This repository contains the code used to perform the analyses in our publication: "Comparative Network Reconstruction using Mixed Integer Programming", Bosdriesz et al., Bioinformatics (2018)
The code for the CNR method has it's own repository:
Contents of this repository:
/orton: contains code to simulate and reconstruct the orton model. This corresponds to Fig 2 and Fig S2-S5. It contains the following files:
- ortonModelExtended.pkl - pickle object with orton model description
- - python module to perform orton model simulations
- Model-simulations.ipyn - Notebook in which the simulations are performed
- Model-calculate-true-rloc.ipyn - Notebook to estimate the true local response coefficients directly from the orton model.
- CNR-plot-roc.R - Fig 2B and S2. Requires first
running scripts/
- CNR-scan-theta.ipyn - Fig 2C
- CNR-plot-reconstruction.ipyn - Fig 2D and S3
- CNR-plot-npert.R Fig 2EF, S4 and S5. Requires first running
/ptpn11ko-persisters: contains the perturbation data and the network reconstruction of the VACO, VACO PTPN11 KO, and VACO persister cells. This corresponds to Fig 3C and 4.