Python library provides page factory approach to implement page object model in selenium
- A Page Factory is one way of implementing a Page Object Model. In order to support the Page Object pattern.
- As in Java we are using @findBy, here we are declaring all web element in dictionary. Dictionary keys become WebElement / class member variable with having all extended WebElement methods.
- Initialise all the webElements declared in Point at a time.
- All WebElements methods are re-define to add extra features eg- click method extended to have explicit wait for element to be clickable.
- Cent percent unittest coverage.
- Supports Selenium 4 ActionChains methods
- Now Support Appium for mobile testing
- Raised custom Page factory exceptions
pip install selenium-page-factory
Every Page in Page Object Model should have WebDriver object as class member as shown below
class PageClass(PageFactory):
def __init__(self,driver):
self.driver = driver # Required
self.timeout = 15 #(Optional - Customise your explicit wait for every webElement)
self.highlight = True #(Optional - To highlight every webElement in PageClass)
self.mobile_test = False #(Optional - Added for Appium support)
set_text | get_text |
clear_text | click_button |
double_click | get_list_item_count |
select_element_by_text | select_element_by_index |
select_element_by_value | get_all_list_item |
get_list_selected_item | highlight |
is_Enabled | is_Checked |
getAttribute | hover |
visibility_of_element_located | invisibility_of_element_located |
element_to_be_clickable | text_to_be_present_in_element |
context_click | execute_script |
click_and_hold | release |
hover_with_offset | Coming soon... |
Note: Every WebElement will be created after verifying it's Presence and visibility on Page at Run-Time.
selenium-page-factory Documentation
Selenium Python Framework Example here