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NikkyAI edited this page Jun 18, 2017 · 3 revisions

!!python/object:libcord._libcord.Command func: !!python/name:libcord._libcord.execute '' parser: !!python/object:argparse.ArgumentParser _action_groups:

  • &id004 !!python/object:argparse._ArgumentGroup _action_groups: [] _actions: &id001
    • &id002 !!python/object:argparse._HelpAction choices: null const: null container: &id013 !!python/object:argparse._ArgumentGroup _action_groups: [] _actions: *id001 _defaults: &id005 {} _group_actions:
      • *id002 _has_negative_number_optionals: &id008 [] _mutually_exclusive_groups: &id009 [] _negative_number_matcher: &id010 !!python/object/apply:re._compile
      • ^-\d+$|^-\d*.\d+$
      • 32 _option_string_actions: &id011 --help: *id002 -h: *id002 _registries: &id012 action: null: &id003 !!python/name:argparse._StoreAction '' store: *id003 store_const: !!python/name:argparse._StoreConstAction '' store_true: !!python/name:argparse._StoreTrueAction '' store_false: !!python/name:argparse._StoreFalseAction '' append: !!python/name:argparse._AppendAction '' append_const: !!python/name:argparse._AppendConstAction '' count: !!python/name:argparse._CountAction '' help: !!python/name:argparse._HelpAction '' version: !!python/name:argparse._VersionAction '' parsers: !!python/name:argparse._SubParsersAction '' type: null: !!python/name:argparse.identity '' argument_default: null conflict_handler: error description: null prefix_chars: '-' title: optional arguments default: ==SUPPRESS== dest: help help: show this help message and exit metavar: null nargs: 0 option_strings:
      • -h
      • --help required: false type: null
    • &id006 !!python/object:argparse._StoreAction choices: null const: null container: *id004 default: null dest: a help: null metavar: null nargs: null option_strings: [] required: true type: null
    • &id007 !!python/object:argparse._StoreAction choices: null const: null container: *id004 default: null dest: b help: null metavar: null nargs: null option_strings: [] required: true type: null _defaults: *id005 _group_actions:
    • *id006
    • *id007 _has_negative_number_optionals: *id008 _mutually_exclusive_groups: *id009 _negative_number_matcher: *id010 _option_string_actions: *id011 _registries: *id012 argument_default: null conflict_handler: error description: null prefix_chars: '-' title: positional arguments
  • *id013 _actions: *id001 _defaults: *id005 _has_negative_number_optionals: *id008 _mutually_exclusive_groups: *id009 _negative_number_matcher: *id010 _option_string_actions: *id011 _optionals: *id013 _positionals: *id004 _registries: *id012 _subparsers: null add_help: true allow_abbrev: true argument_default: null conflict_handler: error description: roll dice epilog: null exit: !!python/name:libcord._libcord.fake_exit '' formatter_class: !!python/name:argparse.HelpFormatter '' fromfile_prefix_chars: null prefix_chars: '-' print_help: !!python/name:libcord._libcord.help_wrapper '' prog: dice usage: null regex_func: !!python/name:libcord._libcord.exec_regex '' = 15.0
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