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File metadata and controls

239 lines (182 loc) · 6.75 KB


Origin is a simple monitoring and alert server, based on ZeroMQ and JSON messaging, making it extremely portable and easy to use.

How it works

The server exposes two ports, a registration port and a measurement port. To begin logging a new data source, a registration packet is sent to the monitoring server registration port describing the data that will be logged. The server creates a new stream entry based on the registration information. Then the device can send data to the server for logging to the measurement port, where it is automatically entered into the database.

The alert server ...

Server Installation

If you just want to connect to an existing server see below.


The default data storage is h5py.

You then need one of these backends (or none if you are using the filesystem backend)

pip install pyzmq numpy

Then at least one of the following, I recommend h5py:

pip install h5py
pip install
pip install pymongo

For windows check the recommended installation stuff on the packages website (or use canopy or a package manager). The pip install for mysql.connector worked for me on windows, and is probably the easiest way to do it.

If you want to use mysql or mongodb then you will need to uncomment the import line out in lib/origin/server/

vim lib/origin/server/
from origin_measurement_validation import measurement_validation

from origin_template_validation import template_validation

from origin_destination import destination

# if you dont want to install these modules then just comment the ones you dont want to use
from origin_hdf5_destination import hdf5_destination
#from origin_mysql_destination import mysql_destination
from origin_filesystem_destination import filesystem_destination # this one should be fine since its standard libs
#from origin_mongodb_destination import mongodb_destination

OPTIONAL: Configure MySQL (only if you want to use it)

You will need a MySQL server, which can be set up locally, then make a new database and add a user that has read/write permissions.

mysql -u root -p
CREATE DATABASE origin_test;
CREATE USER '_user_'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '_password_';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON origin_test.* to '_user_'@'localhost';

Configure Origin

We now need to enter project specific information to the configuration file for the server.

git clone
cd Origin
vim config/origin-server-test.cfg

To begin with we are just going to test the server locally so use the config/origin-server-test.cfg file, later when you want to connect to an actual server use the config/origin-server.cfg (or whatever you want).

ip                  = ; change to origin server address for deployment
register_port       = 5558
measure_port        = 5559
alert_port          = 5560
read_port           = 5561
pub_port            = 5562
json_register_port  = 5563
json_measure_port   = 5564

timestamp_type      = uint64

# pick the back end you want to use
destiniation        = hdf5
#destiniation        = mysql
#destiniation        = filesystem
#destiniation        = mongodb

alert_check_period  = 120 ; units of seconds

server_ip =
db        = origin_test
user      = test
password  = test

data_path    = data
data_file    = origin_test.hdf5
chunksize    = 1024 ; 2**10 no exponents, import fails
compression  = gzip ; False for no compression

data_path    = data/origin_test
info_file    = knownStreams.json

server_ip =
port      = 27017
db        = origin_test
# no SSL yet
#user      = test
#password  = test

Run the server

You should now be able to run the server using the test configuration.

python bin/origin-server test

Monitor the logs in another terminal session.

tail -f var/ORIGIN.log

Windows open powershell, cd to Origin directory:

Get-Content var\ORIGIN.log -wait

And run the toy inserter.

python bin/origin-toy-client test

The logs should show a new table added to the database.

2016-07-23 19:56:24,315 - Monitor - INFO - Successfully Started Logging
2016-07-23 19:56:24,315 - Monitor - INFO - Creating data directory at: [x\x\x]\Origin\var\data
2016-07-23 19:56:24,316 - Monitor - INFO - New data file: [x\x\x]\Origin\var\data\origintest.hdf5
2016-07-23 19:56:24,318 - Monitor - DEBUG - knownStreamVersions attribute not found
2016-07-23 19:56:24,322 - Monitor - INFO - IOLoop Configured
2016-07-23 20:02:09,812 - Monitor - INFO - Received registration of stream toy
2016-07-23 20:02:09,813 - Monitor - INFO - Attempt to register stream toy

Checking data entry

You can either open the HDF5 directly with a viewer application. Or you can use the example reader, which uses the built in API.

python bin/origin-toy-reader test

The server should be responding with alternating statistics and raw data for the toy stream.

OPTIONAL: MySQL checking data entry

You can check that the data was actually inserted.

mysql -u _user_ -p
USE origintest;
SELECT * FROM measurements_toy;
| id | measurementTime | toy1      | toy2      |
|  1 |      1465326087 |   0.88671 |  0.980564 |
|  2 |      1465326092 |  0.624428 |  0.228306 |
|  3 |      1465326097 |   0.77994 |  0.616023 |
|  4 |      1465326102 |  0.122097 |  0.148885 |
|  5 |      1465326107 |  0.781741 |  0.851939 |
|  6 |      1465326112 | 0.0570459 |  0.891965 |
|  7 |      1465326117 |  0.197933 |  0.736311 |
|  8 |      1465326122 |  0.515716 | 0.0314361 |
|  9 |      1465326127 |  0.669868 |  0.737255 |
| 10 |      1465326132 |  0.445365 |  0.298424 |
| 11 |      1465326137 |  0.938865 |  0.320306 |
| 12 |      1465326142 |   0.38073 |  0.745032 |
| 13 |      1465326147 |  0.872034 |  0.987444 |
13 rows in set (0.00 sec)


Once the coniguration object configSite is edited, logging from an external source can be start. To do so just run on the server:

python bin/origin-server

and the monitoring device:

python bin/origin-toy-client

Possible destinations (backends)


  • mapd


  • Cassandra
  • Riak
  • HBase