Testing if a new user can successfully register.
Ensuring successful login with correct email and password, and verifying that login fails with incorrect credentials.
Checking if a user can successfully edit their profile information.
Testing searching for products using keywords like "shoe" and verifying accurate results.
Verifying that searching with filters (e.g., category, price range) gives accurate results.
Ensuring the product detail page displays all necessary information such as price, reviews, and description.
Checking if products can be sorted by relevance, price, rating, etc.
Verifying that items can be added to the shopping cart from product pages, and testing updating item quantities and removing items from the cart.
Validating the entire checkout process, including address selection, payment method selection, and order review.
Checking if the user is able to select each payment method and apply coupon codes during the order process.
Going to the orders page, clicking on the last ordered product, and giving it a 5-star rating.
Testing if it's possible to reach the cart page without logging in.
It's been a rewarding journey of learning and problem-solving. I'm eager to share more about it and open to any feedback or collaboration opportunities!