# Backroads-Tour-Company

This is a second **responsive project** i made along an instructor in udemy course named [**john smilga**](https://johnsmilga.com) .

# Technologies

This project involves these technologies : **HTML** , **Css** , **JavaScript** .

# Libraries

This project involve this library : **[Font Awesome](https://fontawesome.com/)** , **[Google Fonts](https://fonts.google.com/)** .

# APIs

API that is used in this project : **[formspree](https://formspree.io/)** to receive emails.

# Note

This project used an **one of new schools** approach to **layout pages** , **In other words** i used a "**flexbox**" to layout my pages , also added a custom **favicon**

# Demo
**[Click here](https://nader-cs.github.io/Backroads-Tour-Company/)**