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245 lines (183 loc) · 6.47 KB

File metadata and controls

245 lines (183 loc) · 6.47 KB

Panther 4.1.6

  • Additional logfile for capturing http-monitors event payload

Panther 4.1.3


  • Docker base images updated to node 18 alpine3.18

NPM dependencies

  • lerna@7
  • minimist@1.2.8
  • tough-cookie@4.1.3

Panther 4.1.2


  • when creating a rule in the gui it would be nice for a new tab to be opened
  • external_id added as a defualt column

NPM dependencies

  • migrate-mongo@10.0.0

Panther 4.1.1


  • Parse errors in rule imports are exposed to the client.
  • Groups drop down menu has scrollbar added.
  • Dashboard stacked charts styling.
  • Disallow rule imports with no changes.
  • http monitor API responds only once.
  • event-rules schedule checking uses TZ.
  • server.rules.yml validation is tightened up.


  • Added Dashboard activity when server.rules.yml is imported.
  • Added git commit message when importing rules
  • Docker base images updated to alpine3.17

NPM dependecies

  • lerna@6.3.0
  • xmldom -> @xmldom/xmldom@0.7.7
  • minimist@1.2.7

Panther 4.1.0

Below are the significant changes from the previous release 4.0.10

NodeJS requirements (Source builds)

Have changed from 12.x to 16.x

MongoDB requirements (Source builds)

Have changed from 3.2.x to 3.6.23

NPM dependencies

Many package dependencies have been updated, the minimum versions depended upon are:

  • base64-url (removed)
  • ejs (removed)
  • mem (removed)
  • shelljs (removed)
  • showdown (removed)
  • constantinople@4.0.1
  • growl@1.10.5
  • nconf@0.12.0
  • underscore@1.12.1
  • tough-cookie@2.3.4
  • moment@2.29.4
  • js-yaml@3.14.1
  • marked@4.0.18
  • bower@1.8.14
  • bson@1.1.6
  • pathval@1.1.1
  • mongodb@3.5.9
  • diff@5.0.0
  • qs@2.3.3
  • minimatch@3.0.8
  • hawk@6.0.2
  • nodemailer@6.7.7
  • bl@1.2.3
  • yargs-parser@13.1.2
  • tunnel-agent@0.6.0
  • request@2.83.0
  • hoek@4.2.1
  • highlight.js@11.3.1


  • Cleared events are now deleted.
  • Email addresses are handled case insensitive.
  • When rules are tracked in git, the user's email address is used for the commit.
  • When adding an external_id, the owner field is no longer updated.

Fixes (rules)

select equals (rules)

Matches on one OR many values

One (equals)

    - name: eq1
        owner: one of RFC
        agent: Syslog RFC5424

Many (equals)

    - name: eq1
        owner: one of RFC
          - Syslog RFC5424
          - Syslog RFC3164


More fields are accessible within agent rules using a input. prefix as shown below.

Agent HTTP

HTTP agent rules can access top level keys within the event: {...} JSON data.

Sending an Event via the curl command (copied from /apiconsole):

curl -X POST -H 'X-Api-Token: <APIKEY>' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{"event": { "node": "localhost", "tag": "mytag", "summary": "event summary goes here", "severity": 1, "extra": "some more data", "another_extra": "even more data", "owner": "account id..." }}' \

Will make available the following fields in the agent rules:

Field Value
node localhost
tag mytag
summary event summary goes here
severity 1
input.extra some more data
input.another_extra even more data
input.owner account id...


      - name: input data has extra stuff AND has an owner
          input.extra: some more data
          - input.owner
          tag: 'extra: {input.extra}'
          owner: '{input.owner}'

Agent Syslog

Syslog Agent rules + Server rules, now parse and accept the newer RFC5424 message format.

RFC3164 and RFC5424 can be differentiated with a rule in syslog.rules.yml, that inspects the value of input.type


      - name: This is a Syslog RFC3164 message
          input.type: RFC3164
          summary: 'This message was formatted as RFC3164'
          agent: 'Syslog {input.type}'

      - name: This is a Syslog RFC5424 message
          input.type: RFC5424
          summary: 'This message was formatted as RFC5424'
          agent: 'Syslog {input.type}'
          external_id: '{input.msgID}'

RFC5424 specifics

Decoding of sd-id and sd-param is done as follows

<148>1 2022-05-17T16:31:01.326287+01:00 laptop username - - [timeQuality tzKnown="1" isSynced="1" syncAccuracy="674500"][zoo@123 thread="hungry" priority="high"][appName@2 bob="bob3"] syslog had something to say

Translates to following variables that can be referenced in syslog.rules.yml either as fields, or as values when enclosed in {}

input.structuredData.timeQuality.tzKnown = "1"
input.structuredData.timeQuality.isSynced = "1"
input.structuredData.timeQuality.synAccuracy = "674500"
input.structuredData.zoo@123.thread = "hungry"
input.structuredData.zoo@123.priority = "high"
input.structuredData.appName@2.bob = "bob3"

Ways to use from Rules/Syslog

Select events where...

The field input.structuredData exists


Set the value of summary to 'tzKnown was: {input.structuredData.timeQuality.tzKnown}'

The above is represented as the syslog agent rule:

    - name: Check for RFC5424 structured data and set a summary
      field_exists: input.structuredData
        summary: 'tzKnown was: {input.structuredData.timeQuality.tzKnown}'

Sending RFC5424 messages to Panther can be accomplished with a modern version of logger.

logger -p local2.warn -n <HOSTNAME> -T -P 1514 --rfc5424 -t my-tag-goes-here --msgid 123 --id=44 --sd-id test@123 --sd-param my-param=\"my-params-value\" The summary message is everything else

NOTE: CentOS 7 does not support RFC5424, if you have Docker available you can wrap the above command within a container

docker run debian logger -p local2.warn -n <HOSTNAME> -T -P 1514 --rfc5424 -t my-tag-goes-here --msgid 123 --id=44 --sd-id test@123 --sd-param 'my-param="my-params-value"' The summary message is everything else

When using a temporary Docker container the <HOSTNAME> will be resolved from within the container, so localhost would refer to the container itself. Make sure to use proper hostnames