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Create and parse IIIF Image API URLs

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Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'iiif_url'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install iiif_url


Here's the simplest case of creating a IIIF URL with all params. By default only the path is given without the scheme, server, port, or IIIF prefix.

iiif_base_url = ""
params = {
  identifier: 'abc',
  region: 'full',
  size: 'full',
  rotation: 0,
  quality: 'default',
  format: 'jpg'
url = IiifUrl.from_params(params)
# => "/abc/full/full/0/default.jpg"
full_url = File.join(iiif_base_url, url)
# => ""

If the base URL is set then it will form a full URL automatically:

params = {
  identifier: 'abc',
  region: 'full',
  size: 'full',
  rotation: 0,
  quality: 'default',
  format: 'jpg'
url = IiifUrl.from_params(params)
# => ""

You can also pass in the base URL in with the params, which will override any value set for the base URL.

params = {
  identifier: 'abc',
  base_url: "",
  region: 'full',
  size: 'full',
  rotation: 0,
  quality: 'default',
  format: 'jpg'
url = IiifUrl.from_params(params)
# => ""

If the base URL is set you can prevent it being used and just return the path portion by setting the base_url option key to false:

params = {
  identifier: 'abc',
  base_url: false,
  region: 'full',
  size: 'full',
  rotation: 0,
  quality: 'default',
  format: 'jpg'
url = IiifUrl.from_params(params)
# => "/abc/full/full/0/default.jpg"

A more complicated region and size:

params = {
  identifier: 'abc',
  region: {
    x: 0,
    y: 0,
    w: 1000,
    h: 1200
  size: {w: 300},
  rotation: 0,
  quality: 'default',
  format: 'jpg'
url = IiifUrl.from_params(params)
# => "/abc/0,0,1000,1200/300,/0/default.jpg"

To use a percent region or percent size, you must prefix the keys like this:

params = {
  identifier: 'abc',
  region: {
    pctx: 10,
    pcty: 10,
    pctw: 80,
    pcth: 80
  size: {pct: 50}
url = IiifUrl.from_params(params)
# => "/abc/pct:10,10,80,80/pct:50/0/default.jpg"

If no identifier is passed in, then only the IIIF URL path will be returned:

params = {
  size: {pct: 50}
url = IiifUrl.from_params(params)
# => "/full/pct:50/0/default.jpg"

Even if a base_url is given if there is no identifier, then only the IIIF URL path will be returned:

params = {
  base_url: "",
  size: {pct: 50}
url = IiifUrl.from_params(params)
# => "/full/pct:50/0/default.jpg"


You only need to specify values that are different from the defaults. The defaults are as specified:

parameter value
identifier null
region "full"
size "full"
rotation "0"
quality "default"
format "jpg"
params = {
  identifier: 'abc',
  size: {w: 600}
url = IiifUrl.from_params(params)
# => "/abc/full/600,/0/default.jpg"

And without an identifier:

params = {
  size: {w: 600}
url = IiifUrl.from_params(params)
# => "/full/600,/0/default.jpg"


There may be cases where you do not have all of the params you need so you want to pass around a IiifUrl to add more params.

url =
url.region({x:100, y:200, w: 300, h: 300})
url.size({w: 150}).format('png')
# => "/100,200,300,300/150,/0/default.png"

You can also pass in some initial params and then add on others:

url ={size: {w: 100}})
# => "/abc/full/100,/180/default.png"


IIIF URLs are parsed by segments including: region, size, rotation, quality, and format. The region and size segments can also be parsed into a string or hash. Rotation is always parsed into a hash. Quality and format are always a string.

Simple case for region and size parsed into strings:

params = IiifUrl.parse("/full/full/0/default.png")
# => {region: "full", size: "full", rotation: {degrees: 0, mirror: false}, quality: 'default', format: 'png'}

With an identifier:

params = IiifUrl.parse("/abc/full/full/0/default.png")
# => {identifier: "abc", region: "full", size: "full", rotation: {degrees: 0, mirror: false}, quality: 'default', format: 'png'}

Parameterized region and size:

params = IiifUrl.parse("/0,100,200,300/75,/0/default.jpg")
# => {identifier: nil, region: {x:0, y:100, w: 200, h: 300}, size: {w: 75, h: nil}, rotation: {degrees: 0, mirror: false}, quality: "default", format: "jpg" }

Parse a full URL:

params = IiifUrl.parse(",100,200,300/75,/0/default.jpg")
# => {identifier: abc, region: {x:0, y:100, w: 200, h: 300}, size: {w: 75, h: nil}, rotation: {degrees: 0, mirror: false}, quality: "default", format: "jpg" }


No validation is done for creating or parsing a URL. This allows for extensions to the IIIF Image API.


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake test to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


Jason Ronallo


The gem is copyright North Carolina State University and is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.