ONSAS is a GNU-Octave/Matlab code for static/dynamic and linear/non-linear analysis of structures. The first version was developed for educational purposes and was published in a handbook of the course Análisis no lineal de Estructuras taught at Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad de la República since 2017.
You can publicly post in the discussion section or contact privately sending an e-mail to jorgepz [AT] fing.edu.uy .
The code is distributed under a GNU-GPL 3.0 license.
The user should follow these steps to install and run onsas:
- Download and install GNU-Octave and Paraview
- Download the ONSAS zip source files from the realeases web https://github.com/ONSAS/ONSAS/releases
- Open GNU-Octave, move to the examples directory and run one of the examples.
An introduction to using and contributing to ONSAS was presented in 2022. The recording is available at this youtube video.
The complete list of authors of code, contributions, affiliations and acknowledgments is available in the documentation.