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752 lines (618 loc) · 35.5 KB

File metadata and controls

752 lines (618 loc) · 35.5 KB

0, 1, 3, 20240823

  • Topo Symmetrize tool that keep UV data (under the EditMesh/Mesh menu)
  • Camera target select search from last constraint and ignore disable ones this makes better result.
  • Alingt Target to camera matchs the target to camera direction (Camera/Target/Align).
  • Command panel Instancer warning issue fixed.
  • Batch Rename for VSE issue fixed.
  • Place for Farsi arabic type corrector.

0, 1, 3, 20240714

  • Multi object Connector for geometry node (select objects in viewport in node editor active node that has object input sokets and run Auto object picker).
  • Farsi and Arabic typing tool (only apears in seach menu "Farsi & Arabic Corrector") (type text press OK and paste your text any where you need).
  • Auto rename shifted markers to frame number (timeline marker/auto rename).
  • "Delete Animation" operator shapekey bug fixed.
  • Codes for older than Blender 3.6 removed.
  • blender_manifest.toml file removed from github version and became a normal addon again.

0, 1, 3, 20240701

  • BsMax on Blender 4.2 is not shown as legesy any more.
  • Render preset Save/Load update, bugfix and adapted for new EEVEE.
  • Add object Validate to Cleanup tools list too and bug fixed.
  • In outliner rightclick menu link collection to other scene Operator added.
  • Qaudmenu Delete Animation operator improved and can clear all animation data rather than only key frames of Object itself and ignor all subchanels.
  • New Delete Animation operator (View3D/Object/Animation/Delete Animation).
  • All Curve edit tools Has written again (Some not complete yet).
  • Curve Select by Length, Count and Close has Set, Extend and Substract mode.
  • Divide plus, Refine, Breake, Make first are ready but there is some issues on Merg by distance and Boolean yet and trying fo fix.

0, 1, 2, 20240605

  • Kemap issues from last update fixed.
  • GraphEditor select chanels auto hide unselected chanels (3DsMax Mode).
  • Copy Camera animation to other softwares (Alpha version yet).
  • Export Camera via Alembic do not transfer FOV animation. this tool helps to port fov and other animations to 3DsMax scene (Maya option is on the way too).

0, 1, 2, 20240603

  • Join plus issue with None mesh object fixed.
  • Mouse Weel up/down in edit mode select more and less (3DsMax & Blender adapted).
  • Bone Hierarchy selection tool error on None Armatour selected in pose mode fixed.
  • Link/Append/Import added to Add menu for speed up work flow (Shift+A).
  • Cylinder pirimitive issue with bevel modifier when slice is on fixed.
  • Code cleaning and some other minor bug fixed.

0, 1, 2, 20240527

  • Backburner submiter has some updates
    1. custom Repository directory option.
    1. Incremental number to repository file rather than random number.
    1. Use jobname as repository file name optional.
    1. Automaticaly add scene and viewlayer name to jobname if was more then one.
  • Geometry data clean stuff add that work on multiple object rather then only active object.(View3D/Object/Clean Up/ ...)
  • "Freeze on" repeat calculation issue fixed. (Tools/Animation/...)

0, 1, 2, 20240523

  • Create Primitive naming issue fixed.
  • Smart loop bug fixed.
  • Batch rename issue fixed.
  • Instancer bug fixed.

0, 1, 2, 20240520

  • Align Object issues from last update fixed.
  • Mesh to hair guid pre setup operator added
  • Some update for Blender 4.2 compatibliti.
  • Menu and Operator search keymaps swaped. (X for menu, Ctrl+Shift+Alt+X for Operator)

0, 1, 2, 20240508

  • A global Bound box calculator Created (for now only Align object use it).
  • Align Object updated and detects more object bound rather than only Mesh and Curve (develop continue till support all types).
  • "Image Crop" node group added to shader editor that lets tiling only cropped part of the image watch Here.

0, 1, 2, 20240422

  • Armature auto bone alignment tool (Tools/Rig/Auto Bone Alignment).
  • Code cleaning and some bug fixed.

0, 1, 2, 20240408

  • Primitive issue with new change of blender 4.1 mostly fixed.
  • Link to operator has new option to keep hierarchy (Option appears only if selection has hierarchy).
  • In 3DsMax key maps in Blender 4.1+ additional key removed and uses Blender default "K" in 3D view and pose mode.
  • And many code Cleaneng.

0, 1, 2, 20240326

  • Some new tools added under Command Panel modifier list.
  • Make unique tool optimized (View3D/Object/Relation/Make unigue).
  • Basic Auto EXR connector added but need to more work on it

0, 1, 2, 20240314

  • Command Panel Modifier list updated.
  • Some more compatibility with Blender 4.1Beta

0, 1, 2, 20240304

  • Render preset save load clened up, need some more correction yet.
  • Command panel Display tab updated.
  • Command panel Edit Curve partly added.
  • Keymapbug from last update fixed.

0, 1, 2, 20240226

  • 3DsMax Commandpanel EditPoly/Mesh panel updated alot (CP/Modifier Tab/Edit mode).
  • Edit Curve and Edit modifer panel are the next.

0, 1, 2, 20240212

  • Create primitive updated to work with Blender 4.1 too.
  • 3DsMax Command panel Create stuff updated.

0, 1, 2, 20240208

  • Primitives can be edit under "comand panel/modifiers" similar to 3DsMax.
  • Light lister issue for Blender 4.0 Fixed.
  • Maya Key map has some clenup and update.
  • Command panel create issue fixed.

0, 1, 2, 20240206

  • Crowds geometry node presets add to preset menu (add menu on geo node editor)
  • Crowds walking on a path.
  • Crowds in studiom.
  • Crowds taking or working groups.
  • Animals inside a fance.
  • Note: Crowds works on Blender 4.0 and above.
  • 3DsMax comand panel has some improvment but still many works has to do.
  • Geomeetry node Modifiers now can be add from blendeere 3.6 too.

0, 1, 2, 20240129

  • 3DsMax Comand panel now active from prefrenses not experimental.
  • More modifiers added to 3DsMax Comand panel modifier list.
  • Comand Panel modifier list add to all selected objects.
  • Some Crowd Tools added to view3D tool panel (More and tutorial coming soon).
  • Convert Primitive to GeoNode become optinal and off by default.

0, 1, 2, 20240122

Many items added to 3Ds Max Side panel and so many to still need to working on.

  • Some Modifiers can be add from 3Ds Max side panel.
  • GeoNode modifiers appear only on Blender 4.0 and above.

0, 1, 2, 20240108

  • 3DsMax command panel is under Construction.
  • Draw Box error for Blender 3.6 and lower is fixed.

0, 1, 2, 20240105

  • Box primitive convert to Geometrynode after Draw. (Experimental if ok will apply to all other primitives too).
  • Draw primitive issue for blender 4.1 Alpha fixed.
  • Some other bug fixed.

0, 1, 2, 20231225

  • Align objects and Target weld preview line is back for Blender 4.0.
  • Draw Primitives Local preview gride is back for Blender 4.0.
  • Draw Primitives Abort issue in Blender 4.0 Fixed.

0, 1, 2, 20231210

  • Backburner submiter optimized, Same functionality with less registerd operators.
  • Reset operator open new empty scene with one click. (File/Reset)
  • Note: You still able to add and delete defult cube from New. (File/New/General)
  • Join plus rename UVs chanels if chanels count is same in surce and target objects. (Optinal)
  • Quadmenu Convert to issues fixed. (3DsMax mode)
  • After effect exporter is part of BsMax now (Original authors Bartek Skorupa & Damien Picard)

0, 1, 2, 20231127

  • Backburner timeout limit issue fixed.
  • Backburner submiter shows numbeer of frames are going to render, helps to avoid submit thousands of frame by mistake.
  • Unfinished stuff put on experimental mode and hide by default.

0, 1, 2, 20230831

  • Some bug fix and code cleaning done.
  • Working on a new selection set for armature.

0, 1, 2, 20230724

  • Select Children/Parent work on selected armature rather than only active one.
  • Paste Pose works on selected armature rather than only active one (if all bone selected).
  • Armature Selection set hold shift for add selection, hold alt for remove from selection.
  • Some more future for selection I'm working on and will update soon.

0, 1, 2, 20230710

  • Stuff and codes for older then Blender 3.3 droped.
  • Daz3d to Blender armature auto renamer tool.
  • Some code cleaning.

0, 1, 1, 20230630

  • Blender 3.6 and later Parent coordinate added to quadmenu (Alt+RMB 3DsMax Mode).
  • Red timeline at starup issue fixed.
  • Issue with Enable/Disable addon in Blender 3.6 fixed.
  • Theme changes (Camera, Empty, Light) color reset on addon disable or remove.

0, 1, 1, 20230628

  • Just some bug fixed and new stuff that not completed yet.

0, 1, 1, 20230619

  • Set pivot to bottom center tool replaced with Set Pivot to Base with more option.
  • BsMax works on Blender 4.0 Alpha too.

0, 1, 1, 20230613

  • Multyshapekey Tool has aditive mode if use '+' rather than '_' (need a better sorting yet).
  • e.g. key+25, key+50, ... ,key+100.

0, 1, 1, 20230523

  • Autokey Red bar issue with difrent themes fixed.
  • More maxscript fixes still not completed yet.

0, 1, 1, 20230522

  • Theme change can be disable from addon prefrence option.
  • Multi Target ShapeKey tool can be inistaled as stand alone addon (requested).
  • Maxscript pack inistalation issue and many of bugs fixed (need to work on it yet).
  • Character to ABC maxscript tool added.
  • Auto Facial GUI maxscript added (need to update and bugfix yet).

0, 1, 1, 20230515

  • Maxscript Pack updated Some of the tools I wrote in 2 decade working with 3DsMax collected in Bsmax/Maxscript folder I`ll add all other tools too. The reason I put maxscript stuff inside the Blender Addon is some of tools are working directly with paralel one in Blender and has to update together.
  • e.g. Copy object Transform in 3DsMax and paste on an object inside the Blender.
  • e.g. Copy camera with animation inside 3DsMax or Blender and paste inside other 3DsMax, Blender or Unreal engine.
  • How to use : Drag and drop file in to 3DsMax viewport.
  • There is no tutorial at the time but I`ll make a refrence page soon as posible.
  • Almost 50 Tool update and added but need to check and more cleanup yet and some of them may not work properly yet.
  • Similar Tool package for Unreal engine is on the way too.

0, 1, 1, 20230406

  • Shader and GNode preset menu moved to end of add menu.
  • 3DsMax to Blender Maxscript updated now support link constraint cameras too.

0, 1, 1, 20230313

  • Scale parapeter added for Bolt primitive.
  • GN 'Probability' node group added to GN/Tools/Append GNode Trees.
  • Note: Control Colection info item propablity on 'Instance on points'.
  • Connect nodegroup output to 'Instance on points' Selection.

0, 1, 1, 20230220

  • New Bolt primitive added.
  • Note: This Bolt mesh generated by internal Bolt Factory addons itself. the only additional abelty is that culd change and update parameters any time you want, not only at creating.

0, 1, 1, 20230214

  • New QuadSphere premitive added.

0, 1, 1, 20230206

  • New Torusknot Curve primitive added.
  • Circle Curve primitive now has segment count parameter too.
  • Helix primitive now has Bezier and Segment mode.

0, 1, 1, 20221227

  • Pick DOF target depth works for Active Camera rather then Selected one.
  • Parametric Primitive Object could be add from add menu too.

0, 1, 1, 20221212

  • Camera DOF depth picker, while a camera with DOF target selected got to "View/Cameras/Pick DOF Depth" and then click on any surface to put DOF targen on it.
  • Multi shape key Driver issue fixed.

0, 1, 1, 20221110

  • Some code cleaning and bug fixing.
  • 'Ctrl + Shift + W' UV editor Merg by distance.

0, 1, 1, 20220919

  • Fillet/Chamfer mouse release issue fixed for now (this tool need to rewrite completely).
  • Curve tools get_segment issue fixed (Teapot, Refine, divide and many other tools fixed).

0, 1, 1, 20220905

  • Draw Lattice, Light prop ... height Z correction issue fix.
  • Draw primitive below the grid issue fixed for now but better solution will replace soon.

0, 1, 1, 20220822

  • 'Select Keyed Bones' (Pose Mode: Select> Select Keyed Bones).
  • Set lattice in mesh edit mode added to 'Edit mode: View3d> Add' menu too.
  • 'Ctrl + shift + D' Detach in Mesh Edit mode (3DsMax mode).

0, 1, 1, 20220815

  • 'Make Unique' seprate groupe of linked/instance objects keep linked with each other (View3d> Object> relation> Make unique).
  • New 'Delete' Operator keeps Children world transform when parent delete (3DsMax and Blender adaptive mode 'Delete')
  • New 'Select All' operator that select all pose bones as same time (Select> All + Bones).
  • Clean up the curve tools code (make ready for future updates).

0, 1, 1, 20220801

  • 'Snapshot' operator added (View3D> object> Snapshot).
  • 'Shapekey sort' Reorder shapekeys by name.
  • Freeze/Unfreeze operator on quadmenu works on bone edit and pose mode too.
  • Select More/Less 'Ctrl + PUp/PDown' repeat the action on hod key (3DsMax Mode).

0, 1, 1, 20220725

  • 'View3D> Tools' menu issue in blender 3.x fixed.
  • 'Bendy Bone Controller' creator tools added 'View3d> Tools> Rigg> Add BBone Control'.
  • Render preset save load works for cycle x too (Render properties> Preset).

0, 1, 1, 20220704

  • All stuff for Older Blender than the 2.93 removed.
  • 'Ctrl + RMB Double click' add selected only the picked objects children (3DsMax).
  • 'Ctrl + Shift + P' Link to. (3DsMax, Blender Adaptive).
  • Selection Keys fixed for Weight Paint mode (3DsMax).
  • Camera FOV target create location on rigged cameras fixed.

0, 1, 0, 20220621

  • Joystick Creator store 'Display Meshes' in a collection rather than delete them.
  • Joystick Creator share display mesh if there are same rather than new for each.
  • New 'Circular Joystick' added. Create a Circle and call operator.
  • Some minor bugs fixed.

0, 1, 0, 20220606

  • Draw object Gride preview added (For now just a prototype).
  • 'Create Bone' Bone roll rotation fixed and now works correctly in IK mode.
  • 'Select Flipped UVs' [UV editor> select> Select Filipped UVs].
  • 'Create Upnode' add parented empty object (object> parent> create upnode).

0, 1, 0, 20220529

  • 'Lattice / FFD' set operator miss calculation fixed and performed.
  • New 'Transform class' And 'Grid Display', not implement in all other tools yet.
  • 'Ctrl + Inser' set Pivot menu add to pose & bone edit mode too (3DsMax mode).
  • 'Random Object color' unlike the other random display, manualy editable and change every time (Object> show/hide > Random object color).

0, 1, 0, 20220516

  • Ocean Caustic added to map presets "Shader editor/Tools/Append Node Trees".
  • 'Alt + Space' Selection Lock Toggle (3DsMax mode).
  • 'Light lister' ignore material with emission strength 0.
  • 'Ctrl + C/V' in EDIT_MESH mode Copy/Paste single vertex location (Mirror Optinal).
  • File Version Operator moved from edit menu to file menu.
  • Sprite sheet node groupe order changed to Up to Down, Left to Right.
  • some issue from previes update has been fiexed.

0, 1, 0, 20220509

  • Keymaps updated to be compatable with 'Blender 3.2' too.
  • 'Sprite play loop/ragge' node groupse added to shader node groups presets.
  • 'Freez On' operator can be lock to right panel (Optinal).
  • 'Copy/Paste Transform' to other Blender('Ctrl+C/V' 3DsMax & Blender Adaptive).
  • Some Bugfixed, Cleanup and small issues fixed.

0, 1, 0, 20220503

  • 'Parallax Ice' Node groupe for easy and fast Ice effect in EEVEE.
  • 'Sprite 2D' Node groupe for display or animate sprite sheet.
  • Detach operator in quadmenu keeps last setting for next oparation (3DsMax mode).
  • Version operator show the Current blend file version (Menu/Edit/File Version).
  • 'Shift + E' Extrude edit curve (3DsMax mode).
  • 'Ctrl + Insert' as copy 'Shfit + Insert' as paste on most parts (3DsMax mode).

0, 1, 0, 20220425

  • 'C' Camera search works on DopeSheet, timeline, CurveEditor and LNA too (3DsMax mode).
  • '' operator removed '' do the same job ('C' in max mode).
  • UV Tools panel a little bit arranged and get better but not final yet.
  • Changes on previous update causes problem on older blenders (2.8x) that issue fixed.
  • Some other minor Bugfix and Cleanup.

0, 1, 0, 20220417

  • UV Tools collected on 'UV Tools' panel to faster acces (Not final).
  • New UV split operator that work in sync mode too.
  • 'Ctrl / Shift' Selection issue for Blender 3.x fixed.
  • 'Ctrl + RMB' or 'Shift + RMB' Select more 'Alt + RMB' Deselect (3DsMax Mode).
  • Collection hide bye Number in view3D disabled in 3DsMax mode.
  • 'Ctrl + Left/Right' jump to Previes/Next Marker (3DsMax and Blender Adaptive).
  • '[' & ']' Left/Right Panel toggle works in all areas (3DsMax mode).
  • 'N' Auto key Toggle works in all areas (3DsMax mode).
  • Some minor bugs fixed.

0, 1, 0, 20220410

  • 'Hair from Curve' suport Poly curve too (Tools/Particle/..).
  • 'Hair Guides To Curve' create Poly curve rather than Beziear curve (Faster and Accurate)
  • 'Grab style' operator Freeze hair dynamic style as hair brush (Tools/Particle/..).
  • 'G' Hide/Show gride works on flat views too (3DsMax mode).
  • Mesh Attach operator can pick Font object too.

0, 1, 0, 20220404

  • Bugfix and code Cleaning.
  • some arrangement in BsMax Wiki.

0, 1, 0, 20220326

  • Change the Addon github Name From 'BsMax_2_80' to 'BsMax'.
  • Quadmenu 'Freeze transform/ Transform to zero' works corectly (3DsMax mode).
  • 'WERVX[]' type proplem in Edit Text Mode solved.
  • Some bug caused by 3.x Api update are fixed and Code cleaning.

0, 1, 0, 20220321

  • 'Make Library Override (Multi)' Convert selected object rather than only active object (Object/Relation/..).
  • 'Distance Sort' & 'Path Sort' improved and bug fixed (Object/Transform/..).
  • 'Distance Sort' & 'Path Sort' renamed to 'Arrange by Distance', 'Arrange on Curve'
  • Quick setup for create pillows 'Create/Mesh/Extera/Pillow' (Basic one will be improved).

0, 1, 0, 20220313

  • Selction issue in pose mode fixed (3DsMax mode).
  • New operator select Splines by Close/Open (EditCurve/Select/Select Close).
  • Hide/Unhie on Edit Mode affect only on active element(Vertex, Edge or Face).
  • Hide/Unhide menu and key maps fixed for Curve and Armature too.
  • 'Quadmenu' Mesh edit NURMS Toggle actived.
  • 'Quadmenu' Mesh Edit'Triangulate' placed as 'Edit Triangulation'.
  • 'Quadmenu' Outline and Bevel tools are active.
  • Some other minor bugs fiexed.

0, 1, 0, 20220307

  • 'Chamfer' Operator 'Ctrl+Shift+C' and same in Quadmenu works fine (3DsMax model).
  • 'Chamfer' Operator automatically switch to vertex and edge mode depends on mode.
  • Object Properties is better than before but still far from perfect (3DsMax model).
  • 'Weld' Operator in quadmenu now is working (3DsMax model).
  • Quadmenu Select instance issue fixed (3DsMax mode).

0, 1, 0, 20220303

  • Quadmenu 'Freeze' Operator makes object display as solid color.
  • 'Hide/Unhide' Operator in Quadmenu do not affect render setting anymore.
  • 'Alt+Q' works on all Modes in View3d (3DsMax mode only).

0, 1, 0, 20220228

  • Paralax Node tree added "Shader editor/Tools/Append Node Trees/...".
  • Note: Paralax map works on coordinate system and Not suport UVMap yet.
  • Backburner submitter 'Frame per task' miscalculation fixed.
  • Backburner submitter load preset error fixed.
  • Some other minor bug fixed.

0, 1, 0, 20220222

  • Parent Constraint stuff added to animation Quadmenu 'Alt + RMB'
  • Some minor Bugs Fixed.

0, 1, 0, 20220221

  • Image Blure, Fallof, Untile Node preset can be append from "Shader editor/Tools/Append Node Trees/..."

0, 1, 0, 20220202

  • Helix primitive height miscalculation fixed.
  • Primitive Icosphere issue with Blender 3.0 fixed (API update).
  • All Quadmenu Items rechecked and refiend much as possible.

0, 1, 0, 20220124

  • Create Line, Empty and Lights issu from last update fixed.
  • Primitive draw on surface and view Done.
  • Hold 'Ctrl' while draw primitive opjects draws on one step.
  • Better method for calculate second radius (Cone, Helix).
  • Note: Some of primitive (e.g. Arc) not working for now but will fix and update soon.

0, 1, 0, 20220111

  • Tool menu issue from last update fixed.
  • The error on Disable/Enalble of addon fixed.
  • 'anim.set_key_filters' unregister issue fixed.

0, 1, 0, 20220109

  • 'Align object' tool completely renewed based on world martix (better and faster).
  • 'Align object' can align perfectly on pose bone (Rotation and Scale).
  • 'Align object' do not affect selection anymore.
  • 'Fix override driver' tool none mesh type error solved.
  • 'Create object' set 'Object type visablity' on while create.

0, 1, 0, 20211210

  • 'Select Camera' Operator issue fixed for scene without Camera.
  • Show types toggle keys added to pose mode (Max mode).

0, 1, 0, 20211128

  • Draw object on master collection in Blender 3.0 problem solved.
  • Convert to operator issue with some modifiers fiexed.
  • Code review and some clean up and arangment.

0, 1, 0, 20211107

  • save_preferences issu fixed for Blender 3.0
  • 'Shift+M' call collection Menu (Max mode) (replacment for 'M' that used for Material Editor).
  • 'Path Constraint' by default set keys type as Linear.
  • 'Ctrl+S' in text editor Save text if external Save blend file if internal (Max Mode).
  • 'Shift+V' Preview Menu (Max Mode).

0, 1, 0, 20211013

  • New Create Primitive operator for draw object on surface.
  • Note: for now just Applyed for objects without width and length parameter.

0, 1, 0, 20211006

  • Camera target and FOV create in same collection as the camera is.
  • Backburner submitter works on Mac (thanks to CalvinAndHobbies).

0, 1, 0, 20210915

  • Backburner submitter`s double first frame issue fixed.
  • New 'Premiere' keyspap added for VSE addes (BsMax/Custom/Video sequencer)
  • VSE 'Alt + Arrow' keys Move active Strip (like in premire) (Max and Premiere Mode)
  • VSE 'H' Mute/Unmute toggle (Max and Premiere Mode)
  • Maxscript folder added, will contain some tools. for now trasfer Camera + Keyframes from 3DsMax to Blender.

0, 1, 0, 20210905

  • Experimental 'Autogrid' added for Create primitive operator..

0, 1, 0, 20210903

  • Spiderweb polished and some bugfiex (Create Bitmap not working yet disabled for now).
  • Set soft limit for some of SpiderWeb creator parameters to avoid crashing.

0, 1, 0, 20210902

  • The Abandoned SpiderWeb tool from "Maxime Herpin" updated to work with Blender 2.80+ and add as an operator to BsMax (Draw lines with anotation then Create/Mesh/Extera/SpiderWeb).
  • Note: SpiderWeb tool is buggy but works for most cases. Don't worry about Bugs all will be fix soon.

0, 1, 0, 20210830

  • Backburner submiter -1_end and miss last frame bug fixed.
  • Backburner submiter can submit Server Group name too.
  • Hair cache combine use cache name rather than 'combined' for combined forlder name.
  • Press 'Ctrl+Z' while Create Primitive object crash bug fixed.

0, 1, 0, 20210808

  • Backburner tool Inteface cleaned up and some bug fixed.
  • Backburner submitter as float dialog added to render menu.
  • 'New Editor' menu added to 'Windows' menu.

0, 1, 0, 20210806

  • Save/Load button added for backburner setting.
  • Backburner can send job for custom version (By default current Blender Version).

0, 1, 0, 20210726

  • In Backburner submiter 'frame per task' added for 'Specific frames' mode too.

0, 1, 0, 20210722

  • Submit to Backburner Operator now create a seprate temp file for render.
  • Backburner has an option for submit as suspended or not.
  • Pre/Post Render Script operator added under Render Properties/Script.
  • Note: just write the name of script in text editor for Pre/Post Render script.

0, 1, 0, 20210715

  • Multiple Hair cache combine operator added to automate the index switch.
  • Add a new mode for keep Blender mode keymaps completly untoched.

0, 1, 0, 20210714

  • 'bpy.utils.user_resource' issue fixed.

0, 1, 0, 20210614

  • Selection set Copy/past issue fixed.
  • Selection set interface simplified.
  • 'Ctrl + K' Insert Keyframe menu (Max mode).
  • 'Alt + K' Delete Key (Max mode).
  • 'Ctrl + Shift + K' 'Set Key Filter' (max mode).
  • 'Set Key Filter' added to Time slider.

0, 1, 0, 20210611

  • Transfer tool for Rigg Selection set to other Rigg 'Pose mode: Right Panel/Tool/Selection(Pose bone)/Transform/(Copy/Past)'

0, 1, 0, 20210606

  • Auto library override issue fixer caused to crash on heavy secens, disabled for now.

0, 1, 0, 20210604

  • BsMax works with Blender defult with Rightclick select mode too.
  • Fix library override issue fix on render time automaticaly.

0, 1, 0, 20210525

  • Light lister list materials with emission (Editable only if Color or Strength slot are free).

0, 1, 0, 20210517

  • 'OpenGL Depth Picking' Autodisable is optinal (Search for 'Auto Use Select Pick Depth Toggle' off by default)

0, 1, 0, 20210511

  • 'OpenGL Depth Picking' Automaticly disable on Pose mode to speed up bone selecting.
  • 'C' Camera search fits camera frame to view too (3DsMax Mode).
  • Timeline Red bar back with no crash.

0, 1, 0, 20210510

  • Light/Camera lister Improved.
  • 'Freeze On' Repeat count issue fixed.

0, 1, 0, 20210506

  • 'Freeze On' improved ('Animation/Freeze On')

0, 1, 0, 20210505

  • 'Freeze On' Fix an IK controller in position for wanted frame range 'Animation/Freeze On'.

0, 1, 0, 20210503

  • 'W, E, R' auto Coordinate Toggle 'World/Local' disabled by default. 'Ctrl+W' for Active/Deactive (3DsMax mode).

0, 1, 0, 20210502

  • 'Parent Constraint' and 'parent to world' works on pose mode too.

0, 1, 0, 20210429

  • 'SetKey' issue when no object select fixed. (Max mode)
  • 'Edit Mode' shortkey disabled for Linked, Proxy & Libraryoveride Armature that can not be edit.

0, 1, 0, 20210418

  • All version check codes updated to make then add-on works on Blender 3.0 and above too;

0, 1, 0, 20210411

  • Parent constraint now works better with Armature objects.

0, 1, 0, 20210328

  • Minor improvement and bug fixed in some of tools.
  • 'K' add key frame on ui items too (3DsMax mode).
  • 'S' add key frame on ui items too (Maya mode).
  • 'Connect Script To Active Object' operator bind script to the object and makes link or merge with it to news scene automatically.

0, 1, 0, 20210319

  • '6' open float geometry node editor (Replacement for PFSurce shortcut) (3DsMax mode).
  • 'bpy.ops.editor.float' Updated to work in Blender 2.93 and improved ('M', '8', 'F11' in 3DsMax mode).

0, 1, 0, 20210317

  • 'Align Object' works for objects with Constriants.
  • 'Set start/end frame' (Right Click Menu time line and Sequencer).
  • 'Join plus' Ask for apply befor join 'Ctrl + j' (Blender & 3DsMax Mode).

0, 1, 0, 20210310

  • Render preset Save/Load and Copy/Paste operator added (Render Properties/ Presets)

0, 1, 0, 20210221

  • "Overridelibrary" Driver Issue fixer applying for the whole scene automatically (Tools/Animation/Fix Override Driver Issue)

0, 1, 0, 20210219

  • Solve the Library override broken shapekey drivers (Tools/Animation/Fix Override Driver Issue).

0, 1, 0, 20210216

  • Select by Length and Segment Count added to Select Menu in Curve Edit mode.
  • 'W', 'E', 'R' issue with snap fixed.

0, 1, 0, 20210207

  • Multi target shapekey (driving multiple shapekeys automatically) added under shapekey panel.
  • Very simple tool for quick rename objects data name same as object name (for now search 'Data Rename' operator).

0, 1, 0, 20210131

  • 'Align object' issue with new merged object fixed.
  • Quadmenu 'Weld' option is works now (as a temprary solution).

0, 1, 0, 20210128

  • The issue of last update ('W, E, R' and snap) fixed.

0, 1, 0, 20210127

  • Camera Target seprated from FOV Target.
  • Camera Target tools puted on 'Properties > Object Data (Camera) > Target/Tools' panel.
  • 'Blender Transform Type' added to Options make 'W, E, R' Keys work like Blender 'G, R'S' Keys (Need to restart blender on change)

0, 1, 0, 20210124

  • 'TWEAK MMB + Shift' Align view (Replacement of 'TWEAK MMB + Alt' in Blender Default for 3DsMax Mode).
  • Zoom mode setting to Horizontal mode when Maya navigation active.
  • Joystick connector remove old driver if exist.
  • Camera target control the F-Stop of Depth of Field too.

0, 1, 0, 20210122

  • 'Hair guides from/to curve' added to View3D:Tools/Particle Menu.
  • Mesh Edit mode Skin Resize keymap changed to 'Ctrl + Shift + A' (Max mode).
  • Joystic to Shape key connector added to link context menu (Ctrl + L).
  • 'Weight to Vertex Color' puted in View3d/ Paint menu (Vertex paint Mode).
  • 'A' copy active object material to selected objects as 3DsMax "Assign Material to Selection" (Max mode).
  • 'Create' and 'Tools' Menus shows only in object mode.
  • 'Shift + T' open External Data context menu replacement for 3DsMax Asset Tracking (Max mode).

0, 1, 0, 20210110

  • New Selection Set for Armature (Pose mode only) (View3D/ Rigth Panel/ Tool/ Selection)

0, 1, 0, 20210106

  • Backburner Tool Updated.
  • "BsMax_2_80\tools\internal\render\" Could be installed as a standalone addons too.
  • The function that has changed timeline color on auto on cused to crash blender some time. disabled till find a solution.

0, 1, 0, 20210103

  • Submit Render jobs to Backburner (Original code from "Matt Ebb | Blaize | Anthony Hunt | Spirou4D") (For Now Windows Only).
  • Updated "Backburner" addon for Blender 2.8x, 2.9x.
  • Add Specific Frames type ('1, 3, 5-7') to "Backburner" tool.
  • 'Ctrl+Shift+A' Create primitive Menu added to blender key-maps mode.

0, 1, 0, 20201229

  • Armature.arrach operator bug fixed
  • Hair guide from curve operator compatibility issue with Blender 2.91 fix.

0, 1, 0, 20201227

  • Delete_plus for object mode keep children transform on parent delete. ('Delete' Max mode)
  • 1, 2, 3 disabled for non converted primitive objects.
  • Link_to operator issue with transformed parent Re-Link to other object fixed.
  • 'pose.select_hierarchy_plus' tool replased with 'pose.select_hierarchy' for defult blender mode. ('[' ']' in Blender mode).
  • "DoublClick" select children in Pose mode (Blender mode)
  • Additional object (Mesh, Curve, Text) can attach to bone custome shape in pose mode (works on Rest Positon mode).
  • Transform/Rotation to Zero reset bone for pose mode rather than the armature position.

0, 1, 0, 20201221

0, 1, 0, 20201216

  • Create empty frame for using as joysticks border added for 'Joystic Creator'.
  • 'Ctrl + RMB' Select extended in max mode works better now.

0, 1, 0, 20201215

  • 'Attach' tool collaps target objects modifiers before join. (for now works only for Mesh objects)

0, 1, 0, 20201213

  • Smart loop/ring tools from 'maxivz_tools' addon updated.
  • 'Convert to' and 'Join Plus' tools updated to 'No Mercy' mode (Modifier apply, Make unique, clear primitives data).
  • 'Join Plus' issue with armature objects fixed.
  • New 'pose.select_hierarchy_plus' tool select child/parent in pose mode better than original one.
  • 'Ctrl + L' do 'Attribute link' if object selected do 'Light toggle' if not obj selected (Max Mode)
  • Node editor 'Zoom extended' error on empty node editor has fixed ('Z' in max mode).
  • Joystick connector status check updated to avoid displaying error messages.
  • 'Detach' command in quad menu issue fixed and now it works.

0, 1, 0, 20201206

  • Undo issue fixed for most of the Operators.
  • "DoublClick" and "Ctrl+DoubleClick" for select children in object mode (Max mode)

0, 1, 0, 20201126

  • Accidentally created tiny primitives removing automatically.
  • Undo for Create primitives remove only the last one.

0, 1, 0, 20201122

  • Refine tool added (insert vertex on clicked point in curves) (Curve edit mode: menu: Segment/ Refine)
  • In Quad Menu Move, Rotate, Scale Setting buttion action issue fixed.
  • Align Object added to menu: Object/Transform/Align Objects(BsMax).
  • Hide/Unhide issue in Quad Menu fixed.

0, 1, 0, 20201117

  • Max like selection key map added for particle edit mode(Max mode only).
  • Hair guide from curve step_key counts issue fixed.
  • Node editor 3DsMax like selection short keys (Max mode only).
  • Node editor 'H' and 'Ctrl + H' actions swapped for 3DsMax mode.

0, 1, 0, 20201111

  • Weight paint to vertex paint convertor added (for now search for "Weight to Vertex Color").
  • Create Curve from hair guide tool added (for now search for "Hair Guides To Curve")

0, 1, 0, 20201106

  • Hair guide from Curve operator added (for now select mesh search "Hair Guides From Curve" and pick Curve)
  • A Simple Camera lister added (Menu: Render > Camera Lister)

0, 1, 0, 20201101

  • Character lister added (for now very simple stuff but in time other tools will be add)
  • Mesh edit mode 'Ctrl + M' Subdivid/MSmooth selected faces (Max mode only)

0, 1, 0, 20201029

  • Atach picked object in Edit mode like 3DsMax`s edit poly attach (object mode and Edit mode in Quad menu).
  • Same Attach function added for Curve & Armature too.
  • ObjectPicker Operator updated.
  • Pivot to First Bezier point issue fixed (Ctrl + Insert in set pivot point menu).
  • Bugfix.

0, 1, 0, 20201028

  • Default auto smooth fixed for Torus, Teapot, Monkey primitives.
  • Bugfix.

0, 1, 0, 20201026 and befor

  • Align Objects has better UI and able to Align Objects to Bone of Armature too.
  • Primitive Geometries create and update with Shade Smooth active.
  • Join (ctrl+J) clear primitive data now.
  • Object display setiing assined to 'Alt+X'.
  • Path Sort Operator updated (Select objects call the operator then pick path)
  • PickOperator bug fixed.
  • Linkto Operator now can link Object directly to a bone.
  • PickOperator updated, now can return source, subsource, target and subtarget.
  • New Hotkeys added to weight paint and File Browser (Max mode only).
  • Camera search any object display filter toggle Keymaps added for paint/sculp modes too.
  • Timeline Red header issue fixed.
  • Path Constraint setting up a "Follow Path" in two clicks and set the key frame on Object rather than the path.
  • Parent Constraint in object mode can directly parent the Objects to the Bone rather than Armature.
  • View3D/Tools/Animation Max like Constraints tools added.
  • In Pose mode Doubleclick Select All children.
  • if you dont like the infinit gride then press 'G' to have a limited one.
  • Jotstick connector updated for work with new Joystick creator.
  • Joystick creator made a controller from Armatur can be join with rigg
  • Pose menu added to Quadmenu and some Keymap added for Pose mode.
  • Select Element enabled for Curve mode too ('5' Toggle On/Off)
  • Select Element enabled for 3DsMax mode ('5' Toggle On/Off, 'Ctrl + 5' Open Setting Dialog)
  • Open the keymaps list in github wiki via addon preferences (In production).
  • Preferences UI changed, more optional and easy to understand.
  • Quad menu can scale from addon preferences.
  • lots of code cleaning and Simplification to make future improvment easy.
  • Align Objects has percentage option now and can put in halfway or increase distance by entering negative value.
  • Some New Items added to Quad menu.
  • "Link to" operator (Avalible in Quadmenu).
  • Align objects draws a line to show the tool is active.
  • All Operators has self report now. you can see python api of each operator in 'Info' or 'Console'.
  • Time keys now working on all areas ('N' ', ' '.' '/' 'Home' 'End' in Max mode)
  • '[' and ']' defined to Left and Right Tool panel open/close toggle (Max Mode only).
  • Keymap system has duplication check function.
  • Press the 'W', 'E', 'R' again toggles between Global/Local coordinate (Max, Maya mode).
  • light lister ignore the instance lights to simplify the list.
  • "Clear primitive data" combined with "Convert to" command (Max Mode only)
  • Hide/Undide updated but not fine yet (because of python limitation for now)
  • Keep Prefrence settng when add-on has Disable/Enable or Updated.
  • Align objects acts as 3DsMax now. (Select objects, press 'Alt + A' then pick Target).
  • Transform type in fixed (Max mode F12)(Object mode only).
  • (Ctrl + shift + C) Flet/chamfer in Curve Edit mode.
  • (Ctrl + Tab) Multi Modifier Editor.
  • UV projections added to UV Edit menu.
  • Startup navigation key binding issue solved.
  • Float modifire editor can match only selected modifier with selected objects if had same modifier.
  • Snap automaticly changes on Move Rotate tool call viea short cut(act more max like).
  • View undo can disable now (some times cause the viewport leg).
  • Camera lister updated ('C' in Max mode).
  • ...