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PhysiCell DAPT Example

This repository shows several examples of how to use the Distributive Automated Parameter Testing (DAPT) package with PhysiCell version 1.7.0. DAPT makes parameter testing easy by making it easy to use APIs (e.g. Google Sheets and Box) to build a pipeline. By connecting to "Databases", these tests can be run by many people simultaneously. This repository contains examples of a simple example ( and example with a configuration file (

The PhysiCell biorobots sample project is used in this tutorial. You can interact with this model using the biorobots NanoHub tool. This sample project has three types of agents: cargo cells (blue), worker cells (red), and director cells (green). The worker cells will move to cargo cells, attach to them, move the cargo cells to the director cells, drop off them off, and then look for another cargo cell.

Two important parameters for this model are attached_worker_migration_bias, the motility bias when worker cells are attached to cargo cells, and unattached_worker_migration_bias, the motility bias when worker cells aren't attached to cargo cells. When the bias is 1, the worker cells strictly follow the chemotaxis signal, and when it's 0, the worker cell's motility direction is random. Values between 0 and 1 allow cell motion to span between completely random and completely deterministic motion.

For these examples, three tests will be run. The first, default, uses the default parameters. The second test, attached, sets unattached migration bias to 1 and attached bias to 0.1. The third test, unattached, sets unattached migration bias to 0.1 and attached bias to 1. A third parameter, max_time is included which allows the simulation time to easily be changed. The examples below show how DAPT can be used to test these parameters.

Setup instructions

Before setting up these examples, make sure that you can run PhysiCell by consulting the Quickstart Guide. If you have problems installing PhysiCell, please checkout the PhysiCell forums. Once you have confirmed that you can compile and run PhysiCell, open Terminal or CMD and type the following:

git clone
cd DAPT-example
pip install dapt

Repository contents

├── backup                          # Stores backup of config and parameters to reset examples
├──                        # Simplest example using DAPT with PhysiCell
├── outputs                         # Directory where output from the pipeline is saved
├──                # Example used in the paper demonstrating use of a config file with DAPT
└── parameters.csv                  # Parameters used for by each example, not used directly

How to run an example

Each of the examples can be ran in the same way. The Python script you run will change depending on which example you are running. To run an example, type the following commands into the terminal from inside the root directory.

  1. make reset (resets the DAPT example to how they originally came)
  2. make (builds PhysiCell)
  3. python [example name] (e.g. python

The data generated by PhysiCell will be placed in the output folder.

To reset completely after running an example, run the following commands in the terminal from inside the root directory. This is not required between runs but is noted for completion.

  • make data-cleanup (removes data generated from simulation)
  • make clean (removes object and executable files)
  • make reset (resets the DAPT example to how they originally came)

Basic Example

The simplest way to use DAPT is with a delimiter-separated file, such as a CSV. CSVs are common files used to store two-dimensional data, typically with a header. This makes them natural to use as a "database", where rows are tests and columns are the attributes. This example is by executing 'python'.

PhysiCell Settings

PhysiCell allows domain, microenvironment, and user parameters to be defined in an XML file named PhysiCell_settings.xml. This allows different settings to be run without recompiling PhysiCell. The user_parameters tag contains the attached_worker_migration_bias and unattached_worker_migration_bias variables we are interested in. The attached migration bias can be represented from the root of the XML tree as ./user_parameters/attached_worker_migration_bias. If that representation of PhysiCell variables is used, then new values in the XML can be set by adding its path as an attribute to the database. The create_XML() method in takes a dictionary of attributes with the path from root as keys. It updates the XML settings using the value associated with each key. The create_XML() method was copied from Using this approach, it is easy to add or remove variables from the settings.

The parameters used for this (and the other examples) are shown in the table below. The table has three tests (one per row) named default, attached, and unattached, using the id attribute. The status attribute can be updated to reflect what task is currently in progress and needs to be empty initially for the test to be ran. The start-time and end-time attributes are set when the test begins and ends, respectively. The comment attribute can be set before, during, or after a test is ran to provide additional information. The attributes to the right of comment are used for the PhysiCell biorobots sample project settings.

id status start-time end-time comment ./overall/ max_time ./user_parameters/ attached_worker_migration_bias ./user_parameters/ unattached_worker_migration_bias
default 2880 1.0 0.5
attached 2880 0.1 1.0
unattached 2880 1.0 0.1

This table is saved in parameters.csv and used by the example code. This file is modified by the script and needs to be reset after running the code. Run the script (python and observe the results. The outputs folder now contains three final output SVGs from the script. To reset the parameters, run make reset.

Script overview

Before explaining how the script works, you should look at it yourself to get an overview. The script is broken into two blocks: create_XML() and the testing pipeline.

The first part of the script is importing all of the modules that will be needed.

import os, platform
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import dapt

After defining the create_XML() method, the main pipeline starts. The database and parameter object then get created. These classes allow us to interact with the parameter space. The first parameters can be retrieved from the database using the dapt.Param.next_parameters() method.

db = dapt.Delimited_file(db_path, delimiter=',')
params = dapt.Param(db, config=None)

p = params.next_parameters()

The while loop contains the main pipeline code. It will continue to execute until there are no more parameters to run (dapt.Param.next_parameters() is None). There are two steps in the pipeline: change the parameters in the PhysiCell settings file and run the simulationFor each of these steps, the status of the database is updated to reflect which step is currently in progress. This makes it easy to monitor what step the pipeline is on. After the test is complete, the parameters must be marked as successful or failed.

while p is not None:

    print("Request parameters: %s" % p)

    params.update_status(p["id"], 'updating PhysiCell settings')

    # Update the default settings with the given parameters
    create_XML(p, default_settings="PhysiCell_settings_default.xml", save_settings="PhysiCell_settings.xml")

    params.update_status(p["id"], 'running simulation')

    # Run PhysiCell (execution method depends on OS)
    if platform.system() == 'Windows':

    # Update sheets to mark the test is finished

    #Get the next parameter
    p = params.next_parameters()

Using this approach, additional steps can easily be added. For example, if you wanted to convert the final image to a PNG you could add the following lines after the image is saved and before ap.successful() is called. This requires ImageMagick to be installed.

# Convert output SVG to PNG
ap.update_status(p['id'], 'img-proc')
os.system("mogrify -format png -path . outputs/%s_final.svg" % p['id'])

Paper Example

This is the example used in the DAPT paper. It differs from the basic example in that it uses alternative methods to achieve similar goals and demonstrates the Config class. Specifically, the create_XML() method is replaced by DAPT's method, comments have been removed, and print statements have also been removed.

The Config class uses a JSON file to instructions on how DAPT should run. In this example, the config is stored in a file named config.json. Most classes accept a Config object and allow variables to be defined in the configuration, instead of in code. The code block below shows how a Config class gets defined and used.

config = dapt.Config(path='config.json')
db = dapt.db.Delimited_file('parameters.csv', delimiter=',')
params = dapt.Param(db, config=config)

The config file in this example has two options: {"last-test": null, "num-of-runs": -1}. The last-test setting is used to restart the last test you worked on if you quit DAPT. The num-of-runs option defines the number of tests you would like to run. For this example, all tests are being run (-1).

Google Sheets Example

It is very easy to add an online database to DAPT. For example, Google Sheets can easily be added to allow an entire team to explored the parameter space corroboratively.

First, you need to get your Google credentials and create a service account. Follow the instruction from the DAPT documentation. After this step, you should have a credentials JSON file and the email of the service account.

Next, make a new Google Sheet's document. Share the Google Sheet with the service account email, and make sure the account has editing access. Then copy down the spreadsheet ID from the URL. For example, if is your URL, the spreadsheet ID would be 1OxUuXxuNtf8RV-GIPeXUx-4ER4eJfstk5hQzfqC-k.

Now open the file. Place the spreadsheet ID and path to the credentials in the spreadsheet_id and credentials_path variables, respectively.

This script functions the same as the script, but some pieces have been moved around. First, the Delimited_file class has been switched out for the Sheets class. Next, the section of code that gets and tests parameters (8-21), was moved to a method named main(). Lastly, a method named reset_spreadsheet() was added to reset the Google Sheet after each run.

Run the script by typing python in the terminal. You can examine the distributive aspect of DAPT by having multiple people or devices running this code at the same time.

General notes

  • These examples will overwrite the data produced when the next test is started. To save the outputs to an individual folded inside the output folder, add p['./save/folder'] = 'output/%s' % p['id'] before calling the create_XML() method.
  • The script is the same as the script but will save the test outputs to a separate folder (using the method above).