diff --git a/Noble.lua b/Noble.lua index c1148b1..ea68c3c 100644 --- a/Noble.lua +++ b/Noble.lua @@ -74,16 +74,19 @@ local configuration = Utilities.copy(defaultConfiguration) --- Engine initialization. Run this once in your main.lua file to begin your game. -- @tparam NobleScene StartingScene This is the scene your game begins with, such as a title screen, loading screen, splash screen, etc. **NOTE: Pass the scene's class name, not an instance of the scene.** -- @number[opt=0] __launcherTransitionDuration If you want to transition from the final frame of your launch image sequence, enter a duration in seconds here. --- @tparam[opt=Noble.Transition.CROSS_DISSOLVE] Noble.Transition __launcherTransition If a transition duration is set, use this transition type. --- @tparam table[optional] __launcherTransitionProperties Provide a table of properties to apply to the launcher transition. See the documentation for the transition you're using for a list of available properties. --- @tparam table[optional] __configuration Provide a table of Noble Engine configuration values. This will run `Noble.setConfig` for you at launch. +-- @tparam[opt=Noble.Transition.DipToBlack] Noble.Transition __launcherTransition If a transition duration is set, use this transition type. +-- @table[opt] __launcherTransitionProperties Provide a table of properties to apply to the launcher transition. See the documentation for the transition you're using for a list of available properties. +-- @table[opt] __configuration Provide a table of Noble Engine configuration values. This will run `Noble.setConfig` for you at launch. -- @usage --- Noble.new(TitleScreen, 2, Noble.Transition.DipToWhite, +-- Noble.new( +-- TitleScreen, +-- 2, +-- Noble.Transition.DipToWhite, -- { -- holdTime = 0, -- ease = Ease.outInQuad -- }, --- { +-- { -- defaultTransition = Noble.Transition.Imagetable, -- defaultTransitionDuration = 1.75, -- enableDebugBonkChecking = true, @@ -205,7 +208,7 @@ local queuedScene = nil -- @tparam NobleScene NewScene The scene to transition to. Pass the scene's class, not an instance of the scene. You always transition from `Noble.currentScene` -- @number[opt=1.5] __duration The length of the transition, in seconds. -- @tparam[opt=Noble.TransitionType.DIP_TO_BLACK] Noble.Transition __transition If a transition duration is set, use this transition type. If not set, it will use the value of `configuration.defaultTransition`. --- @table[opt={}] __transitionProperties A table consisting of properties for this transition. Properties not set here will use values that transition's `defaultProperties` table. +-- @table[opt] __transitionProperties A table consisting of properties for this transition. Properties not set here will use values that transition's `defaultProperties` table. -- @usage -- Noble.transition(Level2, 1, Noble.Transition.CrossDissolve, { -- dither = Graphics.image.kDitherTypeDiagonalLine