diff --git a/docs/configs.md b/docs/configs.md
index 06614aa4bb4..3db47bdfbc4 100644
--- a/docs/configs.md
+++ b/docs/configs.md
@@ -79,6 +79,7 @@ Name | Description | Default Value
spark.rapids.sql.decimalOverflowGuarantees|FOR TESTING ONLY. DO NOT USE IN PRODUCTION. Please see the decimal section of the compatibility documents for more information on this config.|true
spark.rapids.sql.enabled|Enable (true) or disable (false) sql operations on the GPU|true
spark.rapids.sql.explain|Explain why some parts of a query were not placed on a GPU or not. Possible values are ALL: print everything, NONE: print nothing, NOT_ON_GPU: print only parts of a query that did not go on the GPU|NONE
+spark.rapids.sql.fast.sample|Option to turn on fast sample. If enable it is inconsistent with CPU sample because of GPU sample algorithm is inconsistent with CPU.|false
spark.rapids.sql.format.csv.enabled|When set to false disables all csv input and output acceleration. (only input is currently supported anyways)|true
spark.rapids.sql.format.csv.read.enabled|When set to false disables csv input acceleration|true
spark.rapids.sql.format.orc.enabled|When set to false disables all orc input and output acceleration|true
diff --git a/sql-plugin/src/main/scala/com/nvidia/spark/rapids/GatherUtils.scala b/sql-plugin/src/main/scala/com/nvidia/spark/rapids/GatherUtils.scala
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..7f117d7729c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sql-plugin/src/main/scala/com/nvidia/spark/rapids/GatherUtils.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2021, NVIDIA CORPORATION.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package com.nvidia.spark.rapids
+import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
+import ai.rapids.cudf.ColumnVector
+import org.apache.spark.sql.vectorized.ColumnarBatch
+object GatherUtils extends Arm {
+ def gather(cb: ColumnarBatch, rows: ArrayBuffer[Int]): ColumnarBatch = {
+ val colTypes = GpuColumnVector.extractTypes(cb)
+ if (rows.isEmpty) {
+ GpuColumnVector.emptyBatchFromTypes(colTypes)
+ } else if (cb.numCols() == 0) {
+ // for count agg, num of cols is 0
+ val c = GpuColumnVector.emptyBatchFromTypes(colTypes)
+ c.setNumRows(rows.length)
+ c
+ } else {
+ withResource(ColumnVector.fromInts(rows: _*)) { gatherCv =>
+ withResource(GpuColumnVector.from(cb)) { table =>
+ // GPU gather
+ withResource(table.gather(gatherCv)) { gatheredTable =>
+ GpuColumnVector.from(gatheredTable, colTypes)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/sql-plugin/src/main/scala/com/nvidia/spark/rapids/RapidsConf.scala b/sql-plugin/src/main/scala/com/nvidia/spark/rapids/RapidsConf.scala
index 169840f4b6e..60802477213 100644
--- a/sql-plugin/src/main/scala/com/nvidia/spark/rapids/RapidsConf.scala
+++ b/sql-plugin/src/main/scala/com/nvidia/spark/rapids/RapidsConf.scala
@@ -1319,6 +1319,12 @@ object RapidsConf {
.createWithDefault(value = false)
+ val ENABLE_FAST_SAMPLE = conf("spark.rapids.sql.fast.sample")
+ .doc("Option to turn on fast sample. If enable it is inconsistent with CPU sample " +
+ "because of GPU sample algorithm is inconsistent with CPU.")
+ .booleanConf
+ .createWithDefault(value = false)
private def printSectionHeader(category: String): Unit =
println(s"\n### $category")
@@ -1733,6 +1739,8 @@ class RapidsConf(conf: Map[String, String]) extends Logging {
lazy val isCpuBasedUDFEnabled: Boolean = get(ENABLE_CPU_BASED_UDF)
+ lazy val isFastSampleEnabled: Boolean = get(ENABLE_FAST_SAMPLE)
private val optimizerDefaults = Map(
// this is not accurate because CPU projections do have a cost due to appending values
// to each row that is produced, but this needs to be a really small number because
diff --git a/sql-plugin/src/main/scala/com/nvidia/spark/rapids/basicPhysicalOperators.scala b/sql-plugin/src/main/scala/com/nvidia/spark/rapids/basicPhysicalOperators.scala
index a882a19dde1..73b719a8bec 100644
--- a/sql-plugin/src/main/scala/com/nvidia/spark/rapids/basicPhysicalOperators.scala
+++ b/sql-plugin/src/main/scala/com/nvidia/spark/rapids/basicPhysicalOperators.scala
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
package com.nvidia.spark.rapids
import scala.annotation.tailrec
+import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
import ai.rapids.cudf
import ai.rapids.cudf._
@@ -365,19 +366,32 @@ case class GpuFilterExec(
-class GpuSampleExecMeta(sample: SampleExec, conf: RapidsConf, p: Option[RapidsMeta[_, _, _]],
+class GpuSampleExecMeta(
+ sample: SampleExec,
+ conf: RapidsConf,
+ p: Option[RapidsMeta[_, _, _]],
r: DataFromReplacementRule) extends SparkPlanMeta[SampleExec](sample, conf, p, r)
- with Logging {
+ with Logging {
override def convertToGpu(): GpuExec = {
val gpuChild = childPlans.head.convertIfNeeded()
- GpuSampleExec(sample.lowerBound, sample.upperBound, sample.withReplacement,
- sample.seed, gpuChild)
+ if (conf.isFastSampleEnabled) {
+ // Use GPU sample JNI, this is faster, but the output is not the same as CPU produces
+ GpuFastSampleExec(sample.lowerBound, sample.upperBound, sample.withReplacement,
+ sample.seed, gpuChild)
+ } else {
+ // The output is the same as CPU produces
+ // First generates row indexes by CPU sampler, then use GPU to gathers
+ GpuSampleExec(sample.lowerBound, sample.upperBound, sample.withReplacement,
+ sample.seed, gpuChild)
+ }
-case class GpuSampleExec(lowerBound: Double, upperBound: Double, withReplacement: Boolean,
- seed: Long, child: SparkPlan)
- extends ShimUnaryExecNode with GpuExec {
+case class GpuSampleExec(
+ lowerBound: Double,
+ upperBound: Double,
+ withReplacement: Boolean,
+ seed: Long, child: SparkPlan) extends ShimUnaryExecNode with GpuExec {
override lazy val additionalMetrics: Map[String, GpuMetric] = Map(
@@ -404,7 +418,9 @@ case class GpuSampleExec(lowerBound: Double, upperBound: Double, withReplacement
val numOutputRows = gpuLongMetric(NUM_OUTPUT_ROWS)
val numOutputBatches = gpuLongMetric(NUM_OUTPUT_BATCHES)
val opTime = gpuLongMetric(OP_TIME)
val rdd = child.executeColumnar()
+ // CPU consistent, first generates sample row indexes by CPU, then gathers by GPU
if (withReplacement) {
new GpuPartitionwiseSampledRDD(
@@ -415,46 +431,106 @@ case class GpuSampleExec(lowerBound: Double, upperBound: Double, withReplacement
} else {
(index, iterator) => {
- // use CPU sampler generate filter
+ // use CPU sampler generate row indexes
val sampler = new BernoulliCellSampler(lowerBound, upperBound)
sampler.setSeed(seed + index)
- iterator.map[ColumnarBatch] { batch =>
- numOutputBatches += 1
- withResource(batch) { b => // will generate new columnar column, close this
- val numRows = b.numRows()
- val filter = withResource(HostColumnVector.builder(DType.BOOL8, numRows)) {
- builder =>
- (0 until numRows).foreach { _ =>
- val n = sampler.sample()
- if (n > 0) {
- builder.append(1.toByte)
- numOutputRows += 1
- } else {
- builder.append(0.toByte)
- }
+ iterator.map[ColumnarBatch] { columnarBatch =>
+ // collect sampled row idx
+ // samples idx in batch one by one, so it's same as CPU execution
+ withResource(new NvtxWithMetrics("Sample Exec", NvtxColor.YELLOW, opTime)) { _ =>
+ withResource(columnarBatch) { cb =>
+ // generate sampled row indexes by CPU
+ val sampledRows = new ArrayBuffer[Int]
+ var rowIndex = 0
+ while (rowIndex < cb.numRows()) {
+ if (sampler.sample() > 0) {
+ sampledRows += rowIndex
- builder.buildAndPutOnDevice()
+ rowIndex += 1
+ }
+ numOutputBatches += 1
+ numOutputRows += sampledRows.length
+ // gather by row indexes
+ GatherUtils.gather(cb, sampledRows)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ , preservesPartitioning = true
+ )
+ }
+ }
- // use GPU filer rows
- val colTypes = GpuColumnVector.extractTypes(b)
- withResource(filter) { filter =>
- withResource(GpuColumnVector.from(b)) { tbl =>
- withResource(tbl.filter(filter)) { filteredData =>
- if (filteredData.getRowCount == 0) {
- GpuColumnVector.emptyBatchFromTypes(colTypes)
- } else {
- GpuColumnVector.from(filteredData, colTypes)
- }
+case class GpuFastSampleExec(
+ lowerBound: Double,
+ upperBound: Double,
+ withReplacement: Boolean,
+ seed: Long,
+ child: SparkPlan) extends ShimUnaryExecNode with GpuExec {
+ override lazy val additionalMetrics: Map[String, GpuMetric] = Map(
+ override def output: Seq[Attribute] = {
+ child.output
+ }
+ // add one coalesce exec to avoid empty batch and small batch,
+ // because sample will shrink the batch
+ override val coalesceAfter: Boolean = true
+ // Note GPU sample does not preserve the ordering
+ override def outputOrdering: Seq[SortOrder] = Nil
+ override def outputPartitioning: Partitioning = child.outputPartitioning
+ override def doExecute(): RDD[InternalRow] =
+ throw new IllegalStateException(s"Row-based execution should not occur for $this")
+ override val outputRowsLevel: MetricsLevel = ESSENTIAL_LEVEL
+ override val outputBatchesLevel: MetricsLevel = MODERATE_LEVEL
+ override def doExecuteColumnar(): RDD[ColumnarBatch] = {
+ val numOutputRows = gpuLongMetric(NUM_OUTPUT_ROWS)
+ val numOutputBatches = gpuLongMetric(NUM_OUTPUT_BATCHES)
+ val opTime = gpuLongMetric(OP_TIME)
+ val rdd = child.executeColumnar()
+ // CPU inconsistent, uses GPU sample JNI
+ rdd.mapPartitionsWithIndex(
+ (index, iterator) => {
+ iterator.map[ColumnarBatch] { columnarBatch =>
+ withResource(new NvtxWithMetrics("Fast Sample Exec", NvtxColor.YELLOW, opTime)) { _ =>
+ withResource(columnarBatch) { cb =>
+ numOutputBatches += 1
+ val numSampleRows = (cb.numRows() * (upperBound - lowerBound)).toLong
+ val colTypes = GpuColumnVector.extractTypes(cb)
+ if (numSampleRows == 0L) {
+ GpuColumnVector.emptyBatchFromTypes(colTypes)
+ } else if (cb.numCols() == 0) {
+ // for count agg, num of cols is 0
+ val c = GpuColumnVector.emptyBatchFromTypes(colTypes)
+ c.setNumRows(numSampleRows.toInt)
+ c
+ } else {
+ withResource(GpuColumnVector.from(cb)) { table =>
+ // GPU sample
+ withResource(table.sample(numSampleRows, withReplacement, seed + index)) {
+ sampled =>
+ val cb = GpuColumnVector.from(sampled, colTypes)
+ numOutputRows += cb.numRows()
+ cb
- ,preservesPartitioning = true
- )
- }
+ }
+ , preservesPartitioning = true
+ )
diff --git a/sql-plugin/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/rapids/GpuPoissonSampler.scala b/sql-plugin/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/rapids/GpuPoissonSampler.scala
index 24d543ac169..24003addfef 100644
--- a/sql-plugin/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/rapids/GpuPoissonSampler.scala
+++ b/sql-plugin/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/rapids/GpuPoissonSampler.scala
@@ -17,8 +17,8 @@ package org.apache.spark.sql.rapids
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
-import ai.rapids.cudf.{DeviceMemoryBuffer, DType, GatherMap, HostMemoryBuffer, NvtxColor}
-import com.nvidia.spark.rapids.{Arm, GpuColumnVector, GpuMetric, NvtxWithMetrics}
+import ai.rapids.cudf.NvtxColor
+import com.nvidia.spark.rapids.{Arm, GatherUtils, GpuMetric, NvtxWithMetrics}
import org.apache.spark.sql.vectorized.ColumnarBatch
import org.apache.spark.util.random.PoissonSampler
@@ -37,52 +37,35 @@ class GpuPoissonSampler(fraction: Double, useGapSamplingIfPossible: Boolean,
} else {
batchIterator.map { columnarBatch =>
withResource(new NvtxWithMetrics("Sample Exec", NvtxColor.YELLOW, opTime)) { _ =>
- numOutputBatches += 1
withResource(columnarBatch) { cb =>
// collect sampled row idx
// samples idx in batch one by one, so it's same with CPU version
val sampledRows = sample(cb.numRows())
- val intBytes = DType.INT32.getSizeInBytes()
- val totalBytes = sampledRows.length * intBytes
- withResource(HostMemoryBuffer.allocate(totalBytes)) { hostBuffer =>
- // copy row idx to host buffer
- for (idx <- 0 until sampledRows.length) {
- hostBuffer.setInt(idx * intBytes, sampledRows(idx))
- }
- // generate gather map and send to GPU to gather
- withResource(DeviceMemoryBuffer.allocate(totalBytes)) { deviceBuffer =>
- deviceBuffer.copyFromHostBuffer(0, hostBuffer, 0, totalBytes)
- withResource(new GatherMap(deviceBuffer).toColumnView(0, sampledRows.length)) {
- gatherCv =>
- val colTypes = GpuColumnVector.extractTypes(cb)
- withResource(GpuColumnVector.from(cb)) { table =>
- withResource(table.gather(gatherCv)) { gatheredTable =>
- GpuColumnVector.from(gatheredTable, colTypes)
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
+ numOutputBatches += 1
+ numOutputRows += sampledRows.length
+ GatherUtils.gather(cb, sampledRows)
- // collect the sampled row idx
+ // collect the sampled row indexes, Note one row can be sampled multiple times
private def sample(numRows: Int): ArrayBuffer[Int] = {
val buf = new ArrayBuffer[Int]
- for (rowIdx <- 0 until numRows) {
+ var rowIdx = 0
+ while (rowIdx < numRows) {
// invoke PoissonSampler sample
val rowCount = super.sample()
if (rowCount > 0) {
- numOutputRows += rowCount
- for (_ <- 0 until rowCount) {
+ var i = 0
+ while (i < rowCount) {
buf += rowIdx
+ i = i + 1
+ rowIdx += 1