$ -------------------------------------------------------------------- $ $ WAVEWATCH III Grid preprocessor input file $ $ -------------------------------------------------------------------- $ $ Grid name (C*30, in quotes) $ 'GLOBAL ' $ $ Frequency increment factor and first frequency (Hz) ---------------- $ $ number of frequencies (wavenumbers) and directions, relative offset $ of first direction in terms of the directional increment [-0.5,0.5]. $ In versions 1.18 and 2.22 of the model this value was by definiton 0, $ it is added to mitigate the GSE for a first order scheme. Note that $ this factor is IGNORED in the print plots in ww3_outp. $ 1.1 0.04118 25 24 0. $ $ Set model flags ---------------------------------------------------- $ $ - FLDRY Dry run (input/output only, no calculation). $ - FLCX, FLCY Activate X and Y component of propagation. $ - FLCTH, FLCK Activate direction and wavenumber shifts. $ - FLSOU Activate source terms. $ F T T T F T $ $ Set time steps ----------------------------------------------------- $ $ - Time step information (this information is always read) $ maximum global time step, maximum CFL time step for x-y and $ k-theta, minimum source term time step (all in seconds). $ $ 900. 950. 900. 300. 3600. 500. 900. 80. $ $ Start of namelist input section ------------------------------------ $ $ Starting with WAVEWATCH III version 2.00, the tunable parameters $ for source terms, propagation schemes, and numerics are read using $ namelists. Any namelist found in the folowing sections up to the $ end-of-section identifier string (see below) is temporarily written $ to ww3_grid.scratch, and read from there if necessary. Namelists $ not needed for the given switch settings will be skipped $ automatically, and the order of the namelists is immaterial. $ As an example, namelist input to change SWELLF and ZWND in the $ Tolman and Chalikov input would be $ $ &SIN2 SWELLF = 0.1, ZWND = 15. / $ $ Define constants in source terms ----------------------------------- $ $ $ Stresses - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $ TC 1996 with cap : Namelist FLX3 $ CDMAX : Maximum allowed CD (cap) $ CTYPE : Cap type : $ 0: Discontinuous (default). $ 1: Hyperbolic tangent. $ Hwang 2011 : Namelist FLX4 $ CDFAC : re-scaling of drag $ $ Linear input - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $ Cavaleri and M-R : Namelist SLN1 $ CLIN : Proportionality constant. $ RFPM : Factor for fPM in filter. $ RFHF : Factor for fh in filter. $ $ Exponential input - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $ WAM-3 : Namelist SIN1 $ CINP : Proportionality constant. $ $ Tolman and Chalikov : Namelist SIN2 $ ZWND : Height of wind (m). $ SWELLF : swell factor in (n.nn). $ STABSH, STABOF, CNEG, CPOS, FNEG : $ c0, ST0, c1, c2 and f1 in . (n.nn) $ through (2.65) for definition of $ effective wind speed (!/STAB2). $ WAM4 and variants : Namelist SIN3 $ ZWND : Height of wind (m). $ ALPHA0 : minimum value of Charnock coefficient $ Z0MAX : maximum value of air-side roughness z0 $ BETAMAX : maximum value of wind-wave coupling $ SINTHP : power of cosine in wind input $ ZALP : wave age shift to account for gustiness $ TAUWSHELTER : sheltering of short waves to reduce u_star $ SWELLFPAR : choice of swell attenuation formulation $ (1: TC 1996, 3: ACC 2008) $ SWELLF : swell attenuation factor $ Extra parameters for SWELLFPAR=3 only $ SWELLF2, SWELLF3 : swell attenuation factors $ SWELLF4 : Threshold Reynolds number for ACC2008 $ SWELLF5 : Relative viscous decay below threshold $ Z0RAT : roughness for oscil. flow / mean flow $ BYDRZ input : Namelist SIN6 $ SINA0 : factor for negative input $ SINWS : wind speed scaling option $ SINFC : high-frequency extent of the $ prognostic frequency region $ $ Nonlinear interactions - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $ Discrete I.A. : Namelist SNL1 $ LAMBDA : Lambda in source term. $ NLPROP : C in sourc term. NOTE : default $ value depends on other source $ terms selected. $ KDCONV : Factor before kd in Eq. (n.nn). $ KDMIN, SNLCS1, SNLCS2, SNLCS3 : $ Minimum kd, and constants c1-3 $ in depth scaling function. $ Exact interactions : Namelist SNL2 $ IQTYPE : Type of depth treatment $ 1 : Deep water $ 2 : Deep water / WAM scaling $ 3 : Shallow water $ TAILNL : Parametric tail power. $ NDEPTH : Number of depths in for which $ integration space is established. $ Used for IQTYPE = 3 only $ Namelist ANL2 $ DEPTHS : Array with depths for NDEPTH = 3 $ Gen. Multiple DIA : Namelist SNL3 $ NQDEF : Number of quadruplets. $ MSC : Scaling constant 'm'. $ NSC : Scaling constant 'N'. $ KDFD : Deep water relative filter depth, $ KDFS : Shallow water relative filter depth, $ Namelist ANL3 $ QPARMS : 5 x NQDEF paramaters describing the $ quadruplets, repeating LAMBDA, MU, DT12. $ Cdeep and Cshal. See examples below. $ Two Scale Approx. : Namelist SNL4 $ INDTSA : Index for TSA/FBI computations $ (0 = FBI ; 1 = TSA) $ ALTLP : Index for alternate looping $ (1 = no ; 2 = yes) $ $ Traditional DIA setup (default): $ $ &SNL3 NQDEF = 1, MSC = 0.00, NSC = -3.50 / $ &ANL3 QPARMS = 0.250, 0.000, -1.0, 0.1000E+08, 0.0000E+00 / $ $ GMD3 from 2010 report (G13d in later paper) : $ $ &SNL3 NQDEF = 3, MSC = 0.00, NSC = -3.50 / $ &ANL3 QPARMS = 0.126, 0.000, -1.0, 0.4790E+08, 0.0000E+00 , $ 0.237, 0.000, -1.0, 0.2200E+08, 0.0000E+00 , $ 0.319, 0.000, -1.0, 0.1110E+08, 0.0000E+00 / $ $ G35d from 2010 report: $ $ &SNL3 NQDEF = 5, MSC = 0.00, NSC = -3.50 / $ &ANL3 QPARMS = 0.066, 0.018, 21.4, 0.170E+09, 0.000E+00 , $ 0.127, 0.069, 19.6, 0.127E+09, 0.000E+00 , $ 0.228, 0.065, 2.0, 0.443E+08, 0.000E+00 , $ 0.295, 0.196, 40.5, 0.210E+08, 0.000E+00 , $ 0.369, 0.226, 11.5, 0.118E+08, 0.000E+00 / $ $ Nonlinear filter based on DIA - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $ Namelist SNLS $ A34 : Relative offset in quadruplet $ FHFC : Proportionality constants. $ DMN : Maximum relative change. $ FC1-3 : Constants in frequency filter. $ $ Whitecapping dissipation - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $ WAM-3 : Namelist SDS1 $ CDIS, APM : As in source term. $ $ Tolman and Chalikov : Namelist SDS2 $ SDSA0, SDSA1, SDSA2, SDSB0, SDSB1, PHIMIN : $ Constants a0, a1, a2, b0, b1 and $ PHImin. $ $ WAM4 and variants : Namelist SDS3 $ SDSC1 : WAM4 Cds coeffient $ MNMEANP, WNMEANPTAIL : power of wavenumber $ for mean definitions in Sds and tail $ SDSDELTA1, SDSDELTA2 : relative weights $ of k and k^2 parts of WAM4 dissipation $ SDSLF, SDSHF : coefficient for activation of $ WAM4 dissipation for unsaturated (SDSLF) and $ saturated (SDSHF) parts of the spectrum $ SDSC2 : Saturation dissipation coefficient $ SDSC4 : Value of B0=B/Br for wich Sds is zero $ SDSBR : Threshold Br for saturation $ SDSP : power of (B/Br-B0) in Sds $ SDSBR2 : Threshold Br2 for the separation of $ WAM4 dissipation in saturated and non-saturated $ SDSC5 : coefficient for turbulence dissipation $ SDSC6 : Weight for the istropic part of Sds_SAT $ SDSDTH: Angular half-width for integration of B $ $ BYDRZ : Namelist SDS6 $ SDSET : Select threshold normalization spectra $ SDSA1, SDSA2, SDSP1, SDSP2 : $ Coefficients for dissipation terms T1 and T2 $ : Namelist SWL6 $ SWLB1 : Coefficient for swell dissipation $ $ Bottom friction - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $ JONSWAP : Namelist SBT1 $ GAMMA : Bottom friction emprical constant $ $ $ Surf breaking - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $ Battjes and Janssen : Namelist SDB1 $ BJALFA : Dissipation constant (default = 1) $ BJGAM : Breaking threshold (default = 0.73) $ BJFLAG : TRUE - Use Hmax/d ratio only (default) $ FALSE - Use Hmax/d in Miche formulation $ $ Dissipation in the ice - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $ Generalization of Liu et al. : Namelist SIC2 $ IC2DISPER : If true uses Liu formulation with eddy viscosity $ If false, uses the generalization with turbulent $ to laminar transition $ IC2TURB : empirical factor for the turbulent part $ IC2ROUGH : under-ice roughness length $ IC2REYNOLDS: Re number for laminar to turbulent transition $ IC2SMOOTH : smoothing of transition reprensenting random waves $ IC2VISC : empirical factor for viscous part $ $ $ Scattering in the ice & creep dissipations- - - - - - - - - - - - - $ Generalization of Wiliams et al. : Namelist SIS2 $ ISC1 : scattering coefficient (default = 1) $ IS2BACKSCAT : fraction of energy back-scattered (default = 1 ) $ IS2BREAK : TRUE - changes floe max diameter $ : FALSE - does not change floe max diameter $ IS2C1 : scattering in pack ice $ IS2C2 : frequency dependance of scattering in pack ice $ IS2C3 : frequency dependance of scattering in pack ice $ ISBACKSCAT : fraction of scattered energy actualy redistributed $ IS2DISP : use of ice-specific dispersion relation (T/F) $ FRAGILITY : parameter between 0 and 1 that gives the shape of FSD $ IS2DMIN : minimum floe diameter in meters $ IS2DAMP : multiplicative coefficient for dissipation term from RP $ IS2UPDATE : TRUE - updates the max floe diameter with forcing only $ : FALSE - updates the max floe diameter at each time step $ $ Dissipation by sea ice $ Empirical/parametric representations : Namelist SIC4 $ IC4METHOD : integer 1 to 7 $ : In most cases, additional input $ : is required. $ : See examples in /regtests/ww3_tic1.1/ $ : See also: 1) description in manual $ : and 2) inline documentation in $ w3sic4md.ftn $ $ Triad nonlinear interactions - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $ Lumped Triad Interaction (LTA) : Namelist STR1 (To be implemented) $ PTRIAD1 : Proportionality coefficient (default 0.05) $ PTRIAD2 : Multiple of Tm01 up to which interaction $ is computed (2.5) $ PTRIAD3 : Ursell upper limit for computing $ interactions (not used, default 10.) $ PTRIAD4 : Shape parameter for biphase $ computation (0.2) $ PTRIAD5 : Ursell number treshold for computing $ interactions (0.01) $ $ Shoreline reflections - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $ ref. parameters : Namelist REF1 $ REFCOAST : Reflection coefficient at shoreline $ REFFREQ : Activation of freq-dependent ref. $ REFMAP : Scale factor for bottom slope map $ REFRMAX : maximum ref. coeffient (default 0.8) $ REFFREQPOW: power of frequency $ REFICEBERG: Reflection coefficient for icebergs $ REFSUBGRID: Reflection coefficient for islands $ REFCOSP_STRAIGHT: power of cosine used for $ straight shoreline $ $ Bound 2nd order spectrum and free IG - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $ IG1 parameters : Namelist SIG1 $ IGMETHOD : 1: Hasselmann, 2: Krasitskii-Janssen $ IGADDOUTP : activation of bound wave correction $ in ww3_outp / ww3_ounp $ IGSOURCE : 1: uses bound waves, 2: empirical $ IGSTERMS : > 0 : no source term in IG band $ IGMAXFREQ : maximum frequency of IG band $ IGEMPIRICAL: constant in empirical free IG source $ IGBCOVERWRITE: T: Replaces IG spectrum, does not add $ IGSWELLMAX: T: activates free IG sources for all freq. $ $ $ Propagation schemes ------------------------------------------------ $ $ First order : Namelist PRO1 $ CFLTM : Maximum CFL number for refraction. $ $ UQ/UNO with diffusion : Namelist PRO2 $ CFLTM : Maximum CFL number for refraction. $ DTIME : Swell age (s) in garden sprinkler $ correction. If 0., all diffusion $ switched off. If small non-zero $ (DEFAULT !!!) only wave growth $ diffusion. $ LATMIN : Maximum latitude used in calc. of $ strength of diffusion for prop. $ $ UQ/UNO with averaging : Namelist PRO3 $ CFLTM : Maximum CFL number for refraction. $ WDTHCG : Tuning factor propag. direction. $ WDTHTH : Tuning factor normal direction. $ $ Note that UQ and UNO schemes have no tunable parameters. $ All tuneable parameters are associated with the refraction $ limitation and the GSE alleviation. $ $ Unstructured grids ------------------------------------------------ $ $ UNST parameters : Namelist UNST $ UGOBCAUTO : TRUE: OBC points are taken from type 15 elements $ FALSE: OBC points must be listed in ww3_grid.inp $ UGOBCDEPTH : Threshold ( < 0) depth for OBC points if UGOBCAUTO is TRUE $ UGOBCFILE : Reading boundary files from a file $ EXPFSN : Activation of N scheme (only one of the below 4, True - Active, False - not active) $ EXPFSPSI : Activation of PSI scheme $ EXPFSFCT : Activation of FCT scheme $ IMPFSN : Activation of N implicit scheme $ EXPTOTAL : Activation of the Block explicit N scheme solver $ IMPTOTAL : Activation of fully implicit scheme | Non splitting $ IMPREFRACTION : Turn on implicit freq. shift (only with imptotal) $ IMPFREQSHIFT : Turn on implicit freq. shift terms (only with imptotal) $ IMPSOURCE : Turn on implicit source terms (only with imptotal) $ JGS_TERMINATE_MAXITER : max. Number of iterations $ JGS_TERMINATE_DIFFERENCE : Terminate based on the total change of the unweightet sum of wave action $ JGS_TERMINATE_NORM : Terminate based on the norm of the solution $ JGS_USE_JACOBI : Use Jacobi solver family $ JGS_BLOCK_GAUSS_SEIDEL : Use Block Gauss Seidel method for imptotal instead of the conservative jacobi iterator. $ JGS_MAXITER : max. Number of solver iterations $ JGS_PMIN : % of grid points that do not need to converge during solver iteration. $ JGS_DIFF_THR : implicit solver threshold for JGS_TERMINATE_DIFFERENCE $ JGS_NORM_THR : terminate based on the norm of the solution $ JGS_LIMITER : use total (quasi-steady: limits whole equation) instead of local limiter (un-steady: limits only source terms) $ JGS_LIMITER_FUNC : 1 - old limiter; 2 - alternatnive limiter $ SETUP_APPLY_WLV : Compute wave setup (experimental) $ SOLVERTHR_SETUP : Solver threshold for setup computations $ CRIT_DEP_SETUP : Critical depths for setup computations $ $ SMC grid propagation : Namelist PSMC and default values $ CFLSM : Maximum CFL no. for propagation, 0.7 $ DTIMS : Swell age for diffusion term (s), 360.0 $ RFMAXD : Maximum refraction turning (deg), 36.0 $ LvSMC : No. of refinement level, default 1 $ ISHFT : Shift number of i-index, default 0 $ JEQT : Shift number of j-index, default 0 $ NBISMC : No. of input boundary points, 0 $ AVERG : Add extra spatial averaging, .TRUE. $ UNO3 : Use 3rd order advection scheme, .FALSE. $ SEAWND : Use sea-point only wind input. .FALSE. $ Arctic : Include Arctic part cell array. .FALSE. $ &PSMC DTIMS = 39600.0, LvSMC=3, JEQT=1344, SEAWND=.TRUE., Arctic=.TRUE. / $ $ Rotated pole ------------------------------------------------------ $ $ Pole parameters : Namelist ROTD $ PLAT : Rotated pole latitude $ PLON : Rotated pole longitude $ UNROT : Logical, un-rotate directions to $ true north $ $ Compile switch /RTD required. $ $ These will be used to derive rotation angle corrections in the $ model. The corrections are used for rotation of boundary spectra $ and for restoring conventional lat/lon orientation of the $ output spectra, mean direction or any related variables. $ The PLAT/LON example below is a standard setting for Met $ Office UK regional models. $ $ &ROTD PLAT = 37.5, PLON = 177.5, UNROT = .TRUE. / $ $ The default values for ROTD represent a non-rotated lat/lon grid: $ $ &ROTD PLAT = 90.0, PLON = -180.0, UNROT = .FALSE. / $ $ Output boundary conditions to rotated pole grids ------------------ $ $ $ Pole parameters : Namelist ROTB $ BPLAT(1:9) : Pole latitude of each destination grid $ BPLON(1:9) : Pole longitude of each destination grid $ $ Compile switch /RTD required. $ $ In the section 'Output boundary points' later in this file, the points must $ be given as straight lines in the reference system of each destination grid. $ The index J of BPLAT(J),BPLON(J) is incremented by one where a new output $ file is started by specifying a negative value for the number of points. $ $ Each destination may be either a rotated grid or a standard (non-rotated) $ lat/lon grid. The default values for ROTB represent standard lat/lon grids: $ $ &ROTB BPLAT(1)=90., BPLON(1)=-180., BPLAT(2)=90. / $ (etc.) $ $ Output of 3D arrays------------------------------------------------- $ $ In order to limit the use of memory, arrays for 3D output fiels (i.e. $ variables that are a function of both space and frequency, are not $ declared, and thus cannot be used, unless specified by namelists. $ NB: Output of 'first 5' moments E, th1m, sth1m, th2, sth2m allows to estimate the full $ directional spectrum using, e.g. MEM (Lygre&Krogstad 1986). $ $ Parameters (integers) : Namelist OUTS $ For the frequency spectrum E(f) $ E3D : <=0: not declared, > 0: declared $ I1E3D : First frequency index of output (default is 1) $ I2E3D : Last frequency index of output (default is NK) $ For the mean direction th1m(f), and spread sth1m(f) $ TH1MF, STH1MF : <=0: not declared, > 0: declared $ I1TH1MF, I1STH1MF: First frequency index of output (default is 1) $ I2TH1MF, I2STH1MF: First frequency index of output (default is 1) $ For the mean direction th2m(f), and spread sth2m(f) $ TH2MF, STH2MF : <=0: not declared, > 0: declared $ I1TH2MF, I1STH2MF: First frequency index of output (default is 1) $ I2TH2MF, I2STH2MF: First frequency index of output (default is 1) $ For 2nd order pressure at K=0 (source of microseisms & microbaroms) $ P2SF : <=0: not declared, > 0: declared $ I1P2SF : First frequency index of output (default is 1) $ I2P2SF : Last frequency index of output (default is NK) $ For the surface Stokes drift partitions (USP) $ USSP : First index (default is 1, should always be 1) $ IUSSP : Last index (must be <= than NK and should be $ between 3 and ~10 with the tradeoff $ between accuracy and resources) $ STK_WN : List of wavenumbers (size of IUSSP) $ e.g.: USSP = 1, IUSSP=3, STK_WN = 0.04, 0.11, 0.33 $ provides 3 partitions of both x & y component, $ with a reasonable accuracy for using in $ a climate model. $ $ Miscellaneous ------------------------------------------------------ $ $ Misc. parameters : Namelist MISC $ CICE0 : Ice concentration cut-off. $ CICEN : Ice concentration cut-off. $ PMOVE : Power p in GSE aleviation for $ moving grids in Eq. (D.4). $ XSEED : Xseed in seeding alg. (!/SEED). $ FLAGTR : Indicating presence and type of $ subgrid information : $ 0 : No subgrid information. $ 1 : Transparancies at cell boun- $ daries between grid points. $ 2 : Transp. at cell centers. $ 3 : Like 1 with cont. ice. $ 4 : Like 2 with cont. ice. $ TRCKCMPR : Logical variable (T/F). Set to F to $ disable "compression" of track output. $ This simplifies post-processing. $ Default is T and will create track $ output in the traditional manner $ (WW3 v3, v4, v5). $ XP, XR, XFILT $ Xp, Xr and Xf for the dynamic $ integration scheme. $ IHMAX : Number of discrete levels in part. $ HSPMIN : Minimum Hs in partitioning. $ WSM : Wind speed multiplier in part. $ WSC : Cut of wind sea fraction for $ identifying wind sea in part. $ FLC : Flag for combining wind seas in $ partitioning. $ NOSW : Number of partitioned swell fields $ in field output. $ PTM : Partioning method: $ 1 : Default WW3 $ 2 : Watershedding + wind cutoff $ 3 : Watershedding only $ 4 : Wind speed cutoff only $ 5 : High/Low band cutoff (see PTFC) $ PTFC : Cutouf frequency for High/Low band $ partioning (PTM=5). Default = 0.1Hz $ FMICHE : Constant in Miche limiter. $ STDX : Space-Time Extremes X-Length $ STDY : Space-Time Extremes Y-Length $ STDT : Space-Time Extremes Duration $ P2SF : ...... $ CALTYPE: Calendar type. The only accepted $ values are 'standard' (default), $ '365_day', or '360_day'. $ $ Diagnostic Sea-state Dependent Stress- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $ Reichl et al. 2014 : Namelist FLD1 $ TAILTYPE : High Frequency Tail Method $ 0: Constant value (prescribed) $ 1: Wind speed dependent $ (Based on GFDL Hurricane $ Model Z0 relationship) $ TAILLEV : Level of high frequency tail $ (if TAILTYPE==0) $ Valid choices: $ Capped min: 0.001, max: 0.02 $ TAILT1 : Tail transition ratio 1 $ TAILT1*peak input frequency $ is the first transition point of $ the saturation specturm $ Default is 1.25 $ TAILT1 : Tail transition ratio 2 $ TAILT2*peak input frequency $ is the second transition point of $ the saturation specturm $ Default is 3.00 $ Donelan et al. 2012 : Namelist FLD2 $ TAILTYPE : See above (FLD1) $ TAILLEV : See above (FLD1) $ TAILT1 : See above (FLD1) $ TAILT2 : See above (FLD1) $ $ In the 'Out of the box' test setup we run with sub-grid obstacles $ and with continuous ice treatment. $ &MISC CICE0 = 0.25, CICEN = 0.75, FLAGTR = 4 / &FLX3 CDMAX = 3.5E-3 , CTYPE = 0 / $ &SDB1 BJGAM = 1.26, BJFLAG = .FALSE. / $ $ Mandatory string to identify end of namelist input section. $ END OF NAMELISTS $ $ Define grid -------------------------------------------------------- $ $ $ Five records containing : $ $ 1 Type of grid, coordinate system and type of closure: GSTRG, FLAGLL, $ CSTRG. Grid closure can only be applied in spherical coordinates. $ GSTRG : String indicating type of grid : $ 'RECT' : rectilinear $ 'CURV' : curvilinear $ 'UNST' : unstructured (triangle-based) $ 'SMCG' : Spherical Multiple-Cell grid. $ FLAGLL : Flag to indicate coordinate system : $ T : Spherical (lon/lat in degrees) $ F : Cartesian (meters) $ CSTRG : String indicating the type of grid index space closure : $ 'NONE' : No closure is applied $ 'SMPL' : Simple grid closure : Grid is periodic in the $ : i-index and wraps at i=NX+1. In other words, $ : (NX+1,J) => (1,J). A grid with simple closure $ : may be rectilinear or curvilinear. $ 'TRPL' : Tripole grid closure : Grid is periodic in the $ : i-index and wraps at i=NX+1 and has closure at $ : j=NY+1. In other words, (NX+1,J<=NY) => (1,J) $ : and (I,NY+1) => (NX-I+1,NY). Tripole $ : grid closure requires that NX be even. A grid $ : with tripole closure must be curvilinear. $ 2 NX, NY. As the outer grid lines are always defined as land $ points, the minimum size is 3x3. $ $ Branch here based on grid type $ $ IF ( RECTILINEAR GRID ) THEN $ $ 3 Grid increments SX, SY (degr.or m) and scaling (division) factor. $ If CSTRG='SMPL', then SX is set to 360/NX. $ 4 Coordinates of (1,1) (degr.) and scaling (division) factor. $ $ ELSE IF ( CURVILINEAR GRID ) THEN $ $ 3 Unit number of file with x-coordinate. $ Scale factor and add offset: x <= scale_fac * x_read + add_offset. $ IDLA, IDFM, format for formatted read, FROM and filename. $ IDLA : Layout indicator : $ 1 : Read line-by-line bottom to top. $ 2 : Like 1, single read statement. $ 3 : Read line-by-line top to bottom. $ 4 : Like 3, single read statement. $ IDFM : format indicator : $ 1 : Free format. $ 2 : Fixed format with above format descriptor. $ 3 : Unformatted. $ FROM : file type parameter $ 'UNIT' : open file by unit number only. $ 'NAME' : open file by name and assign to unit. $ $ If the above unit number equals 10, then the x-coord is read from this $ file. The x-coord must follow the above record. No comment lines are $ allowed within the x-coord input. $ $ 4 Unit number of file with y-coordinate. $ Scale factor and add offset: y <= scale_fac * y_read + add_offset. $ IDLA, IDFM, format for formatted read, FROM and filename. $ IDLA : Layout indicator : $ 1 : Read line-by-line bottom to top. $ 2 : Like 1, single read statement. $ 3 : Read line-by-line top to bottom. $ 4 : Like 3, single read statement. $ IDFM : format indicator : $ 1 : Free format. $ 2 : Fixed format with above format descriptor. $ 3 : Unformatted. $ FROM : file type parameter $ 'UNIT' : open file by unit number only. $ 'NAME' : open file by name and assign to unit. $ $ If the above unit number equals 10, then the y-coord is read from this $ file. The y-coord must follow the above record. No comment lines are $ allowed within the y-coord input. $ $ ELSE IF ( UNSTRUCTURED GRID ) THEN $ Nothing to declare: all the data will be read from the GMESH file $ END IF ( CURVILINEAR GRID ) $ $ 5 Limiting bottom depth (m) to discriminate between land and sea $ points, minimum water depth (m) as allowed in model, unit number $ of file with bottom depths, scale factor for bottom depths (mult.), $ IDLA, IDFM, format for formatted read, FROM and filename. $ IDLA : Layout indicator : $ 1 : Read line-by-line bottom to top. $ 2 : Like 1, single read statement. $ 3 : Read line-by-line top to bottom. $ 4 : Like 3, single read statement. $ IDFM : format indicator : $ 1 : Free format. $ 2 : Fixed format with above format descriptor. $ 3 : Unformatted. $ FROM : file type parameter $ 'UNIT' : open file by unit number only. $ 'NAME' : open file by name and assign to unit. $ $ If the above unit number equals 10, then the bottom depths are read from $ this file. The depths must follow the above record. No comment lines are $ allowed within the depth input. In the case of unstructured grids, the file $ is expected to be a GMESH grid file containing node and element lists. $ $ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ $ Example for rectilinear grid with spherical (lon/lat) coordinate system. $ Note that for Cartesian coordinates the unit is meters (NOT km). $ 'RECT' T 'NONE' $ 12 12 $ 1. 1. 4. $ -1. -1. 4. $ -0.1 2.50 10 -10. 3 1 '(....)' 'NAME' 'bottom.inp' 360 159 1.0 1.0 1 $0.0 -78.0 1. -180.0 -78.0 1. $ 0.0 30.00 11 1 1 1 '(....)' 'NAME' 'global_1p0_bathy_new.dat' $ 21 0.01 1 1 '(....)' 'NAME' 'global_1p0_obst_new.dat' $ 22 1 1 '(....)' 'NAME' 'global_1p0_mask_new.dat' 0.0 30.00 11 0.1 1 1 '(....)' 'NAME' 'global_1p00_bathy.dat' 21 0.01 1 1 '(....)' 'NAME' 'global_1p00_obst.dat' $ 22 1 1 '(....)' 'NAME' 'global_1p0_mask.dat' $ $ 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 $ 6 6 6 5 4 2 0 2 4 5 6 6 $ 6 6 6 5 4 2 0 2 4 5 6 6 $ 6 6 6 5 4 2 0 2 4 5 6 6 $ 6 6 6 5 4 2 0 0 4 5 6 6 $ 6 6 6 5 4 4 2 2 4 5 6 6 $ 6 6 6 6 5 5 4 4 5 6 6 6 $ 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 5 6 6 6 6 $ 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 $ 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 $ 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 $ 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 $ $ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ $ Example for curvilinear grid with spherical (lon/lat) coordinate system. $ Same spatial grid as preceding rectilinear example. $ Note that for Cartesian coordinates the unit is meters (NOT km). $ $ 'CURV' T 'NONE' $ 12 12 $ $ 10 0.25 -0.5 3 1 '(....)' 'NAME' 'x.inp' $ $ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 $ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 $ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 $ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 $ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 $ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 $ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 $ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 $ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 $ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 $ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 $ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 $ $ 10 0.25 0.5 3 1 '(....)' 'NAME' 'y.inp' $ $ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $ 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 $ 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 $ 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 $ 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 $ 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 $ 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 $ 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 $ 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 $ 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 $ 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 $ 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 $ $ -0.1 2.50 10 -10. 3 1 '(....)' 'NAME' 'bottom.inp' $ $ 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 $ 6 6 6 5 4 2 0 2 4 5 6 6 $ 6 6 6 5 4 2 0 2 4 5 6 6 $ 6 6 6 5 4 2 0 2 4 5 6 6 $ 6 6 6 5 4 2 0 0 4 5 6 6 $ 6 6 6 5 4 4 2 2 4 5 6 6 $ 6 6 6 6 5 5 4 4 5 6 6 6 $ 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 5 6 6 6 6 $ 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 $ 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 $ 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 $ 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 $ $ ------------------------------------------------------------- $ SMC grid use the same spherical lat-lon grid parameters $ 'SMCG' T 'SMPL' $ 1024 704 $ SMC grid base level resolution dlon dlat and start lon lat $ 0.35156250 0.23437500 1. $ 0.17578125 -78.6328125 1. $ $ Normal depth input line is used to passing the minimum depth $ though the depth file is not read for SMC grid. $ -0.1 10.0 30 -1. 1 1 '(....)' 'NAME' 'SMC25Depth.dat' $ SMC cell and face arrays and obstruction ratio: $ 32 1 1 '(....)' 'S6125MCels.dat' $ 33 1 1 '(....)' 'S6125ISide.dat' $ 34 1 1 '(....)' 'S6125JSide.dat' $ 31 1.0 1 1 '(...)' 'NAME' 'SMC25Subtr.dat' $ The input boundary cell file is only needed when NBISMC > 0. $ 35 1 1 '(....)' 'S6125Bundy.dat' $ Extra cell and face arrays for Arctic part if Arctic=.TRUE. is selected. $ 36 1 1 '(....)' 'S6125MBArc.dat' $ 37 1 1 '(....)' 'S6125AISid.dat' $ 38 1 1 '(....)' 'S6125AJSid.dat' $ Normal land-sea mask file input line is kept but file is not used. $ 39 1 1 '(....)' 'NAME' 'S6125Masks.dat' $ Boundary cell id list file (unit 35) is only required if boundary $ cell number entered above is non-zero. The cell id number should be $ the sequential number in the cell array (unit 32) S625MCels.dat. $ $ If sub-grid information is available as indicated by FLAGTR above, $ additional input to define this is needed below. In such cases a $ field of fractional obstructions at or between grid points needs to $ be supplied. First the location and format of the data is defined $ by (as above) : $ - Unit number of file (can be 10, and/or identical to bottom depth $ unit), scale factor for fractional obstruction, IDLA, IDFM, $ format for formatted read, FROM and filename $ 10 0.2 3 1 '(....)' 'NAME' 'obstr.inp' $ $ *** NOTE if this unit number is the same as the previous bottom $ depth unit number, it is assumed that this is the same file $ without further checks. *** $ $ If the above unit number equals 10, the bottom data is read from $ this file and follows below (no intermediate comment lines allowed, $ except between the two fields). $ $ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $ 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 $ 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 $ 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 $ 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 $ 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 $ 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 $ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $ $ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 5 5 0 $ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $ $ *** NOTE size of fields is always NX * NY *** $ $ Input boundary points and excluded points -------------------------- $ $ The first line identifies where to get the map data, by unit number $ IDLA and IDFM, format for formatted read, FROM and filename $ if FROM = 'PART', then segmented data is read from below, else $ the data is read from file as with the other inputs (as INTEGER) $ $ 10 3 1 '(....)' 'PART' 'mapsta.inp' $ $ Read the status map from file ( FROM != PART ) --------------------- $ $ $ 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 $ 3 2 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 3 $ 3 2 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 3 $ 3 2 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 3 $ 3 2 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 3 $ 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 $ 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 $ 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 $ 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 $ 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 $ 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 $ 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 $ $ The legend for the input map is : $ $ 0 : Land point. $ 1 : Regular sea point. $ 2 : Active boundary point. $ 3 : Point excluded from grid. $ $ Input boundary points from segment data ( FROM = PART ) ------------ $ $ An unlimited number of lines identifying points at which input $ boundary conditions are to be defined. If the actual input data is $ not defined in the actual wave model run, the initial conditions $ will be applied as constant boundary conditions. Each line contains: $ Discrete grid counters (IX,IY) of the active point and a $ connect flag. If this flag is true, and the present and previous $ point are on a grid line or diagonal, all intermediate points $ are also defined as boundary points. $ $ 2 2 F $ 2 11 T $ $ Close list by defining point (0,0) (mandatory) $ 0 0 F $ $ Excluded grid points from segment data ( FROM != PART ) $ First defined as lines, identical to the definition of the input $ boundary points, and closed the same way. $ 0 0 F $ $ Second, define a point in a closed body of sea points to remove $ the entire body of sea points. Also close by point (0,0) $ 0 0 $ $ Sedimentary bottom map if namelist &SBT4 SEDMAPD50 = T $ $ 22 1. 1 1 '(f10.6)' 'NAME' 'SED.txt' $ $ Output boundary points --------------------------------------------- $ $ Output boundary points are defined as a number of straight lines, $ defined by its starting point (X0,Y0), increments (DX,DY) and number $ of points. A negative number of points starts a new output file. $ Note that this data is only generated if requested by the actual $ program. Example again for spherical grid in degrees. Note, these do $ not need to be defined for data transfer between grids in the multi $ grid driver. $ $ 1.75 1.50 0.25 -0.10 3 $ 2.25 1.50 -0.10 0.00 -6 $ 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.00 -10 -15.00 24.75 0.0 0.25 158 -15.00 66.50 0.0 0.25 7 -15.00 68.00 0.25 0.0 111 13.5 68.00 0.25 0.0 7 44.0 12.00 0.25 0.0 73 62.0 12.25 0.0 0.25 52 -67.0 -49.75 0.25 0.0 -146 -30.25 -49.5 0.0 0.25 158 -76.00 35.00 0.25 0.0 -103 -50.00 34.75 0.0 -0.25 120 107.0 20.00 0.25 0.0 -13 111.0 20.00 0.25 0.0 209 163.0 19.75 0.0 -0.25 152 163.0 -18.0 -0.25 0.0 68 92.0 -18.0 0.25 0.0 122 92.0 -17.75 0.0 0.25 152 -6.0 4.5 0.0 -0.25 -171 -5.75 -38.0 0.25 0.0 168 36.0 -37.75 0.0 0.25 76 $ $ Close list by defining line with 0 points (mandatory) $ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0 $ $ -------------------------------------------------------------------- $ $ End of input file $ $ -------------------------------------------------------------------- $