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Java Configuration

Luis Francisco Hernández Sánchez edited this page Jun 23, 2017 · 11 revisions

The configuration of the program is specified in the Command line and in a configuration file. Command line has priority over the configuration file. If none of them are specified, default values are taken.

Configuration variables

Program execution

Command line argument Variable Default value Type Description
-a allProteome false Boolean If set to true, the set of vertices for the result graph will be the set of proteins in SwissProt. If set to false, an input list is requested.
-i inputListFile ./input.txt String Path to, and name of, the input file.
-m maxNumVertices 21000 Integer The graph will contain at most this number of vertices. If the input list has more proteins than this number, only the first maxNumVertices are used.
-imr ignoreMisformattedRows false Boolean If set to true, the misformatted rows of the input are ignored and continues to the other rows. If set to false, the execution of the program stops completely when a misformatted row appears.
-v verboseConsole false Boolean If set to true, the console shows more messages along the process.
-c configFile ./Config.txt String Path to, and name of, the configuration file. This is not a variable that you can change in the configuration file itself. It looks for the file in that path, unless another path is specified using command line arguments.
-o outputGraphFile ./output.sif String Path to, and name of, the output file.

Neo4j database access

Variable Default value Type Description
-h, --host host bolt://localhost String
-u, --username username neo4j String
-p, --password password neo4j String


Command line argument Variable Default value Type Description
-nil onlyNeighborsInList false Boolean Output graph will only contain proteins(vertices) in the input list.
-oe onlyOrderedEdges false Boolean For the edges indicating a set or complex neighbour, output each pair of proteins only once.
-mp showMissingProteins false Boolean If set to true, the output graph will include the proteins contained in the input file but not are not present in Reactome.
-ip showIsolatedProteins false Boolean If set to true, the output graph will include the proteins contained in the input file but do not have connections.

Types of edges

Command line argument Variable Default value Type Description
-cn cn true Boolean Show edges indicating complex neighbours.
-cn cn true Boolean Show edges indicating complex neighbours.
-ds ds true Boolean Show edges indicating defined set neighbours.
-os os true Boolean Show edges indicating open set neighbours.
-cs cs true Boolean Show edges indicating candidate set neighbours.
-io io true Boolean Show edges indicating two proteins participate in the same reaction, having the first one as input and the other as output.
-oi oi true Boolean Show edges indicating two proteins participate in the same reaction, having the first one as output and the other as input.
-ci ci true Boolean Show edges indicating two proteins participate in the same reaction, having the first one as catalyst and the other as input.
-co co true Boolean Show edges indicating two proteins participate in the same reaction, having the first one as catalyst and the other as output.
-oc oc true Boolean Show edges indicating two proteins participate in the same reaction, having the first one as output and the other as catalyst.
-ri ri true Boolean Show edges indicating two proteins participate in the same reaction, having the first one as regulator and the other as input.
-ro ro true Boolean Show edges indicating two proteins participate in the same reaction, having the first one as regulator and the other as output.
-or or true Boolean Show edges indicating two proteins participate in the same reaction, having the first one as output and the other as regulator.
  • If none of the variables for edge types are specified in the command line, nor in the configuration file, then it is assumed that the output graph must contain all types of edges. If at least one of the edge type variables is specified then only the specified types will be included in the output graph.

  • The Boolean variables are flags in the command line. The value is set to true by writing the variable as argument.

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