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Event-driven simulator of many colliding particles.

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Several URL parameters are optionally available on initializing the solver:

  • length: size of the domain (the longer of the domain width and the domain height)
  • aspect-ratio: the ratio of the domain width to the domain height.
  • nitems: number of particles
  • rate: draw rate (the smaller the smoother but the more demanding)

The default values (length = 256, rate = 0.05, aspect-ratio being identical to the screen aspect) are used if the corresponding parameter is not specified. The number of particles nitems is given by width * height / 6 by default to reasonably populate the domain. Note that it is clamped to enforce the volume fraction being less than 40%, even when a huge value is assigned.

The domain is assumed to be periodic in the horizontal direction and wall-bounded conditions are imposed in the vertical direction. The particle radii are fixed at 0.5, and the restitution coefficient between particles is set to 0.99. Each particle stores temperature-like information which are exchanged on the collision events, which is to mimic thermal convections by giving pseudo buoyancy force in the vertical direction.


In this project, I aim at simulating finite-sized particles following Newtonian mechanics with overlaps prohibited. To this end, I need to properly detect all inter-particle collisions, which inherently requires O(N_p^2) operations, where N_p is the number of particles. It is necessary to reduce this cost in order to handle, say, millions of particles.

  1. Event-driven approach

    One possible way to handle inter-particle interactions is to introduce repulsive forces between particles, such that they repel each other when too close. Each particle's motion is given by ordinary-differential equations, which can be solved by an appropriate time marcher (e.g., Runge-Kutta method). However, the repellent force is arbitrarily chosen and needs to be carefully designed. To address these issues, I adopt the so-called event-driven approach, which has a collision detection cost of O(N_p). Moreover, this is an ODE-free method, which eliminates the numerical errors of time-marching schemes.

  2. Cell method

    To only consider nearby particles, the domain is split into many cells using the so-called cell method. This reduces the cost to O(N_p^2 / N_c), where N_c is the number of cells. Since N_c can be chosen arbitrarily, the cost to detect collisions results in O(1). However, cell-particle events (particles passing through cell boundaries) also need to be considered. The cost to update events for each step remains O(1).

  3. Scheduler

    Events are queued separately for each cell, but fetching the latest event among all cells requires O(N_c) operations if implemented naively. To reduce this cost, a minimum binary heap with a cost of O(log N_c) is adopted.

  4. Local time

    Updating particle positions and velocities requires O(N_p) operations, and doing this process for each step is verbose. This is mitigated by introducing particle-based local time so that particles are only updated when they are involved.

Try locally

Install the following:

Build all:

npm install
wasm-pack build --release --target web

Launch a server:

npm run dev

Visit http://localhost:5173.


I would like to thank Prof. Stefan Luding for a stimulating lecture in a JMBC course Particle-based modeling techniques.