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File metadata and controls

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Data Preparation

Note: please use respecting the license terms of each dataset. Each user is responsible for checking the content of datasets and the applicable licenses and determining if suitable for the intended use.

The following sections provide a guide on how to preprocess input videos for Neuralangelo.


Initialize the COLMAP submodule:

git submodule update --init --recursive

Self-captured video sequence

To capture your own data, we recommend using a high shutter speed to avoid motion blur (which is very common when using a phone camera). We provide a synthetic Lego sequence (from the original NeRF) as a toy example video for testing the workflow. There are two steps:

  1. preprocessing the data and running COLMAP,
  2. inspecting and refining the bounding sphere of interest for running Neuralangelo.


First, set some environment variables:



  • SEQUENCE: your custom name for the video sequence.
  • PATH_TO_VIDEO: absolute/relative path to your video.
  • DOWNSAMPLE_RATE: temporal downsampling rate of video sequence (for extracting video frames).
  • SCENE_TYPE: can be one of {outdoor,indoor,object}.

To preprocess your data, you can choose to either

  • Run the following end-to-end script:

    bash projects/neuralangelo/scripts/ ${SEQUENCE} ${PATH_TO_VIDEO} ${DOWNSAMPLE_RATE} ${SCENE_TYPE}
  • Or you can follow the steps below if you want more fine-grained control:

    1. Extract images from the input video

      bash projects/neuralangelo/scripts/ ${SEQUENCE} ${PATH_TO_VIDEO} ${DOWNSAMPLE_RATE}

      This will create a directory datasets/{SEQUENCE}_ds{DOWNSAMPLE_RATE} (set as DATA_PATH onwards), which stores all the processed data. The extracted images will be stored in {DATA_PATH}/images_raw.

    2. Run COLMAP

      bash projects/neuralangelo/scripts/ ${DATA_PATH}

      DATA_PATH: path to processed data.

      After COLMAP finishes, the folder structure will look like following:

      ├─ database.db      (COLMAP database)
      ├─ images           (undistorted input images)
      ├─ images_raw       (raw input images)
      ├─ sparse           (COLMAP data from SfM)
      │  ├─ cameras.bin   (camera parameters)
      │  ├─ images.bin    (images and camera poses)
      │  ├─ points3D.bin  (sparse point clouds)
      │  ├─ 0             (a directory containing individual SfM models. There could also be 1, 2... etc.)
      │  ...
      ├─ stereo (COLMAP data for MVS, not used here)

      {DATA_PATH}/images will be the input image observations for surface reconstruction.

    3. Generate JSON file for data loading

      In this step, we define the bounding region for reconstruction and convert the COLMAP data to JSON format following Instant NGP. It is strongly recommended to inspect the results to verify and adjust the bounding region for improved performance.

      python3 projects/neuralangelo/scripts/ --data_dir ${DATA_PATH} --scene_type ${SCENE_TYPE}

      The JSON file will be generated in {DATA_PATH}/transforms.json.

    4. Config files

      Use the following to configure and generate your config files:

      python3 projects/neuralangelo/scripts/ --sequence_name ${SEQUENCE} --data_dir ${DATA_PATH} --scene_type ${SCENE_TYPE}

      The config file will be generated as projects/neuralangelo/configs/custom/{SEQUENCE}.yaml. You can add the --help flag to list all arguments; for example, consider adding --auto_exposure_wb for modeling varying lighting/appearances in the video. Alternatively, you can directly modify the hyperparameters in the generated config file.

Inspect and adjust COLMAP results

For certain cases, the camera poses estimated by COLMAP could be erroneous. In addition, the automated estimation of the bounding sphere could be inaccurate (which ideally should include the scene/object of interest). It is highly recommended that the bounding sphere is adjusted. We offer some tools to to inspect and adjust the pre-processing results. Below are some options:

  • Blender: Download Blender and follow the instructions in our add-on repo. The add-on will save your adjustment of the bounding sphere.
  • This Jupyter notebook (using K3D) can be helpful for visualizing the COLMAP results. You can adjust the bounding sphere by manually specifying the refining sphere center and size in the data.readjust config.

For certain cases, an exhaustive feature matcher may be able to estimate more accurate camera poses. This could be done by changing sequential_matcher to exhaustive_matcher in However, this would take more time to process and could sometimes result in "broken trajectories" (from COLMAP failing due to ambiguous matches). For more details, please refer to the COLMAP documentation.

DTU dataset

You can run the following command to download the DTU dataset that is preprocessed by NeuS authors and generate json files:

PATH_TO_DTU=datasets/dtu  # Modify this to be the DTU dataset root directory.
bash projects/neuralangelo/scripts/ ${PATH_TO_DTU}

Tanks and Temples dataset

Download the data from Tanks and Temples website. You will also need to download additional COLMAP/camera/alignment and the images of each scene.
The file structure should look like (you need to move the downloaded images to folder images_raw):

├─ Barn
│  ├─ Barn_COLMAP_SfM.log   (camera poses)
│  ├─ Barn.json             (cropfiles)
│  ├─ Barn.ply              (ground-truth point cloud)
│  ├─ Barn_trans.txt        (colmap-to-ground-truth transformation)
│  └─ images_raw            (raw input images downloaded from Tanks and Temples website)
│     ├─ 000001.png
│     ├─ 000002.png
│     ...
├─ Caterpillar
│  ├─ ...

Run the following command to generate json files:

PATH_TO_TNT=datasets/tanks_and_temples  # Modify this to be the Tanks and Temples root directory.
bash projects/neuralangelo/scripts/ ${PATH_TO_TNT}