Shinobu is an iOS application to control a MPD server.
It is designed to be fast, easy to use and requires iOS 15.1.
I develop this app on my free time and for my personal need, you can ask for a feature but if I don't see the point I won't implement it.
Shinobu is available on the App Store at the price of 5,99€, because putting it on the App Store cost 100€. If you prefer you can build it yourself, see below.
- iPhone / iPad
- Browsing by albums, artists, albums artists, genres, playlists, or directly browsing the filesystem (your MPD directory).
- Search
- Playback control (Play/Pause, Shuffle, Repeat, Track position)
- Volume control
- Playlists management (Create / Delete / Add to / Remove from)
- VoiceOver compliant
- Automatically find MPD server with Bonjour/Zeroconf
- MPD outputs selection
- Available in 2 languages : 🇫🇷 🇬🇧
on iPhone
on iPad
- Rewrite the libmpdclient bridge, because it is ugly
- Apple TV version (probably never)
- An nice app icon. I have absolutely no design skills, if someone wants to help
To install Shinobu you will need macOS, so you have two choices, either you have access to a Mac, or you run macOS on a Virtual Machine.
- Install the latest Xcode version.
- Clone this repository.
- Open shinobu.xcodeproj.
- Plug your iPhone and hit the Build & Run button.
- Head to the wiki for app settings and configuration help.
Please open an issue.
Shinobu is released under the MIT License, see LICENSE file.