is a faster implementation of conda.
-- Install mamba with conda: `conda install mamba -n base -c conda-forge`
-or see the [documentation](https://mamba.readthedocs.io/en/latest/installation.html) for how to do a fresh install.
-- Simply replace `conda` with `mamba` on the command line:
-mamba env create --name project_a -f environment.yml
-mamba env update -f environment.yml
-mamba env export > environment-full.yml
-mamba env export --from-history > environment-history.yml
-# Defining and sharing environments
-Define a Conda environment in an `environment.yml` file:
- - conda-forge
- - bioconda
- - fastqc=0.11
- - sra-tools=2.8
- - snakemake=4.3.0
- - multiqc=1.3
- - bowtie2=2.3
- - samtools=1.6
- - htseq=0.9
- - graphviz=2.38.0
-# Create a new environment from YAML
-$ conda env create --name project_a -f environment.yml
-# Update an existing environment from YAML
-$ conda env update -f environment.yml
-# Export existing environment as new YAML file (including all dependencies)
-$ conda env export > environment-full.yml
-# Export historical environment, i.e. packages listed in the original YAML
-$ conda env export --from-history > environment-history.yml
-class: center, middle
-# Questions?