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File metadata and controls

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Introduction to Schema

This document describes a new way to define entities in OJS/OMP using an extended form of json-schema. These machine-readable descriptions can then be used to sanitize, validate and read/write to the database.

It also briefly introduces new form components built in Vue.js and describes how they can be instantiated and extended alongside an entity schema.

Table of Contents

Getting Started

If you haven't yet, update the submodules:

cd <ojs-directory>
git submodule update --init --recursive

Update composer dependencies in lib/pkp:

cd lib/pkp
composer update

Install new node dependencies and build the JS:

cd <ojs-directory>
npm install
npm run build

Run the upgrade tool (backup your DB if you need to work on 3.1.2):

php tools/upgrade.php upgrade

When you have time, I encourage you to look at the UI Library to see documentation on the forms. To view that:

cd <ojs-directory>/lib/ui-library
npm install
npm run dev


Entities are defined using json-schema. Here are some quick examples.

Schemas are stored in a new top-level directory, schemas. When the application finds a schema with the same name in <root>/schemas and <root>/lib/pkp/schemas, the schemas are merged. This is how an application can add properties to a base entity.

Several entities have been defined in a schema to assist the API documentation, but the only entities that are fully running off of schemas for DAO, validation and sanitization are Contexts and Sites:


A new SchemaService class has been created to load and merge schemas, validate properties against a schema, and more.

A schema can be loaded using the service class and the schema constants:

$schemaService = Services::get('schema');
$schema = $schemaService->get(SCHEMA_CONTEXT);

API Documentation

Our API documentation has been converted to json. A new CLI tool, tools/buildSwagger.php, will compile the API documentation using docs/dev/swagger-source.json and the entity schema files. This can then be copied to the pkp-docs repository to update the documentation.

Extending json-schema

To serve our needs, we have introduced a few properties and practices that are not part of the official json-schema spec:


Assigned to multilingual properties. This property changes how a value is validated and sanitized. For example, consider the following property definition:

"about": {
	"type": "string",
	"multilingual": true

When validating and sanitizing this property, an object will be expected. Each object key must match an active locale, and the value of each key will be validated against the type (string, in this case). So the following value would be expected in PHP:

	'en_US': 'Some words about this journal.',
	'fr_CA': 'Quelques mots sur ce journal.'

Data described as an object in json-schema is expected to be an assoc array in PHP, rather than a proper PHP object.

The multilingual property can only be used on top-level properties. If a property is an object or array, the whole property must be multilingual, not an individual sub-property or a single item in the array.


The property is only expected to appear in API responses. It will not be considered an accepted property when validating user input.


The property is only expected to be sent in requests to add/edit an object. It will not be returned when requesting an object.

This property is used for cases where a user may submit information that needs to be processed. An example is the temporaryFileId that is used to save a context file to the public directory, but is then discarded.


The property will appear in summary views of the entity that are provided in the API. For example, when many contexts are listed in /api/v1/contexts.


The default value for this property must be localised. The value should be a locale string.


This key describes validation rules that should be applied to the property. We do not support json-schema's standard validation rules. See Validation below.

Date and time formats

Instead of json-schema's standard date and date-time formats, we use date-iso (YYYY-MM-DD) and date-time-iso (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS) to more strictly match the way we handle dates and times in our apps.


We use the Validation library from Laravel 5.5. We support all of the validation rules except for those which validate against the database. (These require Laravel's entity and database setup.)

Validation rules should be defined in the schema with an array:

	"itemsPerPage": {
		"type": "integer",
		"default": 25,
		"validation": [

All properties that may be assigned an empty value should have a nullable rule. For example, a PUT request with the following body will delete the itemsPerPage row from the journal_settings database:

	"itemsPerPage": ""

Type validation will occur automatically based on the type property. The following integer validation is redundant:

	"itemsPerPage": {
		"type": "integer",
		"default": 25,
		"validation": [

Validating an object

Each Service class will have a validate method which can validate properties passed to it. The example below shows how a PUT request to /contexts/1 is handled:

$params = $this->convertStringsToSchema(SCHEMA_CONTEXT, $slimRequest->getParsedBody());
$params['id'] = (int) $args['contextId'];
$errors = $contextService->validate(VALIDATE_ACTION_EDIT, $params, $allowedLocales, $primaryLocale);
if (!empty($errors)) {
	return $response->withJson($errors, 400);

The validate method draws on ValidatorFactory, which can be used to validate data against a rule-set. The example below shows how the schema is used to generate the validation rules:

$schemaService = Services::get('schema');
$validator = \ValidatorFactory::make(
	$schemaService->getValidationRules(SCHEMA_CONTEXT, $allowedLocales),
		'path.regex' => __('admin.contexts.form.pathAlphaNumeric'),
		'primaryLocale.regex' => __('validator.localeKey'),
		'supportedFormLocales.regex' => __('validator.localeKey'),
		'supportedLocales.regex' => __('validator.localeKey'),
		'supportedSubmissionLocales.*.regex' => __('validator.localeKey'),

ValidatorFactory::make() is designed to align with Laravel's Validator::make() method. The third argument in the example above matches how Laravel accepts custom error messages.

Helper methods

In addition to the standard Laravel-style validation rules, ValidatorFactory includes helper methods for checking rules around our app's multilingual support. These include:

  • ValidatorFactory::required() Check for required fields with proper handling of multilingual fields
  • ValidatorFactory::allowedLocales() Check that no input has been sent from an unsupported locale
  • ValidatorFactory::requirePrimaryLocale() Pass an array of keys for props that should require the primary locale when data for any other locale exists

Custom Validation Rules

New global validation rules can be written in ValidatorFactory::make(). OJS includes the following:

  • email_or_localhost (extends Laravel's email validation to accept localhost)
  • issn
  • orcid
  • currency (checks if the value is a recognized currency code)

Entity-specific Validation Rules

In some cases, validation is required that can not be declared in the json-schema. These rules should be declared in the Service class's validate method using the after validation hook.

For example, two journals can not have the same path. To validate a new path value, we have to check the database. The example below, which appears in PKPContextService::validate(), shows how to check the path property:

$validator->after(function($validator) use ($action, $props) {
	if (isset($props['path']) && !$validator->errors()->get('path')) {
		$contextDao = Application::getContextDAO();
		$contextWithPath = $contextDao->getByPath($props['path']);
		if ($contextWithPath) {
			if (!($action === VALIDATE_ACTION_EDIT
					&& isset($props['id'])
					&& (int) $contextWithPath->getId() === $props['id'])) {
				$validator->errors()->add('path', __('admin.contexts.form.pathExists'));

Applying validation anywhere

Validation can be applied anywhere by invoking ValidatorFactory::make():

$validator = \ValidatorFactory::make(
	['value' => $value],
	['value' => 'issn']
if ($validator->fails()) {

However, this practice should be discouraged in most cases. Whenever an object is validated, it should be passed though its Service class's validate method to ensure the appropriate hooks are fired.

Deprecating the Validator classes

Some of the old Validator classes have been removed. Those that remain are used by a FormValidator. They have been refactored to use Laravel's validation library under-the-hood.


With the schema, it becomes possible to handle the most common read/write actions in the database with a parent DAO class. To explore this approach, I've created a new SchemaDAO class. ContextDAO extends it.

A SchemaDAO expects some configuration properties which tell it what schema to get, what tables it interacts with, etc. It then runs the insertObject, updateObject, deleteObject, and _fromRow methods based on the entity definition in the schema.

Now that we use the new QueryBuilder approach for complex selects, it may be possible to implement all or most of our DAOs with common code in SchemaDAO.

SiteDAO could not take advantage of SchemaDAO because there is no site_id. I felt it was an exception and hope the SchemaDAO approach will prove useful in just about every other object we use.

Bringing together API endpoints, Service classes, and Schema

PKPContextHandler is the best demonstration of how the schemas, services and DAOs are meant to work together to handle an API request. ManagementHandler is the best example of a Page request.


FormComponent is a new class for assembling a form and generating the configuration object that needs to be passed to the Vue component on the frontend. It uses chaining like the QueryBuilder to compose forms:

$masthead = new FormComponent(
$masthead->addField(new FieldText('name', [
		'label' => __('manager.setup.contextName'),
		'size' => 'large',
		'isRequired' => true,
		'isMultilingual' => true,
		'value' => $context->getData('name'),
	->addField(new FieldText('acronym', [
		'label' => __('manager.setup.journalInitials'),
		'size' => 'small',
		'isRequired' => true,
		'isMultilingual' => true,
		'value' => $context->getData('acronym'),

Each of the Field child classes correspond to a Vue component in the UI Library.

Built-in Forms

Built-in forms extend the FormComponent and encapsulate the setup in the constructor, so that dependencies can be documented clearly and app-specific requirements can be managed with the typical Class extends PKPClass method. An example is MastheadForm and PKPMastheadForm.


FormComponent and its child classes are stored in /components, a new directory for UI classes. These classes do not handle requests or modify data. They are only called upon to assemble data that will be passed to Vue components. The ListHandler has been changed to ListPanel and moved into this directory.

Groups and Pages

Forms support field groups ($form->addGroup()) and pages ($form->addPage()). Further documentation to come, but running $form->getConfig() will set everything up properly whether or not you've added groups and pages.


Forms always send a PUT or POST request to the API and expect to receive one of the following responses:

  • A 200 response when successful with a JSON object describing the entity that was added or edited.
  • A 403 or 404 response when the server refuses the submission with a JSON object describing the error.
  • A 400 response when a validation error occurs with one of the fields. In this case, a JSON object will be returned with each invalid field as a key and an array of errors for that field.

Further details in the API Documentation.

Vue.js container component for Forms and Tabs

To get a form onto the page, we pass the form data into a Container component, which can manage data for multiple forms.

In the example below, we create our form and prepare our template data:

$contactForm = new PKPContactForm($apiUrl, $locales, $context);
$mastheadForm = new MastheadForm($apiUrl, $locales, $context);
$settingsData = [
	'forms' => [
		FORM_CONTACT => $contactForm->getConfig(),
		FORM_MASTHEAD => $mastheadForm->getConfig(),
$templateMgr->assign('settingsData', $settingsData);

In the example below, we compose our settings page in a .tpl file and pass the data into the container:

{assign var="uuid" value=""|uniqid|escape}
<div id="settings-context-{$uuid}">
		<tab id="masthead" name="{translate key="manager.setup.masthead"}">
		<tab id="contact" name="{translate key=""}">
<script type="text/javascript">
	pkp.registry.init('settings-context-{$uuid}', 'Container', {$settingsData|json_encode});

Extending Schemas and Forms

Schemas can be extended by plugins to add, edit or remove the properties of an entity.

I built a small example plugin to demonstrate how data can be attached to entities and then added to a form.

Once the schema is modified, any additional actions are hooked to methods in the service class and DAO so that when the object is fetched, validated, added, edited or deleted, the new property is taken into account.