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Releases: PaulStoffregen/cores

Teensyduino 1.49

14 Jan 08:28
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Changes since 1.48

Support for MacOS Catalina
Optimize USB serial on Teensy 4.0
Add Teensy 4.0 USB MIDI, Keyboard, Mouse, Joystick
Port WS2812Serial to Teensy 4.0 (KurtE)
Move USB serial buffers from ITCM to OCRAM on Teensy 4.0
Fix stalled USB serial transmit if multiple of 64 bytes on Teensy 4.0
Support different USB descriptors for 12 vs 480 speed on Teensy 4.0
Add FLASHMEM keyword
Arduino memory usage for Teensy 4.0 shows only RAM1 (512K) bank usage
Fix Audio lib delay effect maximum (2.4 sec) on Teensy 4.0
Fix missing ITCM padding from Teensy 4.0 memory usage
Fix empty code on Teensy 3.x if yield() overridden and no core lib functions used
Reduce DTCM memory usage by USB descriptors on Teensy 4.0
Fix USB transfer complete callbacks on Teensy 4.0
Fix Audio lib memory limit on Teensy 4.0
WS2812Serial add functions for better compatibility with Adafruit_NeoPixel
Windows teensy_serialmon (hopefully) doesn't lock up (but still too much buffering!)
AVR register emulation on Teensy 4.0 (KurtE)
Fix serial DMA def on Teensy 4.0 (KurtE)
Improve ADC & XBAR defs on Teensy 4.0 (KurtE)
Improve quadrature encoder defs on Teensy 4.0 (mjs513)
Add Teensy 4.0 USB Touchscreen, not finished... work in progress
Remove serial monitor debug messages on Arduino 1.8.9
Fix delay() and micros() on Teensy 4.0 at 24 MHz
Fix USB touchscreen
Fix serial receive at very high baud rates on Teensy 4.0
Fix MIDI+Serial on Teensy 4.0
Fix USB Keyboard sending "garbage" in long strings on Teensy 4.0
Fix analogWrite for values >= 2^res on certain Teensy 4.0 pins
Wire only clear FIFO with bus is idle on Teensy 4.0 (KurtE)
Wire use open drain pin config on Teensy 4.0
Update ST7735_t3 library
SPI optimize usingInterrupt() on Teensy 4.0 (FrankB)
SPI allow faster clock speeds on Teensy 4.0 (KurtE)
Fix daylight saving time issue with automatic RTC set on Teensy 4.0
Add Makefile for Teensy 4.0
Add main.cpp for Teensy 4.0 (KurtE)
Fix compiler warnings on Teensy 2.0
Audio fix simultaneous input & output on I2S2
Audio allow larger queue & delay effect on Teensy 4.0
FastLED updated to allow WS2812Serial driver on Teensy 4.0 (KurtE)
PulsePosition support for Teensy 4.0 (mjs513)
TimerOne & TimerThree updates & fixes for Teensy 4.0 timers
Update ADC library (pedvide)
Update RA8875 for Teensy 4.0 (mjs513)
Add QuadTimer library (mjs513)
Add FlexCAN_T4 (tonton81)
Add ILI9488_t3 (mjs513)
Port ssd1351 to Teensy 4.0 (KurtE)
Port SoftPWM to Teensy 4.0
Add ADC_ETC definitions to imxrt.h (KurtE)
Adjust Wire library pin drive strenth on Teensy 4.0
Optimize Ethernet CS on Teensy 4.0 (Remo Jongeneelen)
Include stdbool.h - needed by Temboo library
Fix micros() non-monotonic output on Teensy 4.0 with slow CPU speeds
Optimize micros() on Teensy 4.0
ST7735_t3 & WS2812Serial minor cleanup
Improve Wire library FIFO handling for Teensy 4.0
ADC library updated for Teensy 4.0 (Pedvide)
Fix priority on 3rd & 4th IntervalTimer on Teensy 4.0 (KurtE)
Audio library I2S slave mode support on Teensy 4.0
Fix unused USB interface string descriptors

Teensyduino 1.44

19 Sep 16:10
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A detailed explanation of 1.44's new features was written on the blog.

Changes since 1.43

Support for Arduino 1.8.7
Add Linux AARCH64 (64 bit ARM, Jetson TX2) support
Improve Tools > Ports menu refresh speed
Support Tools > Get Board Info
teensy_ports now sends JSON on stdout
Audio: add wavetable synthesis (thanks PSU Student Team)

Teensyduino 1.43

02 Sep 13:29
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A detailed explanation of 1.43's new features was written on the blog.

Changes since 1.42

Support for Arduino 1.8.6
Ethernet updated to 2.0.0
Fix default Ethernet CS pins on Teensy 2.0 & Teensy++ 2.0
Fix USB Keyboard '#' for UK & Irish layouts
Generic UDP class support beginMulticast
Fix USB MIDI hogging transmit buffers
Fix FreqCount for use at high frequencies
Installer automated install, use --dir=
Fix for Arduino 1.8.6 startup (Arduino issue #7917)
Fix SerialPlotter for Ports(Teensy)
USBHost_t36 fix for Gigabyte keyboard (thanks KurtE)
OctoWS2811 update movie2serial.pde
Remove BYTE define, previously for pre-1.0 Arduino compatibility
Update WS2812Serial documentation
Improve installer help dialog on Windows (advise "app" incompatible)
Workaround a USB buffering issue
Add Arduino's fix for slow 1.8.6 menus on Mac

Changes since 1.41

A detailed explanation of 1.42's new features was written on the blog.

Add teensy_ports program and Tools > Ports "Teensy" section
Add teensy_serialmon - used for Serial Monitor when a "Teensy" Port selected
Fix USB Touchscreen
Add USB Touchscreen examples
Fix FlightSimFloat on Teensy 3.5
Fix USB bcdUSB number
Update OneWire, PS2Keyboard, SerialFlash, Time, PS2Keyboard
Unified logging in Teensy Loader's Verbose Info window
Fix teensy_ports crash when/if Teensy Loader closes
major USB device detection code cleanup....
teensy_reboot now uses device location info from Ports menu
teensy_ports quits automatically when Arduino no longer running
Optimize memory usage in Teensy Loader PNG image handling
Fix Teensy Loader Verbose Info menu Log > Clear
Improve elapsed time in teensy_ports, use native monotonic time
Drop support for Arduino 1.8.2 and 1.8.3 and 1.8.4
Fix incorrect serial monitor title bar on Windows
Workaround for 1 second lag when Teensy Loader not running
Fix non-serial reconnect on Windows XP (workaround missing DBT_DEVNODES_CHANGED)
fix teensy_ports and teensy_serialmon on Mac High Sierra
fix serial monitor title bar & online/offline status parsing from teensy_serialmon
fix teensy_serialmon verbose info in serial monitor, now prints to Arduino console
Fix Teensy Loader Help > About stalling verbose info log from other programs
Fix Teensy Loader File error dialog stalling verbose info log from other programs
fix blank lines appears in verbose info log on Windows
teensy_port better handling for large number of devinst on Windows (eg, MIDIx16)
Better messages when retrying serial open on Windows (eg, with USB "Everything")
show teensy_reboot output on Windows as it occurs, fixed wait until teensy_reboot exits
fixed sending reboot request to some com ports
fix teensy_ports incorrect append to devinst list on Windows
fix logging of windows device change events
prevent teensy_serialmon from interfering with HID bootloader access in Teensy Loader
remove #include from wiring.h, allowing faster compile for most C++ code
precompile Arduino.h, allows some speedup of rebuild all
update core library, Wire, Audio, Bounce to use precompile Arduino.h
Reduce startup delay from 400 ms to 300 ms
fix teensy_serialmon asser of DTR on Windows, fixes (bool)Serial
(bool)Serial to use DTR only, fixes Serail remaining true after serial monitor close
fix truncated usbmodem names in Ports menu on Macintosh
Verbose info log now uses high res time on Windows 8 & 10
Verbose info log users 1ms res time on Windows XP & 7 (was 16 ms & 10 ms)
Fix Verbose info random order for same timestamp events - now always chronological
Add numbering of non-loader verbose logging instances
Trim excessive verbose logging of status communication
Updates to audio library documentation
Add Teensy Loader about dialog icon (was generic info icon)
Teensy 3.5 now supports use of 256K RAM
EthernetClient fix for forced connection close
Small speedup to analogWrite for DAC pins
Fix DMAChannel transferSize() on Teensy LC
Fix FTM_CONF register bitfield defs
Update ADC library (Pedro Villanueva)
Audio: Add freeverb mono & stereo
Audio: Granular pitch shift & freeze effects (Bleep Labs)
Audio: envelope status functions
Audio: Fixes to waveform object
Audio: Add variable triangle waveform
Audio: Add modulated waveform, support for freq & phase modulation
Audio: Add simple amp/switch object
Audio: Add PDM input
PS2Keyboard: add UK & Spanish layouts
TimeAlarms: minor fixes
USBHost_t36: Joystick fixes (KurtE)
Macintosh build now uses 64 bits
Fix Teensy 3.5 stack address (thanks Frank)
Better detection of Teensy model in Ports menu
Audio: fix WM8731 input select
Improve multiple instance check in teensy_ports
Add -L option to teensy_ports (intended for PlatformIO)
Treat "narrowing conversion" as compiler warnings, not errors
Fix product ID for Flightsim+Joystick USB type
Audio: allow WAV files with extra/junk sections before "fmt" info
Ethernet: document Ethernet.init(cspin) in all examples
OctoWS2811: Fix timing problem on Teensy 3.5
USBHost_t36: Fix clobbering of pipe config on endpoint size change
USBHost_t36: Improve enumeration of Multi-TT hubs
Handle attempt to reopen serial port, clicking button while Arduino compiles
Windows: teensy_serialmon detect orphaned from Arduino IDE condition
Avoid unnecessary delays when upload can't find any board
Print more informative messages about selecting board in Tools > Ports
Added ARM 64 bit experimental installer (forum only, beta)

Teensyduino 1.41

19 Jan 14:10
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Changes since 1.40:

Add IntervalTimer update()
Ethernet fix socket receive state caching bug
Ethernet improve handling of unexpected remote server disconnect
SD fix timeouts
SPI pin changes kept in sync with AVR SPI emulation
SPI avoid interfere with pin 45
Wire force recovery from stuck slave devices
Wire improve detection of arbitration loss to other bus masters
Add AudioConnection disconnect() (thanks b0rg3rt)
Update platform.txt for compatibility with Arduino 1.9 beta
Fix serial stall if higher than maximum baud rate configured
Improve delayMicroseconds on Teensy 2.0 (Graham)
Fix SERIAL_8N2 mode on Teensy LC
Update sample Makefile
Add abort() function, needed for Pozyx library
Update keywords for Serial formats & USB Keyboard special keys
Improve AVR SPI register emulation, speed bits
Fix tone() issue when 0 Hz requested, minimum is 1 Hz
Fix Teensy LC DMAChannel bug (thanks kbob)
Audio add ADAT output (thanks Ernstjan Freriks)
Audio fix RMS analysis when no data
Audio ToneSweep improvements (thanks Pio)
Audio design tool custom name bug fixed (thanks neurofun)
Audio modulated sine amplitude when no mod signal fix (thanks neurofun)
Audio library documentation updated, several minor errors fixed
FastLED updated to support WS2812Serial
Time library minor updates & fixes
i2c_t3 library updated
OctoWS2811 fix on Teensy 3.5
OctoWS2811 remove unnecessary delay
OctoWS2811 improve setPixel speed (thanks sgorsh)
USBHost_t36 support for CDC-ACM, PL2303 & CH341 serial (thanks KurtE)
USBHost_t36 support for RawHID (thanks KurtE)
USBHost_t36 support for Xbox One controller (thanks KurtE)
USBHost_t36 improve keyboard & joystick support (thanks KurtE)
USBHost_t36 fix USB MIDI fast data input
USBHost_t36 Ant+ wireless adaptor support (adapted from Michael McElligott)
USBHost_t36 access to device ID and name (thanks KurtE)
XPT2046_Touchscreen detect touch by interrupts (thanks Donziboy2 & Defragster)
Accept String in Stream find() and findUntil()
Update LedDisplay library
USBHost_t36 Fix device status functions usage in polling loops
USBHost_t36 Clean up bandwidth usage info when deleting a pipe
USB MIDI support for virtual cables (select from Tools > USB Type menu)
USB MIDI updated with most functions of Arduino MIDI lib 4.3.1
USB MIDI getType() now returns same as MIDI 4.3.1 -- NOT BACKWARDS COMPATIBLE
Support for compatibility with Arduino's MIDIUSB.h
Added more examples in File > Examples > Teensy > USB_MIDI
USBHost_t36 MIDI support for virtual cables
USBHost_t36 MIDI updated with most functions of Arduino MIDI lib 4.3.1
USBHost_t36 MIDI returns same as MIDI 4.3.1 -- NOT BACKWARDS COMPATIBLE
USBHost_t36 MIDI fix for devices using interrupt endpoints
USBHost_t36 MIDI workaround for devices sending improperly coded sysex message
XPT2046_Touchscreen add setRotation()
FreqMeasureMulti fixed on Teensy LC (thanks Manitou)
USB MIDI & USBHost_t36 MIDI pitch bend using signed integer -- NOT BACKWARDS COMPATIBLE
USB MIDI & USBHost_t36 Fix receiving some MIDI sysex messages
USB MIDI add Interface_3x3 example
USBHost_t36 fix MIDI getType for note off messages
USBHost_t36 add MIDI Interface_16x16 example
Adafruit_SSD1306 uses 400 kHz in I2C mode
USBHost_t36 Joystick improvements, More Axis, Rumble, LEDs (KurtE)
Libs updated: FastLED, Adafruit_NeoPixel, Adafruit_GFX
Libs removed: NewPing
Add USB MIDI Many_Knobs_Buttons example (oddson)

Teensyduino 1.35

18 Jan 18:34
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Support for Arduino 1.8.1
Improve buildin SD card startup on Teensy 3.5 & 3.6 after uploading
Fix SD card clock speed on Teensy 3.5 & 3.6
Fixes to Serial5 and Serial6 on Teensy 3.5 & 3.6
Fix string length check on readString() and readStringUntil()
Libraries update: Audio, FlexCAN, OctoWS2811
Fix compiler warnings in USB Disk with Teensy 2.0

Support for Arduino 1.8.0
Add Tools > Optimize menu, add "Faster" (-O2)
Fix driver install/update on Windows 7 & 8
Prevent "might not have installed correctly" message on Windows
Fix Teensy Loader "Illegal Instruction" on Windows 10 restart
Anti-alias font fix for Arduino 1.8.0 on Windows
Fixes for compiler warnings
Libraries updated: Adafruit_RA8875, Adafruit_ST7735, Adafruit_STMPE610, Artnet, Bounce2, FastCRC, FlexCAN, NewPing, OSC, ShiftPWM, UTFT

Fix first-use communication error between Arduino & Teensy Loader
Teensy Loader Verbose Info now logs time with milliseconds
More logging in (tempdir)/teensy_reboot_log.txt
Teensy Loader GUI toolkit updated (now using wxWidgets 3.1.0)
Mac version now requires OSX 10.7 (Lion) or later
Libraries updated: Audio, Tlc5940, SPIFlash
Add support for Arduino 1.6.13
Serial monitor shows status in title bar, Arduino 1.6.13 only

Ethernet library now supports W5500 chip
Fix SD library with old SD cards on Teensy 3.5 & 3.6
Fix IntervalTimer start/stop bug
Fix Audio library SPI hogging with Teensy 3.5/3.6 build in SD card (Frank B)
Libraries updated: Snooze, Time, TimerThree, Audio, UTFT
Libraries added: EasyTransfer, ResponsiveAnalogRead

Improved sync between Arduino IDE and Teensy Loader
Arduino IDE Tools > Ports menu labels ports as "Teensy"
Fix Arduino Verify starting upload when Teensy already in bootloader mode
Teensy Loader wrong chip dialog is now nonblocking.
pinMode supports INPUT_DISABLE on 32 bit Teensy boards
attachInterrupt supports uninitialized pins
Serial RTS watermarks scale with buffer size (Frank B)
Optimized Adafruit_ST7735 improved & renamed to ST7735_t3
Ethernet library optimizations & Ethernet.init(CS_PIN)
Improve audio library usage with smaller block sizes

Teensyduino 1.31

08 Nov 22:07
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Add support for Arduino 1.6.12
Arduino SD library support 4 bit SDIO on Teensy 3.5 & 3.6 (special thanks WMXZ)
Fix EEPROM on Teensy 3.6 with CPU speed > 120 MHz (special thanks Defragster)
Update FlexCAN library for CAN1 on Teensy 3.6 (Pawelsky)
Update OctoWS2811 to support Teensy 3.5 & 3.6
Fix USB serial number on Teensy 3.6 with CPU speed > 120 MHz
Fix audio I2S output on Teensy 3.6 with CPU speed > 120 MHz when also using I2S input
Support Teensy 3.5 & 3.6 on older versons of Arduino
Fix SPI1 default SCK1 pin (KurtE)
Optimize attachInterrupt (tni)
Improve USB stability on Teensy 3.6 with CPU 180 or 216 MHz
Add USB MIDI custom name example
Fix Adafruit_ST7735 on Teensy 3.5 & 3.6 (MichaelMeissner)
Many library metadata files updated for PlatformIO
Fix Ethernet library socket receive bug (thanks ElOtroMateo)
Fix compiler warnings, eg: kinetis_hsrun_enable unused
Serial buffer sizes override from command line (Frank B)
Stream find functions use const for pointers
Add AudioOutputAnalogStereo and AudioInputAnalogStereo
Add Audio reverb effect (Joao Rossi Filho)
Add Audio waterfall spectrum example (Nathaniel Quillin)
Fix USB Audio on Windows when used with USB Serial
Fix auto-reboot for newer USB types
Fix serial monitor for newer non-serial USB types
Many ILI9341_t3 improvements (Frank B, Kurt E, Softegg)
SerialFlash allows other SPI ports (Martino Facchin)
Teensy Loader shows correct images for Teensy 3.5 & 3.6
Improved handling of float INF & NAN (Frank B)
Bundle libpng12 & libusb10 libraries, missing from some Linux distros.

Teensyduino 1.30

07 Sep 01:16
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Add support for Arduino 1.6.10 and 1.6.11
Add support for Teensy 3.5 and 3.6 (still beta)
Improve USB audio - optional Mac workaround
Libraries updated: Audio, OctoWS2811, ADC, i2c_t3, IRremote, SPI, FastLED
Optimize analogRead

Teensyduino 1.29

10 Jul 19:54
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Add support for Arduino 1.6.9
Add support for running on Raspberry Pi (Linux ARM)
Drop support for Arduino 1.6.3 and 1.6.6
USB Keyboard improved media keys, now Windows compatible
Add USB Touchscreen (up to 10 fingers)
Add USB Audio
USB Mouse adds horizontal scroll
More combinations in Tools > USB Type
Serial1.setTX() adds open drain option
Libraries updated: Audio, FastCRC, FreqMeasureMulti, PS2Keyboard, SerialFlash, FreqCount, LedDisplay, SerialFlash, Talkie, TFT_ILI9163C, FastLED, ADC, TimeAlarms, TimerOne, TimerThree
SPI setMOSI, setMISO, setCLK work after SPI.begin
Serial1 setTX, setRX support pins 24 & 25 on Teensy LC
Port Serial1.clear to Teensy3 (thanks KurtE)
Port digitalWriteFast & digitalReadFast to Teensy2 (thanks KurtE)
Port Arduino's AVR Serial1 optimization to Teensy2 (thanks KurtE)
Add missing hardware register defs (thanks Duff)
Fix undocumented flightsim callback (thanks jbliesener)
Fix Servo library compile issue on Arduino 1.6.9
Fix WCharacter and ctype functions
Allow SPI setMOSI, setMISO, setCLK after SPI.begin()
Document flash security lock in mk20dx128.c
Support more F_BUS overclock speeds
Fix pulseIn on Teensy LC (thanks KurtE)


05 Jan 09:37
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Teensy-LC doesn't support CTS, so disable its code