Copy content from web powerful than ever before.
- Chrome
- Firefox
- Opera: Code review too slow, never publish again, please manually install.
- Vivaldi
- Edge: Microsoft Edge is not compatible with mozilla/webextension-polyfill because of Issue #3, so I had to give up porting.
- Copy tab link as
- Plaintext
- Markdown
- BBCode
- Copy frame link as
- Plaintext
- Markdown
- BBCode
- Copy link as
- Markdown
- BBCode
- Copy selection as
- Plaintext
- Raw strings
- Markdown
- BBCode
- HTML(only <a> tag)
- HTML(no attributes)
- Copy image as
- Markdown
- Markdown(DataURI jpeg, png, webp*)
- HTML(DataURI jpeg, png, webp*)
- DataURI(original format)
- DataURI(jpeg, png, webp*)
- BBCode
- Copy browser native audio/video as HTML
* WebP format is Chromium(Chrome, Opera, Vivaldi) only
Copy tab link and selection can be set as keyboard shortcuts.
Chrome shortcuts page: chrome://extensions/shortcuts
Unfortunately, I couldn't find the official shortcut key customization page in Firefox. Maybe users can use other extensions to implement shortcut key binding. Copycat will not provide related UI for the time being.