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472 lines (315 loc) · 13.9 KB


Power is the core feature set that actually implementing an item function.

Powers execute in pitfall order, and only correctly triggered powers will be executed.

There are some general power properties:

  • cooldown Cooldown ticks before next use
  • cost Cost to durability for each use
  • condition Conditions to meet in order to trigger this power
  • trigger Triggers of this power

Command to modify power on an item:

/rpgitem power [operation] [item] [params]

Available operations:

  • add Add a power
  • remove Remove a specific power
  • list List all powers
  • prop List details about a specific power, or modify it with additional parameters
  • reorder Re-order a specific power to a new position. This may affect power execution logic


/rpgitem power add mysword rpgitems:beam cost:1 damage:10 ttl:20 triggers:LEFT_CLICK speed:16 particle:CRIT_MAGIC length:24


Applies effect to targets in an area.


Let all targets within a range to execute command.

  • type Target type, can be
    • entity
    • player
    • mobs
  • r Target range
  • rm Minimum range
  • facing Angle in your direction. value from 0 to 180
  • c Target count
  • mustsee There must be no block between you and target
  • command The command to execute
  • permission The permission to assign for execution of the command


Deals damage to a range of targets.

  • range Maximum target selection range
  • minrange Minimum target selection range
  • angle Angle from your direction, value from 0 to 180
  • count Number of targets can be attacked
  • incluePlayers (typo) include players when triggering power
  • selfapplication Apply to yourself when triggering power
  • mustsee There must be no block between you and target
  • damage Damage amount to deal, this is independent with item damage property
  • delay Delay ticks before actual apply damage
  • selectAfterDelay When delay is not 0, set this to false to select target on use, so that target will be damaged even it's out of range.
  • firingRange
  • firingLocation Define location of AOE center, can be SELF or TARGET
  • castOff When firingLocation is TARGET and delay is not 0, set this to true to set center on use before delay


Damage boost when flying.


Deprecated. Use Projectile.


Trigger power from other items.


Pull or push entity.

  • radius Radius to select target
  • maxSpeed Maximum speed to pull/push entity
  • duration Duration time to pull/push entity
  • attractingTickCost Cost per tick for using this power
  • attractingEntityTickCost Cost per tick per entity for using this power
  • attractPlayer Whether it will pull/push player
  • firingLocation Can be SELF or TARGET
  • firingRange


Fire a beam made by particle. This is by far the most complex and powerful power in RPGItems.

  • length Maximum beam length
  • ttl Time to live ticks
  • particle Particle type, see
  • mode Can be BEAM (run in 1 tick) or PROJECTILE (run in multiple ticks)
  • pierce Number of targets that can be pierced through
  • ignoreWall Ignore wall when flying, defaults to true
  • damage Damage deal when contact, this is independent with damage property in item config
  • speed Beam flying speed, block per second
  • offsetX particle offsetX
  • offsetY particle offsetY
  • offsetZ particle offsetZ
  • particleSpeed particle speed parameter
  • particleDensity how many particle spawn dots in one block space
  • cone Angle from your direction to fire discrete beams
  • homing Radius for homing
  • homingAngle Angle from your direction to select target
  • homingRange Block distance to select target
  • homingMode Can be
    • ONE_TARGET Lock on single target
    • MULTI_TARGET Change target after last hit
    • MOUSE_TRACK Lock on nearest target of mouse aim
  • homingTarget Can be MOBS / ENTITY / PLAYER
  • ticksBeforeHoming Ticks before homing path
  • beamAmount How many beam will be fired in a single run
  • burstCount How many beam will be fired in a single trigger
  • burstInterval Ticks between next burst
  • bounce How many times the beam will bounce off wall, require ignoreWall to false
  • hitSelfWhenBounced Beam may hit yourself when bounce off wall
  • gravity Gravity of beam, can be negative (trace goes up)
  • extraData Color of REDSTONE particle, in format of r,g,b,size. E.g., extraData:`51,204,255,0.35` for a cyan slim beam
  • speedBias Expression to control the flying speed. E.g., 4+x*10*t
  • behavior Controls the beam behavior
  • initialRotation
  • firingLocation Can be SELF or TARGET
  • effectOnly Only act as effect, will not trigger HIT event
  • firingR Polar coordinates parameter
  • firingTheta Polar coordinates parameter
  • firingPhi Polar coordinates parameter
  • firingRange
  • castOff


Cancels bow arrow. Arrow will not be consumed and no arrow is fired. Often used on bows with other powers.


Damage boost when sprinting.

  • percentage Damage increase percentage
  • speedPercentage Damage increase percentage by speed
  • setBaseDamage Set to true to use dynamic damage as base, otherwise use damage property in item config
  • cap Maximum damage cap


Execute command on use.

  • command Command to execute. Use ` to quote with space, e.g., command:\minecraft:give {player} stone``
  • display Message to display in lore
  • permission Permission to assign just for executing the command

Variables available in command:

  • {player} the user's name
  • {player.x} the user's X coordinate
  • {player.y} the user's Y coordinate
  • {player.z} the user's Z coordinate
  • {player.yaw} the user's yaw coordinate
  • {player.pitch} the user's pitch


Execute command on hit.

  • command Command to execute.
  • permission Permission to assign just for executing the command
  • minDamage Minimum damage to deal in order to trigger this power

Variables available in command:

  • {entity} the target's name
  • {entity.uuid} the target's UUID
  • {entity.x} the target's X coordinate
  • {entity.y} the target's Y coordinate
  • {entity.z} the target's Z coordinate
  • {entity.yaw} the target's yaw coordinate
  • {entity.pitch} the target's pitch


Consume item on use.


Consume item on hit.


Deals critical hit.

  • chance Chance to trigger the power
  • backstabchance Chance to backstab
  • factor Damage multiplier
  • backstabFactor Damage multiplier when backstab
  • setBaseDamage Set to true to use dynamic damage as base, otherwise use damage property in item config


A chance to kill target and execute command.


Deflect incoming projectile.


Execute command with delay.


Power dummy do nothing but provides a bunch of universal options to help you make item logic execution clean.

  • checkDurabilityBound Check durability bound before trigger. Once durability out of bound the dummy will not be triggered.
  • costByEnchantment Calculate cost by Enchantments, needed for doEnchReduceCost
  • doEnchReduceCost Enchantment like durability can reduce cost (chance not to cost)
  • enchCostPercentage Percentage not to cost for each enchantment level
  • enchantmentType Enchantment name like unbreaking (default value)
  • costbyDamage Cost value by damage
  • cooldownKey When there are multiple dummy power, set a unique key string to make cooldowns independent
  • successResult Action after this dummy is successfully executed, defaults to OK which will continue with next power.
  • costResult Action after cost. Defaults to COST which deals the cost and continue with next power. Set to ABORT to break and abort the whole process, OK to ignore the cost and continue with next power.
  • cooldownResult Action after cooldown. Defaults to COOLDOWN which break execution of dummy but continue with next power. Set ABORT to break and abort the whole process, OK to ignore cooldown and continue with next power.
  • showCDwarning If you wish not to show cooldown warning message, set to false.
  • globalCooldown Set the cooldown to global.

Use PowerDummy to disbale cooldown message, unify and control cooldown / cost.

You should already acknowledge that RPGitems execute powers based on trigger, like RIGHT_CLICK or LEFT_CLICK and activate power one by one in a pitfall. So if you have an item with a list of powers like:

  1. PowerProjectile, trigger LEFT_CLICK
  2. PowerBeam, trigger RIGHT_CLICK
  3. PowerSound, trigger RIGHT_CLICK
  4. PowerParticle, trigger LEFT_CLICK

When you do left click, only 1 and 4 will be activated. The item firstly shoot a projectile and then play a particle, but in a single tick.

Now if you want to cost 1 durability on each left click use, with 20 ticks cooldown and do not wish to show the duplicated cooldown message, you can add PowerDummy at first place, and set cooldown:20 cooldownKey:left cooldownResult:ABORT cost:1 showCDWarning:false triggers:LEFT_CLICK. You should also set PowerProjectile and PowerParticle's cost and cooldown to 0, indicating you do not need them and only using PowerDummy to control everything.

RPGitem will first check PowerDummy, and if it's in cooldown then abort the whole execution process, which means projectile and particle powers will not be activated. If it's not cooling down and all conditions (if any) are met, cost 1 then continue with power execution (fire a projectile and play particle).

Similarly, if you set costResult to ABORT, when the item durability less than its lower bound, the power execution will be aborted.

Please note dummy power options is effective only with correct trigger. If you set dummy with RIGHT_CLICK trigger, it will not affect any power with triggers other than RIGHT_CLICK.


Operates economy functions.


Make enchantment boost damage.


Set damage based on expression.


Cause explosion on use.


Ignite target.


Deprecated. Use Projectile.


Shoots a bunch of fire.


Restores saturation level.


Summon a forcefield to trap or block target.


Catch and throw entity.


Projectiles will homing to target.


Damage boost when hit target head.


Shoots ice and form an ice block.


Knockup target on hit.


Gain health on hit.


Summon lightning strike.


Ride on entity.


Ignore immutable tick.


Summon ParticleBarrier to reduce damage taken and give you power.


Plays particle on use or hit.


Plays particle when holding or wearing.


Applies potion effect on hit.


Applies potion effect to user.


Applies potion effect when holding or wearing.


Fires projectile with many options.

  • isCone if the projectile fires in a cone. Defaults to false
  • gravity if the projectile affected by gravity. Defaults to true
  • range cone angle from your direction
  • amount amount of projectile in a single run
  • speed projectile flying speed
  • burstCount how many projectiles will be fired
  • burstInterval ticks between next burst run
  • setFireballDirection fireball will not float if set to true
  • yield may cause explosion, defaults to false
  • isIncendiary may cause fire, defaults to false
  • projectileType type of projectile, can be
    • arrow
    • snowball
    • fireball
    • smallfireball
    • llamaspit
    • shulkerbullet
    • dragonfireball
    • trident
    • skull
  • suppressArrow Cancels arrow when firing from bow, but arrow will still be consumed
  • applyForce apply bow force for arrow and fireball, affects speed
  • firingLocation Can be SELF or TARGET
  • firingR Polar coordinates parameter
  • firingTheta Polar coordinates parameter
  • firingPhi Polar coordinates parameter
  • firingRange
  • castOff


Force target wear a pumpkin head.


Shoots colorful wool.


Deals real damage, ignores armor.


Consume material to restore (or cost) durability.

  • durability Durability restored (or cost) per each repair material
  • display Message displayed in lore
  • material Repair material. Can be HAND to use item hold in mainhand.
  • isSneak Require sneak to trigger
  • mode Can be DEFAULT, ALLOW_OVER and ALWAYS
  • allowBreak defaults to true
  • abortOnSuccess abort and break execution after successfully triggered (repaired)
  • abortOnFailure abort and break execution after failed to repair (e.g., no material)
  • customMessage Message to display in chat
  • amount Maximum material amount to consume in each trigger
  • showFailMsg Show repair failed message or not. Default to true


A better totem replacement.


Summon a wave to blow target to sky.


Operates on scoreboard.


Shoots shulkerbullet that homing to target.


Hook to specific block.


Plays sound on use or hit.


Cause targets not to move or teleport.


Shoots TNT.


Teleport for a distance.


Throw entity.


Deprecated. Use Projectile and PotionHit


Shoots some torches to light up a place.


Shoots a translocator and swap your position.