WARNING: This is not compliant with the W3 WebCrypto specification.
Operation | Parameters | Result |
generateKey | RsaKeyGenParams | CryptoKeyPair |
importKey | Algorithm | CryptoKey |
exportKey | None | JsonWebKey or BufferSource |
encrypt | Algorithm | ArrayBuffer |
decrypt | Algorithm | ArrayBuffer |
wrapKey | Algorithm | ArrayBuffer |
unwrapKey | Algorithm | CryptoKey |
const keys = await crypto.subtle.generateKey(
name: "RSAES-PKCS1-v1_5",
publicExponent: new Uint8Array([1, 0, 1]), // 0x03 or 0x010001
modulusLength: 2048, // 1024, 2048, or 4096
["encrypt", "decrypt", "wrapKey", "unwrapKey"],
const publicKey = await crypto.subtle.importKey(
alg: "RS256",
ext: true,
key_ops: ["verify"],
kty: "RSA",
e: "AQAB",
n: "vqpvdxuyZ6rKYnWTj_ZzDBFZAAAlpe5hpoiYHqa2j5kK7v8U5EaPY2bLib9m4B40j-n3FV9xUCGiplWdqMJJKT-4PjGO5E3S4N9kjFhu57noYT7z7302J0sJXeoFbXxlgE-4G55Oxlm52ID2_RJesP5nzcGTriQwoRbrJP5OEt0",
name: "RSAES-PKCS1-v1_5",
const jwk = await crypto.subtle.exportKey(
const encData = await crypto.subtle.encrypt(
publicKey, // RSA public key
data, // BufferSource
const data = await crypto.subtle.decrypt(
privateKey, // RSA private key
encData, // BufferSource
const wrappedKey = await crypto.subtle.wrapKey(
"raw", // raw, pkcs8, spki, or jwk
aesKey, // Crypto key
publicKey, // RSA public key
const unwrappedKey = await crypto.subtle.unwrapKey(
"raw", // raw, pkcs8, spki, or jwk
wrappedKey, // BufferSource
privateKey, // RSA private key
name: "AES-CBC",
label: 128,
false, // extractable
["encrypt", "decrypt"],